GearOverlord says... #2
that's why there are 2 in the sideboard. If the deck runs right I should be taking all of their creatures or most so they wont have enough blockers in the first place. and The ring Equiped to my Manipulator adds counters every turn and a cheaper option to hexproof
March 4, 2013 7:04 p.m.
MonoBlackFury says... #3
You may want to consider Bioshift . im in the process of building a standard BUG counter deck and its been ridiculously powerful. if manipulator becomes the target of removal, u can bioshift the counters away so they arent wasted. it also let you trick your opponent into blocking the big guy and letting the small one through. just bioshift onto the small one for lethal.
April 12, 2013 10:41 p.m.
GearOverlord says... #4
I considered Bioshift and it still is apart of a maybe list.
April 13, 2013 2:06 a.m.
GearOverlord says... #5
Well I went 1-2-by for gameday today. Lost twice in a row to Jund aggro.
BurlMaster says... #1
The Only thing i can think of changing, is instead of having only 1x Glaring Spotlight, maybe add 1 or 2 more, you can save it for the game winning strike easier if you got three. maybe it can replace the Ring of Evos Isle, it's up to you. This deck looks like it will hurt some people though! +1
March 4, 2013 2:52 p.m.