BUG Superfriends Top 8! JOU Cards?

Standard* aaronmaxey


KuRiMoNsTeR says... #1

Fun looking deck! Lazav, Dimir Mastermind would be a good addition to your sideboard, just in case you play against somebody with fat creatures waiting to be dumped in their graveyard.

August 1, 2013 11:38 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #2

Thanks for the suggestion KuRiMoNsTeR he has been added to the sideboard!

August 1, 2013 11:40 a.m.

KuRiMoNsTeR says... #3

You bet! Also, it looks like you have quite a bit of spot removal, but just in case they have hexproofers it could be nice to have Essence Harvest or maybe even some Blustersquall s to be sure to push the damage through once you have some monsters built up. Now that I think about it, Glaring Spotlight might be a perfect fit for the pone's hexproof and pushing your lethal through. Since you don't have anything else to do on turn 1, I might even suggest mainboarding it. Maybe drop one Jace, one doom blade, and one pilfered plans? Have you considered Clone ?

August 1, 2013 12:22 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #4

Wow those are some solid suggestions! I can't use Essence Harvest because it will rotate but I have put all of you suggestions either in the sideboard or in maybe and I will deff fiddle around until I find the right brew

August 2, 2013 5:09 p.m.

MTNman says... #5

you should run Opportunity , it's the mono blue revelation

August 5, 2013 9:49 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #6

MTNman what should i take out for Opportunity

August 8, 2013 10:36 a.m.

MTNman says... #7

Mind Grind doesn't seem too necessary if the game is going long

August 8, 2013 12:32 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #8

take out liliana, she sucks. throw in Dissolve and some other scry stuff like the scry lands, Temple of Mystery etc. adding scry should help a bit. dude at my local shop has a bug control deck with scry stuff and no one can beat it, perfect draws, scry always helps him, and he uses Jace, Architect of Thought for his -2 ability only which was weird at first but it works every time for him, oh and up the vraska count, he usually wins with her assassins.

October 27, 2013 11:42 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #9

GamerSonX thanks for the feedback! I cannot tell you how many times Lilli has saved me by using her -3 to either kill something or give the boost to the Desecration Demon to finish. I want another Vraska the Unseen for the sideboard but cant seem to find anyone that has her for trade. I was defiantly thinking about Dissolve but idk. Im gonna try and playtest your suggestions this week and tell ya what happens.

October 27, 2013 11:54 a.m.

Samarkand says... #10

I also play a BUG superfriends deck. I love Gaze of Granite as a sweeper that's never dead, even against control decks as it hits things like needles, planeswalkers, Detention Sphere , etc.

October 28, 2013 2:09 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #11

Samarkand I think I like Ratchet Bomb better because it is less mana intensive so I can drop it early and charge it and it makes my opponent think twice about playing a spell with that mana cost. Also because of Ratchet Bomb 's mana cost it allows me to play things on their turn if i want, where as if i were to use Gaze of Granite i might have to tap most of my mana out just to use it. I have been back and forth on those two for awhile, and i have found Ratchet Bomb to be more useful. Thanks for the suggestion! I will try fiddling with Gaze of Granite some more and see if it can find a spot.

October 28, 2013 2:26 p.m.

Samarkand says... #12

The positive side of the Gaze is they can't really play around it and you can scale it to take out only what you want to kill. In a sense, it is also faster since you don't have to spend turns ticking it up and giving them a chance to destroy it.

I had the situation where my opponent needled my Vraska and dropped Elspeth and 3 tokens. I untapped, played a Gaze for 1, taking out the needle and the dudes and Vraskaed the Elspeth. Another opponent had Underworld Connections , the Whip and a Desecration Demon against my Memory Adept. A gaze for 4 whiped his entire board but left my Jace.

However, you do run way more permanents than me, so this might not be so great in your case. I run only 5 permanents (4 Cariyatids, which are awesome, and 1 Aetherling). The cariyatids and a few shocklands allow me to splash for 2 Sphinx's Revelation which solved the card draw issues.

Nice to see another BUG player around! :)

October 28, 2013 4:01 p.m.

Samarkand says... #13

Oh, I meant 5 non-planeswalker permanents.

October 28, 2013 5:11 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #14

Yes it is nice to see another bug player. Yeah i dont like to kill my Scavenging Ooze haha it is too good and Ratchet Bomb lets me save him, and if they have anything threatening ill just use one of my spot removal spells to kill it.

October 28, 2013 6:08 p.m.

infinitemana says... #15

Gaze of Granite for boardwipe?

October 28, 2013 6:10 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #16

infinitemana haha i actually just talked about this above, but in short I playtested it and with the amount of creatures I run it ends up not being worth the loss, especially because I have so much spot removal that I can use to kill anything annoying. But I will continue to try and playtest it because everyone says they love the deck but in the same breath they say what about Gaze of Granite ? Thanks for the Suggestion!

October 28, 2013 6:17 p.m.

dude9914 says... #17

-1 Doom Blade -1 Far / Away +2 Hero's Downfall

I can understand being somewhat hesitant to use the 2 black required by hero's downfall, but with black being the most common of your mana sources and Deathrite Shaman also being a canidate to produce it as well, it may be better that the restrictive removal of Doom Blade and offer another method to deal with troublesome walkers like elspith.

-1 Pilfered Plans +1 Deadbridge Goliath

It looks like the one of is for card draw, but the goliath may be better as it can immediately put creatures on the board, retrieve a planeswalker that many you only have a one of, and it is recursive if the game does go late. It is expensive however.

October 29, 2013 3:24 p.m.

infinitemana says... #18

I think that dude9914 means Deadbridge Chant

October 29, 2013 3:30 p.m.

dude9914 says... #19

Ha yes, thank you for the correction.

October 29, 2013 3:44 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #20

Wow dude9914 I appreciate your suggestions! I will have to try Deadbridge Chant , in a perfect world, yes I would have 2x Hero's Downfall but they are 15$ a piece right now yikes haha. I am a little worried about chants cost mana wise and that it's sorcery speed but idk I'll have to try it

October 29, 2013 8:06 p.m.

zandl says... #21

You seem to be missing playsets of Temple of Mystery and Temple of Deceit .

October 30, 2013 7:34 p.m.

dude9914 says... #22

I'm glad I could be of help. Another card I thought might help is Prophet of Kruphix . I know from my playing controlish decks in limited that there always comes a decision to play a creature or to leave mana open for a counter spell. This removes that decision and allows flashing in creatures to mess with the attack plans of your opponent.

It seems like a good idea to me, but there just may not be enough room in the deck for it, or is simply too vulnerable to removal to be worth it.

October 30, 2013 10:19 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #23

zandl while I think the scry lands are good, 8x of them would be horrible. I need mana right away, to keep the board clear, and to land my threats. The scry lands are a great turn 1 play, then really suck to play from turns 2-5(when i need mana to control the board) and then become good again after that. I think 4x scry lands would be reasonable,but Im not wild about them, I have playtested them and while i like the scry, I like having mana available as soon as i play it. I will consider running 4x of them but 8x is wayyyyyyy to many scry lands. Thanks for the suggestion.

dude9914 Prophet of Kruphix is a great card and I am SERIOUSLY considering it but it is so tough to change a deck that has been performing so well. I will maybeboard for now and try playtesting with it with my roommates. Thanks for the suggestion.

October 31, 2013 2:35 p.m.

infinitemana says... #24

It sounds a lttle silly, but Progenitor Mimic in the sideboard is great against black and blue devotion matchups. You copy their Gray Merchant of Asphodel and drain them over and over every turn, or in the case of blue, you copy Master of the Waves and make more and more elemental tokens (which are getting larger and larger). Removal isn't a problem, because they probably sided most of it out because you're playing control.

October 31, 2013 4:08 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #25

infinitemana that is an intriguing suggestion, that would be one for the trolls haha. I dont think i will include it because there is only one netdeck douche at my lgs but it might be a fun surprise when i play my friends.

October 31, 2013 4:14 p.m.

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