BUG Control

Standard* frischdad


Oct. 17, 2013

I got Second place with this at my FNM this past week. I love this deck. I made some recent changes.

I added Reaper of the Wilds and added Mistcutter Hydra to the sideboard against blue. Probably will add a second here soon.

Also I believe Underworld Connections is much better in this deck than Read the Bones More cards drawn more consistency. I've thought about cutting down on scry lands and replacing with couple more basics. Tapped mana can be an issue at times in early game.

Banthony245 says... #1

How do you intend to win the game with this deck? I see one creature that can deal damage.

October 1, 2013 3:03 p.m.

Damn son! This deck has a lot of stopping power! O_O

October 1, 2013 3:03 p.m.

diatryma says... #3

I have one suggestion, a fun... game ending suggestion. Put in Aqueous Form , just one or 2, and then use it on one of those assasin tokens if you can get them out with vraska.

October 1, 2013 3:06 p.m.

Banthony245 says... #4

Also, if your average CMC is below 3.00, you definitely would want closer to 24 lands, 26 is a bit much.

October 1, 2013 3:06 p.m.

frischdad says... #7

@diatryma I think I might try 25 lands. Aqueous Form Looks pretty good, however I am hoping I can control the board. I do like the idea, not sure what I would cut for it.

@Banthony245 Killing people with creature is not the only way to win a game. I plan on winning the game with my planes walkers. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver , Vraska the Unseen and Jace, Memory Adept are capable of winning the game on their own. A resolved AEtherling will win the game as well. It has the tools to find what it needs to find.

If you like the deck pleas give me a +1 thanks :)

October 1, 2013 5:05 p.m.

frischdad says... #8

@Banthony245 Also in a control deck it is crucial you don't miss a land drop your first 5-6 turns. That is why I am playing 26 lands. Pretty standard number for control. 25 seems like a bit of a risk but I might try it out and ad something else.

October 1, 2013 5:07 p.m.

plastic says... #9

Since I see Vraska the Unseen is the the only win condition you have (?) would you consider running more than just two? But I love the deck! Looks Awesome!

October 1, 2013 5:12 p.m.

Engris says... #10

Looks pretty solid, but I would consider getting some instant speed draw in there such as Inspiration , Opportunity , or even a few Quicken s. I know they aren't the best, but with control its preferred to draw during their turn so you can leave mana open for counters, etc. Other than that, I'm liking the balance of planeswalkers.You do need a sideboard though. It looks like you'd have problems particularly with other control decks. I'd have some Illness in the Ranks in the side for Elspeths, Negate s to swap in for Essence Scatter possibly Dispel , and you might even want a second AEtherling .

@plastic If you've ever seen a control deck, Aetherling is the most popular win con. He has that. Memory Adept is another win condition by milling them out. Ashiok is yet another, its not easy to deal with being overrun by creatures from your own deck. I would say he has enough.

October 1, 2013 5:28 p.m.

frischdad says... #11

@plastic Vraska the Unseen is one win condition. I believe all 3 of my planeswalkers can win the games themselves. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is stealing their creatures essentially. Jace, Memory Adept a one of but can also win the game if left untouched. A resolved AEtherling is usually good game too.

I would like some sideboard input. I am thinking of using Scavenging Ooze and possibly Deathrite Shaman to help sure up the early game against aggro and Scavenging Ooze works great in mid game against midrange decks. Lifebane Zombie Seems good too.

October 1, 2013 5:30 p.m.

frischdad says... #12

@Engris The more testing I do, the more I think Opportunity is better than like 1 Jace the Architect and I think losing one Ratchet Bomb .

I will probably bring in at least 1 more Thoughtsieze for the control mirror

Swan Song seems kind of good to me in that matchup as well. Negate as well.

I do like a second AEtherling Probably will want Pithing Needle as well. I need to do more testing to figure out what it needs still against certain match-ups. I thought that Quicken with Read the Bones might be very powerful as well.

October 1, 2013 5:37 p.m.

Eskimole says... #13

Looks pretty solid.

Not sure why Prophet of Kruphix is in the sideboard. You're probably better off just running more counterspells in the mirror, such as Dispel .

+1 though :)

October 2, 2013 4:13 a.m.

frischdad says... #14

@Eskimole I just wanted to see how good it might be against control and midrange. The fact that if it resolves I can time walk and be able to protect and use counterspells and whatever else. More of a testing element than anything, but I think that card is seriously underrated.

October 2, 2013 3:36 p.m.

Ince_Velus says... #15

I would run 3 caryatids, 2 aetherlings and 2 Reaper of the Wilds s as it is a very nice 4 drop that as you kill things lets you almost draw into what you need.

ALSO! something I have been fiddling around with is splashing white for 2 Obzedats, but the idea of splashing for one card seems pointless

October 3, 2013 12:49 p.m.

frischdad says... #16

@ Inces_Velus As I always say if your going to put something in you have to cut something. I have plenty of win conditions and ways to kill things. I don't think adding creatures to this deck will help much.

October 4, 2013 4:09 p.m.

ienzo13 says... #17

the problem with control decks that dont inculde W is obviously just that they need to have so much targeted removal in the main instead of just 5 for 1ing your opponent w verdict.

Gaze of Granite won't do the job, especially because it destroys your own planeswalkers - that's a cut for me.

including vraska in the superfriends is a neat idea but it just doesnt feel competitive at all, i'm sorry.

October 4, 2013 8:22 p.m.

frischdad says... #18

@ ienzo13 it's cool it doesn't "feel competitive" but that's why we test. A 0/3 blocker is quite good right now. Planes walker that steals their creature is quite good another that reduces damage by 1 on each of their creatures is quite good. Killing you planes walkers isn't bad. You have plenty to draw. And you have plenty of draw power. Just because the deck doesn't have white doesn't mean it's not competitive, even if it doesn't "feel" that way to you. Please try testing it before you jump to your feelings.

October 5, 2013 9:06 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #19

Desecration Demon ...I have a bug control deck and he Flat out wins games. He either swings in for 6 or he controls the board. 4x is a need my friend, thank me later.

October 5, 2013 9:34 a.m.

jdiedrick8 says... #20

I like this. +1. Check out my bug control deck and lmk what you think.

October 7, 2013 4:30 p.m.