Oldschool930 says... #2
To go with the hexproof thing, consider Glaring Spotlight in the side. It will ruin someone's day. Also Mistcutter Hydra and Lifebane Zombie could be good sideboard cards for you. Nice deck. +1
June 20, 2014 4:35 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #3
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I will consider them and see if I can't make it work.
June 20, 2014 10:55 p.m.
selesvyaloverer8 says... #4
to elaborate on JayBowen's point, Thoughtseize is a good sideboard card because from a short look at a player's opening hand it can be hard to tell how those cards fit into their game plan. This makes it hard to pick the right card and can waste a turn a card and 2 life. However, this card is great in the sideboard and should be in game 2 and 3 for every match-up.
June 22, 2014 11:50 a.m.
DestroyDerek says... #5
I would put Mistcutter Hydra in the side for sure for other control decks. I also like Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver in the sideboard for some match ups because how satisfying would it be to throw one down on turn three plus her and get a world eater or Stormbreath Dragon on turn 4 from the ability? Hey where is Gaze of Granite control decks need board wipes right?
June 23, 2014 2:54 p.m.
TySherwood says... #6
Drown in Sorrow could be a good sideboard against aggro, and I think it would be beneficial to replace Dissolve with something like Negate , as UU is a bit tricky to cast on a 3-color mana base, and you have so many answers to creatures that I doubt you'd want to be cancelling creature spells anyway. Also, Far / Away is absolute gold, I'd recommend replacing at least 1 Cyclonic Rift with it unless your game plan really depends on that turn 7 boardwipe.
June 23, 2014 2:55 p.m.
DestroyDerek says... #7
I second the Drown in Sorrow but replacing Dissolve with Negate seems way to big of a gamble because what happens when you go against just solid aggro that doesn't run anything but creatures or you really wish you could counter that gary but have two Negate chilling in your hand? Far / Away I agree is gold but they also don't get rid of a ready to go off Elspeth or any other planeswalker. I like 2 rifts in the main and i also would keep the Far / Away where they are, I like three main 1 side.
June 23, 2014 3:15 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #8
Thank you for the helpful suggestions guys! I hope the deck will work as well as I'm anticipating!
June 23, 2014 10:51 p.m.
Grimgrinner says... #11
Heh so this deck is getting a ridiculous amount of tools in m15. Not least among them being new jace, Liliana Vess , and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (!!!!!) I also really love Turn to Frog as a combat trick.
June 27, 2014 9:04 p.m.
Grimgrinner says... #13
In a vacuum? yes the new jace is really terrible. But It's a matter of what decks you put him in. His +1 has very good interaction with scry and Courser of Kruphix , his -3 is perhaps overcosted, but Unsummon has always been great for tempo, and bouncing big threats repeatedly lets you use your actual removal with more discrimination. Forget the ult exists, because you'll almost never be able to use it.
So basically: 2UU - draw a card every turn or free sorcery speed unsummon. I think it's pretty useful IN A CONTROL SHELL. I wish people would stop thinking of planeswalkers as super game-ender bombs and see them for what they were intended: useful tools in your toolbox.
June 28, 2014 2:48 a.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #14
You have a valid point Grimgrinner. Thanks for your comment! I am in fact very interested in post rotation goodies! I imagine the newest Jace would work just fine in the right deck!
June 28, 2014 3:08 a.m.
coolmagicguy14 says... #16
Also a big B/U/G player, kudos on the awesome list!
July 6, 2014 4:15 p.m.
I recommend that you mainboard at least 2 Thoughtseize , cos eating their planeswalker turn one would be nice. Also, consider adding another Gaze of Granite , cos one board wipe might not be enough. Still a good deck though, and I can sympathize with you about the sphinxes rev, a stall deck knocked me out of a PTQ.
July 6, 2014 7:02 p.m.
sharper333 says... #19
Opportunity as a four of seems kind of steep. Every time I draw one it just sits in my hand and I rarely ever get to 6 mana. I'd consider one of the cheaper draw cards Sign in Blood in M15 or Read the Bones in theros
July 7, 2014 4:01 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #20
Really? Well the playtester on this website is not very well randomized. I've never had an issue getting to 6 lands at the table. In fact if anything, I've gotten flooded more often then the latter. It's not any different to me than sphinxes rev being a four of.
Sorcery draw is bleh IMO. I'd rather drop a courser on turn three than scry, draw, and lose life then pass the turn. If anything I'd rather add Font of Fortunes or make it like a Dictate of Kruphix deck.
July 8, 2014 12:15 p.m.
sharper333 says... #21
Dictate of Kruphix is losing quite a few spells once RTR roles out. Which makes me incredible sad because I was hoping to use it and even built a deck around it.
VileVulture says... #1
Since Naya hexproof is running around i might suggest Devour Flesh in your sideboard also you could put AEtherling and Ultimate Price in your sideboard and move Thoughtseize in your mainboard. if you do not want it in your mainboard you can keep it out but it would be a card i would sideboard in a lot
June 20, 2014 1:55 p.m.