Finished my Steam Augury playset, so I wanted to give them a go!
Mainboard: -1 Anger of the Gods, -1 Island, -4 Magma Jet, -1 Spellheart Chimera;
+1 Chandra's Phoenix, +4 Lightning Strike, +2 Steam Augury
Sideboard: -3 Lightning Strike; +1 Anger of the Gods, +2 Flames of the Firebrand
The Jets for Strikes was mostly an experiment. One I'd regret, as I had a few games where scrying for lands would've helped, and the extra damage wasn't really noticeable. The 25th land didn't feel as necessary with the extra digging, though now it's more important to find that fourth mana.
- vs RG Aggro ~ Double Mistcutter Hydra ended me in the first game (I killed the first), but plenty of removal and AEtherling closed out the last two. (2-1)
- vs Monowhite ~ Forced a clear concession out of him in game one, but two flood-games ended any hopes of this one. (1-2)
- vs RB Unleash ~ Played through mana screw to stabilize and win at 4 life in game 1. A slow hand kept a repeat of game 2. Another screwy hand in the last game, but plenty of removal kept me alive until both planeswalkers secured the win. (2-1)
- vs GW Tokens ~ Kept him off anything devastating (including Cyclonic RiftGCing an Advent of the Wurm in game one, eventually closing it out with the Hammer. Game 2 was a similar story, aside from having to bounce a Unflinching Courge'd Knight token. Chandra did all the killing here, +1'ing for nine points of damage and ultimating a Lightning Strike for another 9, a burn spell finishing the job. (2-0)
Definitely saw amusement in chaining Augury. Lightning Strike isn't sticking around, as fun as it was with Chandra. Still deliberating if it was a place in the sideboard, as Anger of the Gods feels right there (Flames of the Firebrand is merely a placeholder).