12.12.24 - No Sol Ring
Ok, I think this is the second time I’ve ever cut Sol Ring from a Commander deck and it is for the same reason. This deck is very color symbol heavy. Yes, a turn one Sol Ring can ramp into a play on turn two. The question is what am I ramping into that needs that a very few amount of times? I rather have the free Mox Opal, which does something at every point in the game. As for Oath of Nissa, I saw the reason in the 60 version of the deck but assumed that I would not be as impactful in Commander. Well, I was wrong. Mono Ponder is still really good, even if it is just one copy.
12.3.24 - More Foundations Edition
These two additions are actually seen off and on play in the Modern version of Bard Class. I already knew this, but Bristly Bill, Spine Sower is just better in this deck. Innkeeper's Talent is great but the double trigger, being legendary, and the silly activated ability just puts Bristly Bill over the top. Have you all played with Kellan, Planar Trailblazer? This guy is a great for the Bard Class deck. Kellan is early aggression as a 2/1 that exile draws cards. If he stays on the field, he becomes a 3/2 with double strike that draws two cards! Again, cutting a good card in Heroic Intervention. Here is my thing. This deck already has plenty of protection, four forms of protection in fact. I would rather have another good legendary to fuel the deck.
11.12.2024 - Foundations Edition
General Kreat, the Boltbringer is the only card that really stood out to me from this very strong set. Kreat reminds me of a self-sustaining Purphoros, God of the Forge. Overall, Kreat pings more than Arbaaz Mir and creates tokens. Reki, the History of Kamigawa is good but I rather just have Rocco for the impulse draw. However, Birgi, God of Storytelling
is a form of impulse cost reduction and another exile draw outlet that works great with Annie Joins Up.
10.22.20204 - Bard Class and Annie Joins Up Too Good Edition
In: Arbaaz Mir, Reki, the History of Kamigawa, Xenagos, the Reveler, Norin, Swift Survivalist, Etali, Primal Conqueror
, Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, Urza's Ruinous Blast, Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance, Lukka, Bound to Ruin, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Klothys, God of Destiny, and Migloz, Maze Crusher
Out: Reckless Fireweaver, Academy Manufactor, Jaheira, Friend of the Forest, Yotian Dissident, Annie Flash, the Veteran, Karn's Bastion, Terror of the Peaks, Escape to the Wilds, Voldaren Thrillseeker, Thousand Moon Smithy, Archdruid's Charm, and Plains
You’ll notice that I’ve removed most of the classic Rocco staples for things that work better with the two mentioned cards. Though these cards are still very good, Bard Class and Annie Joins Up are such good engine pieces that I want most of the deck to synergize with them as well as Rocco. Most of the time, anytime I had Yotian Dissonant, I wanted him to be Rosie Cotton of South Lane. Arbaaz Mir does the same thing as Reckless Fireweaver. Reki, the History of Kamigawa is a card draw engine that gets doubled up by Annie Joins Up. Xenagos, the Reveler is a big mana piece that makes both and , which this deck desperately needed. Norin, Swift Survivalist for more exile plays, especially with Bard Class. Etali, Primal Conqueror
is the big finisher for Rocco decks. Urza's Ruinous Blast for a specialized, one-sided sweeper. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire and Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance for reusable lands. Lukka, Bound to Ruin and Domri, Anarch of Bolas as repeatable removal and ramp. Klothys, God of Destiny is an indestructible beater that is graveyard hate, burn, and ramp. Migloz, Maze Crusher is a good body with Naturalize. Terror of the Peaks is great, but this deck really needed a good Farewell-estique sweeper. Annie Flash, the Veteran is not nearly as good as Samwise Gamgee. Voldaren Thrillseeker is the only one that I’m not 100% sure on because it has closed out so many games for me. However, Thrillseeker is also a dud if the board isn’t built up.
9.5.2024 -Bard Class is Gas
Cutting more expensive good cards for bulk rares? What’s going on here? Pure, unadulterated gas, that's what's going on here. I’ve been having such a good time brewing and playing Naya Legends that I debated cutting the core Rocco cards of Reckless Fireweaver and Yotian Dissonant for more legends. Ruby, Daring Tracker is a Bard Class staple in every format. However, I ignored her because she is a mana dork at . Mana dorks on have been historically cut from this deck. Looking at my change log, I’ve cut much better mana dorks that produced way more mana than Ruby. However, Ruby has been putting in so much more in testing that she had to be included. Realistically, I think it is the haste and the capability to be a reasonable attacker that is a game-changer. Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei and Agatha of the Vile Cauldron are needed haste enablers. Agrus Kos, Spirit of Justice is much better than he looks. This is blocker removal, menace, and exile on a double strike and vigilance body. Party Thrasher is a house in Rocco builds; just not mine anymore. Same with Tribute to the World Tree is a monster of a card. I want more legends so this is replaceable. Doubling Season is a $50 card that I’ve been playing with for years and I never left home without it if I’m playing tokens or counters. However, I realized that this deck does not need Doubling Season at all for a few reasons. First, I haven’t ever slotted in Doubling Season on the Arena version of this deck. I never needed it. Second, a “do nothing” top-end enchantment becomes less and less viable the faster this deck becomes. Because this deck plays Rocco on two and has mainly , Doubling Season became increasingly “win more.” Third, Annie Joins Up is just a better enchantment for this deck. Everything I want Doubling Season to do, AJU does the same thing, but cheaper. Want to double up Rocco’s counters and food tokens? Just play AJU. Also, Doubling Season can’t be reduced by Bard Class, can’t be used as removal, and can’t be recurred by Samwise Gamgee. Fourth, Innkeeper's Talent is just better for this deck. It is much cheaper, does something the turn it comes down, protects creatures, and doubles counters. Fifth, everyone blows up Doubling Season immediately and I have no way to recur it. Anyways, Damning Verdict keeps going in and out of this deck. In one way, this is a one-sided sweeper. On the other hand, there are times when this doesn’t clear anything because someone else has counters or it gets exiled at the wrong time. Again, this is a card that gets drawn and I think, “I wish this was gas.”
8.29.24 - More Bard Class, Less Good Cards?
Yes, this is how much I really enjoy Bard Class and Annie Joins Up! Besides Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds, all of these cards are very good. Not to say that Ghired is bad, but he needs his own deck and is not as useful as the other cards listed. Probably the most shocking change is the removal of Dockside Extortionist. Dockside is busted. However, there are a few reasons why I removed it. First, people do not like Dockside and it draws aggro. Second, I’ve Dockside comboed enough times in my life that I want to play with new or different cards. Third, Dockside is a “burst” card, thus needs to be played at the right time. I’ve had Dockside exiled into pointless boardstates. Mainly, it is the second reason. Same with Esper Sentinel. Great card, but I’ve played with it enough. Eventhough this deck is trading out some fantastic cards, it is worth it due to the legendary syerngizes in the deck. Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald
is a second copy of Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival with worse tokens, but can draw cards and is Gruul. Gallia of the Endless Dance is free off Bard Class and draws cards. Muerra, Trash Tactician ramps, gains life, and exiles cards. Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes provides a haste and trample token that card be flung to draw cards.
7.12.2024 - Hero’s Breakfast Edition
In: Verdant Catacombs, Innkeeper's Talent, Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest, Fountainport, Baylen, the Haymaker, Hugs, Grisly Guardian, Inti, Seneschal of the Sun, Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds, Path to Exile, Annie Flash, the Veteran, Halana and Alena, Partners, Mountain, Delighted Halfling, and Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard
Out: Bloodstained Mire, Branching Evolution, Urabrask, Heretic Praetor, Spire of Industry, Bennie Bracks, Zoologist, Krark-Clan Ironworks, Questing Druid, Oltec Matterweaver, Haywire Mite, Evolution Witness, Uncivil Unrest, Urza's Saga, Arcane Signet, and Inspiring Call
Honestly, I put Bloodstained Mire in because of alphabetical order and not thinking about the fact that a fetch is so much better. Innkeeper's Talent has so much more value for over Branching Evolution. Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest has flying, exiles cards and a burn effect. Fountainport is a great utility land. Spire of Industry still works because of the artifact tokens, but Fountainport is just better. Baylen, the Haymaker is a utility piece for tokens that ramps, draws cards, and pumps. Again, Bennie Bracks, Zoologist is great and draws plenty of cards. However, Baylen works significantly better with Bard Class. Hugs, Grisly Guardian provides an extra land drop if played at base cost then increases in value the more mana available. Krark-Clan Ironworks is a combo piece that I’ve played plenty. Due to the legendary theme, I want to draw into as many legendaries as possible. Though this card is great, it doesn’t synergize with the gameplan like it used to. Inti, Seneschal of the Sun does a much better job at exile drawing than Questing Druid. Ghired, Mirror of the Wild does the same trick as Oltec Matterweaver. Bard Class’s cost reduction is just insane. Animation Module, like KCI, is a combo piece that this deck is moving away from. I find that I’m not cycling Haywire Mite or that I'm pressed to put it under Soul Cauldron. I came to the conclusion that I rather have the cheap removal in Path to Exile. Annie Flash, the Veteran is more restricted in her reanimation, but is a legendary, has flash, and exiles cards. The more I playtested, the more I realized that I don't need a top-end “do nothing” enchantment because I already have one in Doubling Season. Halana and Alena, Partners, on the other hand, is a haste outlet and pumps up creatures. Again, Urza's Saga is great because it facilities an artifact tutor package. However, most of those pieces are gone so Saga loses its value. I just replaced it with a basic. I want my early ramp to be playable on turn 1, not turn 2. Finally, Inspiring Call like 80% of the time was a mediocre card draw spell. I rarely used it for protect and at times it can be clunky. Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard, on the otherhand, is a 3/3 for that sacrifices to protect and buff all legendary creatures. He is also free off of Bard Class and is silly under Cauldron.
7.11.2024 - Out with the Old and in with the New Edition
In: Utopia Sprawl, Llanowar Elves, Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second, Bloodstained Mire, Elvish Mystic, Damning Verdict, Urabrask, Heretic Praetor, Shalai and Hallar, Party Thrasher, Evolution Witness, Uncivil Unrest, Laelia, the Blade Reforged, and Bennie Bracks, Zoologist
Out: Nature's Lore, Incubation Druid, Walking Ballista, Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender, Hangarback Walker, Cityscape Leveler, Alibou, Ancient Witness
, Breya's Apprentice, Caparocti Sunborn, Swiftfoot Boots, Portal to Phyrexia, Bonehoard Dracosaur, and Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar
I cut out most of the last remaining elements from the Ick/Akiri variation of this deck. I want Rocco on turn two as much as possible so Utopia Sprawl, Elvish Mystic, and Llanowar Elves, with an additional land in Bloodstained Mire for consistency. Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second has been on my radar for this deck for a long time. I was hesitant because I have a whole deck centered around her. However, Rocco’s game plan has drifted into similar territory. As well, there are so many times when changing a food token into a cat or dog really puts pressure on the board. Shalai and Hallar and Uncivil Unrest is another way of speeding up the clock, synergizing with the burn/counters strategies. Damning Verdict is back in because removal is good and this deck wants another one-side sweeper. Urabrask, Heretic Praetor, Party Thrasher, and Laelia, the Blade Reforged for more exile. Laelia has been the best of these three, growing out of control fairly easily and quickly. Evolution Witness is a recursion engine that works with +1/+1 counters. Bennie Bracks, Zoologist draws cards. Walking Ballista, Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender, and Hangarback Walker work better in a modular deck, except for Walker. I really enjoy Cityscape Leveler and Portal to Phyrexia. They both have such an impact, but they cost so much. Most of the time, they both just get exiled. Caparocti Sunborn is fine but is nowhere near the power of Laelia. Alibou, Ancient Witness
is great, but deserves better. This deck doesn’t synergize with him as much. I came to the conclusion that recursion is better than Swiftfoot Boots. Bonehoard Dracosaur was switched with Urabrask due to legendary and the small stax effect. Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar’s Silence ability is good, but I wanted a better card draw engine.
Ok, Enlightened Tutor is back in. There is way too many good enchantments and artifacts in the deck that I want to see. On the other hand, Damning Verdict is good any big token, but they can’t have counters on them. Because of this, I would draw or impulse draw Verdict and it just felt ok. This deck doesn’t have Arcbound Ravager anymore so Inkmoth Nexus isn’t as potent. Plaza of Heroes works better as protection on a land. Kami of Whispered Hopes is just a good card with ramp and Hardened Scales for . Gyre Sage at is good, but can’t go pound for pound with Kami. As well, I want to go mana dork on turn one into Rocco or dumb three drop. Kami just works better.
4.18.2024 - Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bard Class Incoming?
Archdruid's Charm is just a clutch card that does so many things. I took it out and immediately missed playing it, especially the ramp and removal portions. Shadowspear is great but not needed anymore. Incubation Druid is back in because of the amount of early ramp it provides and is better than Gala Greeters, which requires some setup. Roxanne, Starfall Savant is ramp, removal, and an artifact token producer. Oltec Matterweaver is my favorite card from this set, as it makes gnomes or makes copies of artifact tokens, like the tokens from Thousand Moons Smithy
. Now, here is my second favorite card: Annie Joins Up. Some other Rocco players play Roaming Throne, but this card is too narrow for me for its effect. However, Annie Joins Up does the same thing for all legendary creatures, not just Rocco on elf or druid. As well, this is an ETB removal piece, which makes this card active as soon as you play it. This card was the reason why Arcbound Ravager and Filigree Vector got pushed out. This deck is shifting towards more of a legendary theme with less and less modular elements; sad, but true. Rose, Cutthroat Raider fits but the other cards are more appealing.
Sorry, Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp. As modular creatures decrease, the less valuable Zabaz becomes. Essentially, Zabaz has become worse Arcbound Ravager. I rather have more ramp to get the and . I’m not sure why, but I completely forgot about the Fallout set and junk tokens. As well, Fallout had some cool robots but not as many that I would like to get slotted into this deck. Rose, Cutthroat Raider provides up to three junk tokens and ramp. Apothecary White is a card I’ll come back to later.
3.14.2024 - Goodbye, Modular Tag. Hello “Artifact-Fall!”
I’m embracing the mid-range nature of this deck. I added more land because I always teetered on the edge of unreliability. I wanted to add Inspiring Statuary, but Jaheira, Friend of the Forest is just a better ramp card. Apothecary White is a food payoff and can create a ton of tokens. As I reduce artifact cards, Mox Opal becomes less reliable as a land substitute. Crystalline Crawler becomes the weakest big mana producers with the addition of Jaheira. Jaheira, KCI, and Night of Sweet’s Revenge are more than enough big mana cards. Again, with more exile draw, tutors get worse, especially restricted tutors like Oswald. This was one of my favorite cards and sad to see it go. Steel Overseer, though it fits, is the weakest of +1/+1 counter producers. The more I play this deck, the more I realize that I want more interaction and protection for my janky mid-range deck. Thus, Inspiring Call provides indestructible and card draw. Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar is just a good card that should have been in the deck, providing protection during my turn and card draw. Trostani, Three Whispers is fun and will go into Kaust. Sorry, SandwichMan007. The rollercoaster known as Expedited Inheritance is too wild for me. I think this card is good enough versus mid-range but bad against combos or people that are completely unhinged. Showdown of the Skalds provides cards and +1/+1 counters. It has always been on my radar but I just never know what to cut to put it in. Archdruid's Charm is still a great card and will probably find its way back in. However, replacing Charm with Inspiring Call has been working well for me. Ugh, I had to cut my boy Iron Apprentice. In the right shell, this card is such a house. However, this deck is becoming more akin to Rocco than Ick-T. With removal of some artifact synergy cards, Apprentice becomes worse. Sad day. However, Gyre Sage is a great mana dork at that scales with its power. This deck is great at dealing with a single creature at a time. However, I found that there were a few games where I really wanted to sweep the board and Delayed Blast Fireball didn’t cut it. Thus, I add Damning Verdict to help control the board but keep my stuff.
2.29.24 - ”What Commander Staples? Edition
Oh, the mighty Goblin Welder
is getting benched. This is not because the card is bad. As a matter of fact, the card is great and an EDH staple in some decks. However, this deck is no longer one of them. Why is that? Mainly because exile drawing takes over the deck. I’m no longer tutoring big artifacts into the graveyard to cheat them in anymore. Because of that, Goblin Welder
’s usefulness decreases constantly with more exile draw I add. At first, I was going to add another land ramp card, like Three Visits. Then, I remember how good Gala Greeters was. I’ve always had this hesitancy with adding Greeters because it seemed like a worse Dockside Extortionist. However, this two cards play different roles. Gala Greeters is steady ramp and a beater over time while Dockside acts as a combo piece or just a game ender with Reckless Fireweaver. Hear me clearly: Sylvan Library is not the correct cut. You could cut Trostani, Three Whispers. Notice how I emphasized you because I’m not cutting Trostani, Three Whispers for awhile. That card is just too much fun. So why am I replaying a staple commander draw piece for for the much harder to cast and risker Expedited Inheritance? Simply, I want to play with a new card and I’ve played with Library more times than I can count. It’s safe, it's good, I get it. Also, my first couple times actually testing Expedited Inheritance was the definition of “magical Christmas land”, so there is that.
2.15.24 -Murders at Karlow Manor Edition..Finally..
Doesn’t Archdruid's Charm basically do the same thing as Eladamri's Call, but for more mana with more utility? In any deck that is base-, i think Archdruid's Charm should just be slotted in. I don’t have a fancy, analytical reason for switching Trostani, Three Whispers from Meria, Scholar of Antiquity. I spent so much time trying to find the correct cut for Tarrain’s Soulcleaver and this card that probably isn’t even the right addition. However, my conclusion is I don’t care. I want to play this card. No really, I just really want to play with Trostani. As well, I think the new lands are better temples that are fetchable.
Finale of Devastation is a great card and is expensive for a reason. However, this deck doesn’t draw cards the normal way; it impulse draws. Because of that, Finale of Devastation feels really bad flipped off the top. This is a card that wants to be held until it's ready to be used. I can’t do that as much with the way the deck is now. Thousand Moons Smithy
makes massive artifact tokens and a card that I’ve been enjoying.
12.21.2023 - Embracing Midrange
Rocco on turn two just feels too good. As well, is where most of the deck’s cards are at so getting there quicker is better. Birds of Paradise and Gilded Goose are mana dorks with flying and one of them can crank out food tokens. Incubation Druid is good but is overshadowed by Crystalline Crawler as a big mana producer. When put side by side, Crawler just does it better even though it costs more. Caparocti Sunborn is another discover enabler. Oh, Blaster, Combat DJ
. I really like this card, in theory. You always want his frontside. However, this deck forces him to flip more often than not. As well, modular fun can be had with just The Ozolith. Again, I like everything that Sentinel of the Nameless City was doing, but the space is very crowded.
11.30.2023 - The Lost Caverns of Ixalan is My New Favorite Set/This is even still Tron?
I know that I really enjoy a set when I’m constantly tweaking a deck. The Lost Caverns of Ixalan has brought much good stuff for both Naya colors and artifacts. It's so good that I’m still looking to make room for Tarrain’s Soulcleaver, Thousand Moons Smithy
, Liquimetal Torque, and Brass's Tunnel-Grinder
. I’ve found that I’m leaning more into artifact creature producers rather than artifact creatures. Because of that, the artifact creatures that remain are the real showstoppers in the deck. Triplicate Titan is one of my favorite cards, but I needed to lower the overall mana curve of the deck. As well, I’m not on the gameplan of dropping Titan into the yard then reanimating it. Because I lean on Rocco and other exile effects, I only want so many expensive cards. Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter and Karn, Legacy Reforged
are both good, but lose value as I remove artifacts from the deck. This is especially true for Karn. This deck had too many drops. Karn, though he makes stupid amounts of mana, was the weakest. Because of that, Bonehoard Dracosaur pushed him out of the spot. Both of these cards suffer from “don’t let me stay around’’ syndrome. However, Dracosaur is just the better card by itself and within the context of this deck. Dracosaur draws cards, ramps, makes tokens, and is a better body. Scrap Trawler is strong because any could bring back Hangarback Walker and Walking Ballista. However, Samwise Gamgee pushed Trawler out, being one less and doing the same thing. Also, Trawler is a combo piece that isn’t needed. Arcbound Worker suffers from the same fate. The less artifact creatures I have, the worse Worker becomes. As well, Zabaz is the prime artifact creature anyways. Sentinel of the Nameless City is just a good card that draws lands, pumps up a creature, and makes precious artifact tokens. Questing Druid is a stable in Rocco decks anyways for obvious reasons. I wanted another utility piece. It was between Soul Partition and Zoyowa's Justice. Both are good, but I enjoy the stability of Partition. The flexibility of saving my own things to retrigger Rocco or removing a problematic piece is just too good for me to not have. As for the Tron lands, I don’t think it is right for me to still have the Tron tag when I’m not trying to achieve Tron anymore. I’m not search for them any more and it feels bad when I can’t play them and they get exiled. I’m keeping the Tron art because I like it.
11.10.2023 - - Yo, What’s Going On Here, Wizards?
Someone please tell me why this one set about dinosaurs, pirates, merfolk, and vampires has more artifacts and, more overly, golem synergizes than the Phyrexian sets? Why? This set had more possible entries than I expected. Of the decks I’m working on, I thought that there would be nothing for this deck. Well, I was wrong. Anyways, Quintorius Kand and Chimil, the Inner Sun, both sporting the new discovery mechanic, is a great addition to the exile-based Rocco. As well, Anim Pakal, the Thousandth Moon is just a monster at pumping out artifact tokens. I always want to have that balance of interaction and creatures. Delayed Blast Fireball has always been on my radar because it is just very good. I’m finding out that this deck can’t be heavy on exile and graveyard. As I keep playing, I’m favoring the exile gameplan. Because of that, Feldon of the Third Path gets the cut. I’m not pitching fatties into the graveyard as vigorously as I was before. As I’m adding colors to the deck, Mystic Forge is not as consistent. I’ll put it and Arcbound Shikari in the sideboard.
Throne of Geth is awesome. However, there is proliferate and a sacrifice outlet with Filigree Vector. As well, Arcbound Shikari is just one of the best modular creatures available. Throne of Geth is now put into the sideboard.
Voldaren Thrillseeker is a card that I’ve had my eye on for a while for multiple reasons. First, it is one of the few backup cards that is playable within this deck. As well, it is backup 2, which provides a decent amount of +1/+1 counters. Second, that ability is kinda gas. For , I can sacrifice the creature with backup and deal damage equal to its power to any target. Even by itself, Voldaren Thrillseeker is a Lightning Bolt. However, most of the creatures in the deck get massive quickly. Because of that, you can target a disposable servo token or an Iron Apprentice and fling it at, once again, any target. Third, Thrillseeker is goofy with Agatha's Soul Cauldron, allowing every creature with +1/+1 counters to Fling itself. Just dumb. Why did I cut Mindless Automaton? This card has been on and off the chopping block for a long time. Previously, it held its place because of its ability to discard on the fly and on the cheap. That was good when I wasn’t playing out my cards as much. With Rocco, I’m really incentivised to just play out my cards. As well, I have lots of draw engines so Automaton is out for now.
Man, I don’t know about Elvish Archivist. It is possible that I’m not giving it enough of a chance. On paper, Elvish Archivist seems insane. However, it has just been ok. But you know what card has been shining really hard? Rosie Cotton of South Lane! Even though she is basically another Yotian Dissident, Rosie’s ability to buff the team and creating a food token has been valuable to me. Ghirapur Aethergrid is good, but I find myself using my tokens more as sacrifice fodder for Krark-Clan Ironworks or Arcbound Ravager. I rather have Trail of Crumbs which adds another use for food tokens.
Gingerbread Cabin is a forest that also comes with a food token. With so much food mechanics within the deck, I want as many food producers as possible. Lotus Petal was just an artifact land and isn’t as critical anymore. Invasion of Gobakhan
is an exile trigger, protection, and a +1/+1 counter producer. Because the deck isn’t as reanimator heavy as it was before, redundant graveyard pieces, like Myr Retriever, are being cut. Samwise Gamgee is just so good at getting the cards that I need. Elvish Archivist is a card that I immediately felt as if this could go in Modern Hardened Scales. Because of that, I’m gonna try it in this build. Like Myr Retriever, I’m cutting the worst graveyard recursion. Without the recursion, Reclaimer is just a modular creature for . Normally, I would want to keep at least five modular creatures in the deck. However, what’s the difference between five and four creatures, especially with Blaster, Combat DJ
turning all artifact creatures into modular creatures.
9.7.2023 Wilds of Eldraine - Let’em Cook Edition
Now that I let Wilds of Eldraine sit, I now am ready to make some additions from this set. Agatha's Soul Cauldron is a card that I knew was good when I first read it during spoiler season. However, the gravity of its silliness hit me recently and it needed to be added to the deck. Night of the Sweets' Revenge is a great outlet to use all the food tokens, transforming them into Mox Emeralds and providing a game-ending effect. Wooded Bastion is in for more access to . Astral Cornucopia is good but needs some set up, which is perfectly fine in this deck. However, Astral Cornucopia is not as good as Agatha's Soul Cauldron. Daretti, Scrap Savant is a redundant reanimator and discard effect. However, Daretti is clunky because I can’t fetch it and is a planewalker that doesn’t support it very well. Daretti comes in and out of this deck frequently, which makes it one of the first cuts I always make. Daretti isn’t bad, but there are better cards. Kodama of the West Tree’s ramp and trample is too good to not add to this deck. I like Cradle Clearcutter, but Crystalline Crawler is the better big ramp creature. Breya's Apprentice’s sacrifice ability is just better than Hedron Detonator’s. As Hedron’s single target ping is just underwhelming. Scrapyard Recombiner is the weakest of the modular creatures and the tutor is ok in the light of Mr. Fiddlebender. Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival. Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival is a card that really popped off during playtesting. Etali, Primal Conqueror
is clunky and doesn’t work in this deck.
8.30.2023 Wilds of Eldraine - Boom Boom Sauce Edition
In: Rocco, Street Chef, Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter, Academy Manufactor, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took, Iron Apprentice, Escape to the Wilds, Etali, Primal Conqueror
, Hedron Detonator, Ghirapur AEther Grid, Astral Cornucopia, Cinder Glades, and Fire-Lit Thicket.
Out: Ick-Tekik, Salvage Splicer, Eternal Witness, Akiri, Line-Slinger *f-etch*, Blade Splicer, Maul Splicer, Ichor Wellspring, Meteor Golem, Darksteel Splicer, Expedition Map
, Mana Vault, Solemn Simulacrum, Tree of Tales, and Gavony Township
No, there are no Wilds of Eldraine cards in the deck currently, but this is the set that influenced me to switch up my commanders. I’ll write a more detailed explanation above.
2. I'd rather play modular, cut the golem tribal, but I don't want to play Shalai and Hallar..
3. Not too many people play Rocco, Street Chef, which is wide open enough for me to play Naya Modular.
6.15.2023 - The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth
I didn’t expect much from this set as it isn’t artifact focused. However, Arwen, Weaver of Hope caught my eye. This deck wants as many +1/+1 counter enablers as possible. At one point, I wanted to add Renata, Caller of the Hunt but she costs and just adds a +1/+1 counter. Grumgully, the Generous was another thought and is cheaper by , but still only adds a single +1/+1 counter. Arwen, on the other hand, adds +1/+1 equal to Arwen’s toughness. Thus, the floor is the same, but the ceiling is so much higher and easy to get there. Things like Filigree Vector, Yotian Dissident, The Ozolith, Ozolith, the Shattered Spire, The Great Henge and more all feed Arwen. Now, I’m not sure if cutting Rootwire Amalgam is correct, but it most likely is the correct choice. Yes, the golem token can get huge very easily in this deck, sometimes attacking players as a 30/30. However, the activation cost and the sorcery speed makes this card kinda clunky.
5.4.23 - Aftermath Update
It’s funny because I was looking for a spot for The Mightstone and Weakstone
as a gap filler at . I want the nice curve of mana rocks from to to . As well, I wanted another big rock to launch me to bigger plays like Portal to Phyrexia or Triplicate Titan. Karn, Legacy Reforged is the big mana rock that I was looking for. Blinkmoth Urn is cute, but I’m not trying to give my opponents mana even before I get to use my own. Because he scales with the amount of artifacts on my side of the field, Karn should produce plenty of to play artifacts or spend on abilities. The Mightstone and Weakstone
is still an option because it is ramp, draw, and removal. Smothering Tithe has some consistency issues. Thus, Tithe gets replaced.
4.18.23 - Love For
I’ve always pushed the limits with my mana base. With the addition of more , I need to sure up my mana base. Ancient Den and Great Furnace are off color artifact lands that only produce one color. They are both good for looping, but Tree of Tales and possibly Power Depot covers that. Nature's Lore is in over Pir's Whim because it is just better ramp. If I need Tron, Expedition Map
has it covered. Though it is a steep , Tribute to the World Tree is a busted enchantment, either buffing the team or drawing cards. Bronze Guardian is always on and off the chopping block and its day has come. Granted, Bronze Guardian can get huge, but so can Akiri. Overall, Triplicate Titan and Cityscape Leveler are better bruisers.
4.11.2023 - March of the Machine - Where Are All the Splicers Edition?
Ozolith, Shattered Spire: Throughout this variation of the deck, I’ve bounced around from switching Hardened Scales and Branching Evolution for two reasons. First, Hardened Scales becomes more attractive if I’m playing cards that have instances of adding one +1/+1 counter. Second, both are enchantments and aren’t as accessible as artifacts. Thus, I don’t want to play them both. However, Ozolith, Shattered Spire solves both of these problems. Yes, Hardened Scales is cheaper, but this isn’t Modern so playing doesn’t hurt as much. The removal of Chromatic Star is worth it for Ozolith, Shattered Spire. Chromatic Star has fixed awkward mana situations a few times and plays a piece in an infinite combo that I never use. Filigree Vector replaces Arcbound Shikari. Yes, I’m losing a modular creature and Filigree Vector costs more. Let me explain. For , Filigree puts a +1/+1 counter on all my creatures, not just artifact creatures. Though it might not seem like much, these are additional counters to be absorbed by The Ozolith. As well, Filigree acts as another copy of Throne of Geth. Filigree is also the better target over Shikari for Feldon activations or Goblin Welder
loops. Darksteel Splicer is the only splicer that is playable from this set and it is kinda crazy. Darksteel Splicer, though very expensive at and competes with Maul Splicer, creates three golems when it or any other Phyrexians enter the battlefield. Also, golems gain indesrubcible. Yeah, ok, that’s dumb. Do you know what has the Phryexian subtype? All the splicers and Mitey Mom. You know what else has the Phyrexian subtype? Anything reanimated by Portal to Phyrexia!
3.14.2023 - Waiting for March of the Machine Edition
All Will Be One is kinda silly in this deck. This provides a respectable burn option that triggers often. However, here’s the question. Do I really need more burn? Unfortunately, the answer is no. After playtesting, I came to the conclusion that Terror of the Peaks, Walking Ballista, Alibou, Eternal Witness, and Reckless Fireweaver is more than enough burn. I’m not even counting Lux Artillery, mainly because it is here to pump out +1/+1 and the burn is just the cherry on top. However, what I did need is another Goblin Welder
-effect. Goblin Engineer is excellent, but I wanted something that refurbishes artifacts bigger than . Thus, Daretti, Scrap Savant is back in the game. As well, Daretti provides another way to draw and discard cards. I don’t mind if Daretti gets punched and taken away if I can Trash for Treasure something immediately.
2.8.2023 - New Phyrexia: All Will Be One - Where are my Splicers, Wizards? Edition
No, seriously. There was one splicer in this entire set and it isn’t in these colors. As well, the golems in this set do almost nothing for the deck. Soulless Jailer is good, but messes too much with what the deck is trying to do and there isn’t enough oil synergizes to play Ichorplate Golem. Incubation Sac is interesting, but slow.. Sigh, maybe next set. Skrelv, Defector Mite is an artifact Mother of Runes. Though Arcbound Mouser has modular, I can’t pass up on good, low-cost utility creatures. All Will Be One is insane in any kind of counter deck. It pains me to do this, but Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is the cut here. Most of the time, Ugin is pluses then gets punched in the face. This deck isn’t equipped to protect Ugin like he needs. As well, there are more than a handful of times that Ugin’s minus hurts me too much. All Will Be One does the same thing and more. To continue to fill the void that Ugin, the Spirit Dragon left, I added Portal to Phyrexia. Though it was just added, this replaces Sun Titan. is tough on my janky mana base and I already have plenty of recursion. Wurmcoil Engine is also cut because i always pick basically any other big artifact creature instead, primarily Triplicate Titan. Mirrex replaces Power Depot because of the artifact token creation.. Though it is similar to Hall of Tagsin, Mirriex is preferred because creature production is better than tapped powerstones. This may or may not be correct but I switched Goblin Engineer with Lux Artillery. Because most of the important creatures in this deck are artifacts, this is going to add plenty of additional +1/+1 counters. Pir's Whim is land based ramp and utility.. Per usual, Hardened Scales gets switched with Branching Evolution due to counter production.
It’s funny because these changes occurred to attempt to support Kodama of the West Tree. Through my adjustments, I ended up cutting Kodama. Why? For the exact reasons I stated before when Kawigama:Neon Dynasty release and I clearly forgot. Thank God for keeping a log. Don’t get it twisted; Kodama is very good. However, the deck already does the things that Kodama offers. It was true before and it is even more true now. Though sometimes it does seem like it, this deck has plenty of forms of ramp. As well, Kodama gets outclassed hard by Meria, Scholar of Antiquity. The additional provide plenty of mana and card draw when Meria gets played. Through playtesting, I always played Meria over Kodama, in general. As for Kodama’s trample, it isn’t needed. All of my creatures don’t need trample. The heavy hitters, like Triplicate Titan, Cityscape Leveler, and all golem with Maul Splicer on the battlefield already have trample. As for any other creature, like Hangarback Walker, that have a tendency to get huge can just use Shadowspear. Kodama just isn’t needed. As for Golem Foundry, there are better golems now so Foundry isn’t needed. Power Depot is in over Hall of Tagsin because the modular is more valuable to me.
11.29.2022 - More Brother’s War Updates
Branching Evolution and Hardened Scales will continuously hold the same spot, depending on counter distribution. Without Verdurous Gearhulk, most of the +1/+1 counters are being generated one at a time. With this in mind, I would rather have a counter doubler at than to get started earlier. Blaster, Combat DJ
is in because I learned how to read and saw the shattered art version. Blaster makes all of the artifact creatures into Arcbound Worker and can provide double modular triggers for those that already have the ability. Haywire Mite because it does everything that Nature's Claim did for . However, it is stapled to a body that is recurrable and it exiles. As well, the noncreature cause doesn’t matter because that’s all I was target with Claim anyways. Scrapyard Recombiner is another modular creature and grabs most of the powerhouse cards, like Walking Ballista are constructs. Sun Titan, though it is , is the recursion that I’ve been actually wanting.
11.13.22: The Brother’s War Update
Yotian Dissident isn’t an artifact, but it plays the same role as Patchwork Automaton; generate +1/+1 counters. As a matter of fact, Yotian does it much better because it is an enter the battlefield trigger, not a cast trigger. Patchwork Automaton shines in a 1 vs 1 format where it is more profitable to play spot removal over boardwipes. Though the ward 2 is nice, I rather have the overwhelming amount of +1/+1 counters Yotian Dissident provides. Ideally, Treasure Vault is an infinite mana outlet to make infinite treasures. Since I’ve added Treasure Vault, this has happened once. It isn’t that Treasure Vault is bad. It's just replaceable. Now, this deck has Hall of Tagsin, a powerstone producer and outlet . Rootwire Amalgam seems perfect for Ich-T. First, it's a golem that makes a golem for , so it synergizes with a major element of the deck. Second, the size of the golem token depends on Rootwire Amalgam’s power. With all of the +1/+1 counters being created, both Rootwire and the golem token will be huge. Cradle Clearcutter is a golem Marwyn, the Nurturer that scales with its power. Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle was best used to reanimate Dockside Extornist. However, the sacrifice piece was removed so it just became a secondary recursion piece. That’s fine, but cuttable. Cityscape Leveler is Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger at home and Stonecoil Serpent is the weakest of the scalable +1/+1 counter creatures. I still think that Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes is one the the strongest planeswalkers available. However, there just wasn’t enough reason to keep it over the newer cards, especially with artifacts sets being released. Slagstone Refinery seems like a free reward for cracking and recycling artifacts. With the release of more golems, Metallic Mimic felt cuttable. As well, Yotian Dissident just does it better.
8.30.2022: Dominaria United Update
There is only one new addition from this set and it is Merla, Scholar of Antiquity. I think this card is very good, especially Uzra, Lord High Artificer in . I’m brewing Merla Tron at this point, with more cards from the modern prototype. Everyone, I just can’t quit Verdurous Gearhulk. Though Halana and Alena, Partners is great for +1/+1 counter strategies, Verdurous Gearkhulk fills the same role and is more abusable. Mindless Automaton is in over Greater Good. With modular and the multiple ways to shuffle around +1/+1 counters, Mindless Automaton has a greater draw potential than Greater Good. As well, Automaton can drop cards in the graveyard in a more controlled fashion than Greater Good and is an artifact.
I am trying to wait for the news sets to come out, but Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes is too silly not to add immediately. Bootleggers' Stash is significantly better in the Jinnie Fae list so out it goes.
Beast Within is in place over Dromoka's Command. Besides the +1/+1 counter mode, Beast Within does everything that Dromoka's Command does for instead of . Normally, I prefer lower mana cost but Beast Within is a catch all removal piece. Branching Evolution is in the deck over Hardened Scales because this is EDH and I’m greedy. If I feel like Branching Evolution is too slow, I’ll put Hardened Scales back in. It is the same slot and they play the same role. Stonecoil Serpent replaced Chromatic Sphere because I wanted another cheap artifact creature that used +1/+1 counters. Chromatic Star is better than Chromatic Sphere, anyways. The Great Henge replaces Ancient Stirrings. Eventhough Stirrings is , The Great Henge acts as a mana rock, puts +1/+1 counter for non-token creatures that enter the battlefield, and draws a card. It is the repeatability of Great Henge that is the selling point. I have enough ways to go infinite so I’m cutting the Basalt Monolith and Staff of Domination. Instead, I’m adding Halana and Alena, Partners and Crystalline Crawler.
4.18.2022 - Streets of New Capenna Update. We Caberetti Tron Now?
This set was so good to the Naya/Cabaretti shard. Previously, this deck went from Naya Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combo deck, which caused me to brew Please Ban Torpor Orb. Then it shifted to a Naya Elfball/Token Burn/Superfriends deck to its current iteration of Naya Artifacts. Now, this new set revitalizes my inspiration for that previous deck.
You can find that deck here:
Naya Token Burn with Superfriends
Jetmir's Garden is a tapped land that I don’t mind playing. Due to its typing, it is the perfect fetchable land on turns where I don’t need the mana right away. I’m testing Ornithopter of Paradise over Fellwar Stone. It is slower, but it can become a flying threat over time. This deck actually doesn’t need Sunbaked Canyon or Horizon Canopy. Though it draws a card, it is more hurtful than helpful. This slot can be filled with any land, but I’m choosing to put a Plains in. This is to accommodate for Bootleggers' Stash and cycling Solemn Simulacrum. Speaking of Bootleggers' Stash, Cryptolith Rite is moved out for this busted artifact. Cryptolith Rite is still really good. However, Bootlegger’s Stash is easier to tutor, is cheatable, and produces treasures tokens, which ramps and synergizes with all the artifact shenanigans. Greater Good and Golem Foundry are in because I think it molds with the deck better. Like Patchwork Automaton, Golem Foundry gets counters everytime an artifact is cast. As well, Golem Foundry works well with profilierate. Now with thicker tokens, Greater Good seems like the better draw engine and newly added sacrifice piece. Though i did enjoy making plenty of myr token, at no point do I want to sacrifice 1/1 tokens to Greater Good. Yes, they will most likely have counters on them, but I evaluate based on the baseline. Even so, I would rather have big 3/3s over big 1/1s. As well, I prefer the draw effect of Greater Good over Quicksmith Genius’s rummaging effects.
The list is tight, but I'm always looking for adjustments. Shout out to Profet93 for spurring these changes because I planned on waiting for the new set to drop, but here we are! I’m willing to test more removal and this update will reflect that. The easiest swap was Swiftfoot Boots from Lightning Greaves due to targeting problems. Second, Nature's Claim is in the deck over Rip Apart because Nature’s Claim is just a good card. Rip Apart is good, due to flexibility, but it isn’t great. Swiftfoot Boots comes back in over Lightning Greaves due to targeting issues. Look, Patchwork Automaton is a busted card. At first, I was very excited for Lizard Blades once I saw it. It has everything this deck would want. However, there is a reason why Modern Hardened Scales and other artifact decks are playing. Automaton grows with artifacts played, but really the selling point is the ward 2. This makes Automaton a sticky threat. Automaton plays into the game plan better than Lizard Blades. Finally, I add Dromoka's Command over Parallel Lives. I can only have so many support enchantments that do nothing immediately once played. Hardened Scales, Parallel Lives, amd Double Season are quite strong, but I don’t think I need all three. Hardened Scales is only and Doubling Season enhances both tokens and counters for one more mana. Meanwhile, DCommand is an interactive piece that can either pump, fight, or remove an enchantment. Through playtesting, I’ve found that I’m not filling the graveyard as quickly as previous iterations. I wasn’t breaking open Goblin Welder
and Scrap Trawler as much as I liked. Thus, Quicksmith Genius is in over Soul-Guide Lantern. Lantern is great, but is more of a meta call.
There is a reason why the Modern Hardened Scales deck is named after Hardened Scales. This card adds explosiveness to the deck for only . It didn’t feel the best, but I cut Daretti, Scrap Savant. Goblin Engineer essentially covers everything that I would want from Daretti. The ultimate is nince, but unlikely. I really want to find room for Patchwork Automaton. Patchwork Automaton is a card I’ve been going back and forth with. However, Patchwork is really strong in this archetype. I do think it works better in Modern Hardened Scales because you can have multiple copies. It is still strong in EDH for similar reasons for why it is strong in Modern. First, it grows when you play an artifact and it has ward . Basically, Patchwork will only die via combat damage or boardwipe. It is doubtful that someone is going to pay extra for a Swords to Plowshare.
I always take a hard look at my deck lists when a new set comes out. I’ve spent some much time looking for an aggressive drop that works with an artifact deck. I was complating between Patchwork Automaton and Nettlecyst until I realized that my commander Akiri, Line-Slinger *f-etch* is the card that I needed. How disrespectful! I wanted to show Akiri some love, like I did with Ick-Tekik, and added Shadowspear to the deck. Because of how aggressive this deck is, I want more ways to push damage through blockers, especially with Akiri. Because Shadow is only , it is easy to tutor with Urza's Saga or Fiddlebender. It kinda hurts to remove Hour of Promise, because it is one of the ways to cheat Tron into play. However, I find looping Expedition Map
is more consistent. Throne of Geth is another aggressive piece to this artifact aggro deck. Throne of Geth can sacrifice an artifact to pump all the creatures with +1/+1 counters and the planeswalkers. Throne is great because it can sacrifice itself. Because of that, Throne is a powerful target for cards like Goblin Welder
to get more activations. There is a reason why most Hardened Scales Modern Decks play this card. I’m not sure about this, but I think that Ingenious Smith is the cut. I think this card is great, but it seems to be the weakest in my slot. It is the least likely target for Teshar loops, I’m not using my Feldar activation for it, and Ichor Wellspring is the best/most target draw card in this slot. I might add Smith back in, but the aggression of Throne is too good to pass up.
My word! Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty was certainly a pleasant surprise. I expected Ninjustu, Samurai, and spirits in this set. However, I did not think that this set was going to be so artifact heavy, let alone create a defining playstyle of “Modify.” Speaking of “Modify”, most of these new cards work perfectly with this deck because of the +1/+1 counter theme. Because of the card quality of this set, I’m going to list some of the standout cards at first glance below.
Ao, the Dawn Sky: I like everything that Ao is doing. Ao is a 5/4 with vigilance on a flying body. When Ao dies, it can either replace itself with worth of nonland permanents or pump the team. However, Ao has the similar problem that I had with Goldspan Dragon. This deck doesn’t support creatures that aren’t the following:
Enter the Battlefield Trigger
In order for Ao to be used at its fullest, it needs to be sacrificed. My deck can’t do that. The only way I can truly use Ao is by getting it into the graveyard and reanimating it with Feldon then sacrificing the token. This is too many hoops to jump through. Sad story because I think Ao is great for aggressive decks as a mid to top end card.
Kodama of the West Tree: This is a great support card for any modified deck, or in this case, +1/+1 counter deck. During the early game, Kodama functions as a ramp piece, putting a basic land into play tapped when a modified creature does combat damage to a player. At this point, the deck only has five basic lands, but this may be enough to justify this addition. If not, I’ll adjust the deck and add two or three more basic lands. However, ramping a maximum of five lands is still very strong. During the late game, Kodama provides trample to all modified creatures. Trample is a great keyword for pushing through damage in an aggressive build, especially when Ich-Tekik gets swole. As of this for , making Kodama an early play and recurrable by Tehsar.
However, the question remains; do I want the ramp? I find that Cryptolith Rite and Krark-Clan Ironworks are great for fixing mana. Do I want the trample? Honestly, I don't know because of Maul Splicer. Maul Splicer makes 6 power worth of artifact creatures and gives trample to all of my golems. I find that most of my threats are golems so Maul Splicer is a great utility piece for them. So, do I need another trample enabler? This list is tight as it is already. Do I really need this card?. For me, the answer is maybe at this point.
Cloudsteel Kirin: I think I’m like one of three people that look at this card and is excited for everything else except the Platinum Angel effect. Yes, the effect is cool. However, equip cost is too much and is an easy way to get blown out. On the other hand, Cloudsteel Kirin is a 3/2 evasive body and is an artifact.
Iron Apprentice: As I reviewed the deck during Kawigama’s spoiler season, I realized that I might want another cheap modular creature. Then, I came across Iron Apprentice. This card is similar to Arcbound Worker but I think this card appealed to me more because it can transfer counters to any creature, not just artifact creatures. This way, I can pump up Akiri and double pump Ich-Tekik on the fly. Also, I prefer the art on Iron Apprentice. Arcbound Worker works better with Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp though. For me, these two cards are interchangeable.
Experimental Synthesizer: Over the years, has been getting this aggressive form of card advantage that has to be used immediately. This bauble is no different. I enjoy that it triggers when it enters and leaves the battlefield. The samurai token is ok, but I would probably never crack this with its ability.
Lion Sash: Lion Sash is artifact Scavenging Ooze. As well, it can reconfigure onto a creature a give +1/+1 equal to the amount of counters on Lion Sash. All this is great, but Soul-Guide Lantern is prefer as it hits all opponents graveyards at once.
Invigorating Hot Spring: Modified creatures gain haste and this card grants a +1/+1 counter each turn.
Rabbit Battery: I think this card is great. It is an early artifact creature then, as the game goes on, it becomes a haste enabler for . However, I think Lightning Greaves is better because of the increased protection of shroud.
Patchwork Automaton: This is a construct with Ward that gains a +1/+1 counter everytime you cast an artifact. This could be a solid addition to the deck.
Towashi Guide-Bot: Once again, this is a construct with an ETB trigger that places a +1/+1 counter on a creature. That’s nice, but we are here for the second ability. TGuide-Bot can be tapped for to draw a card. However, this ability becomes cheaper with every modified creature you control. Basically, this will be tap to draw a card for free within this deck.
Circuit Mender: Just a better Filigree Familiar because of the additional toughness and the “leave the battlefield” effect.
However, the following cards will be added to the deck immediately:
Lizard Blades: For symbolr, Lizard Blades is a 1/1 artifact creature with double strike. Most decks don’t want a Fencing Ace, especially in EDH. However, Lizard Blades can become a massive threat with the many ways of distributing +1/+1 counters. LB is an artifact which makes it easy to tutor and recur. Finally, LB can reconfigure onto another creature bestowing double strike for a low cost. This aggressive card was an immediate addition to this deck.
Boseiju, Who Endures: This is an uncounterable artifact, enchantment, and nonbasic land removal for ….on a land. Boseiju, at its worst, is a fancy forest. This is a new staple for EDH.
Now, what was cut? Eldrazi Displacer is a great combo piece. It may have more applications for other players, but I only used Displacer if I was comboing. Yes, Displacer can flicker Blade Splicer for more golems, Goblin Engineer can tutor again, and etc. However, Feldon of the Third Path basically does the same thing and I am way more likely to search and/or have Feldon on the battlefield. Also, the Oswald Chain is my preferred method to go infinite anyways and there is no need for multiple infinite combos. Next Nature's Claim is out for Boseiju, Who Endures. I was deciding between this and Rip Apart for what was cut. I decided to keep Rip Apart because it functions as creature removal as well. Gavony Township is selected over the extra Forest because a utility land that puts +1/+1 counters on all of my creatures sounds great. There are plenty of times where I have extra mana and this is a great mana sink.
With this deck, I am constantly trying to balance between going wide and going tall. At this point, I am favoring going tall while having the go wide as a supplemental game plan. I also decided to move away from Academy Manufactor. I think that Jund supports treasure much better than Naya. Though the stax element of Karn is good, I rather just knock out my opponents rather than stall.
Inkmoth Nexus is in because it is a fetchable artifact flier with infect. Blast Zone underperformed most of the time.
I’ve wanted to add Ingenious Smith since it was spoiled in the Dungeons and Dragons set. It has a ETB card draw and grows when artifacts enter the battlefield, all for . Elemental Bond does work for this deck, with a guarantee draw off of golem tokens. However, I’ve noticed my creatures enter small then grow, thus missing the trigger from Elemental Bond. Ok, let’s talk about Goldspan Dragon. I’m not cutting Goldspan because it is bad. On the contrary, it is a great card, thus why it is $40 to $50 currently. Goldspan is a that refunds two mana after it attacks. I look at Goldspan as a symbol5 ramp card. It is also a good option to reanimate with Feldon of the Third Path. However besides Hour of Promise, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t want an expensive ramp spell. Honestly, Hour of Promise only has a spot because I have a pretty good land package. On the other hand, I’ve been mentally reviewing the games I’ve played with his shell in all of it’s variations. There are two cards that completely busted open this Naya shell: Cryptolith Rite and Xenagos, the Reveler. Because the deck is going wide (again), Cryptolith Rite seems like a must for an early ramp plan.. Speaking on expensive ramp that doesn’t get Tron Lands, Ugin, the Ineffable. The cost reduction and removal is nice, but is rough. Instead of cost reduction, I want The Ozolith because it is wild in this shell. Osgir, the Reconstructor
has been on and off the cutting board for the last month or so. Here’s the thing in my mind. If Osgir isn’t the commander, he is essential like a Panharmonicon. Panharmonicon is great sometimes, but is a win more card with less investment than Osgir. Osgir can be crazy, but I find myself wanting more consistency for the +1/+1 game plan. Arcbound Ravager does this much better. It is a free sacrifice outlet for , an artifact creature, and easy to tutor.
Search for Glory is slow and became worse as I removed legendary cards. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider needs to be the commander and not in the 99. Ornithopter of Paradise is outclassed by Hangarback in the slot.
I think the more I play/theorycraft the deck, the more I want to lean into using Ick-Tekik, Salvage Splicer. I’ve come to the conclusion that Ick-T wants an affinity/counters type of deck. Thus, I added more artifact creatures and +1/+1 synergizes to really make use of Ich-T. It feels odd to cut, but my creatures are too thick for Skullclamp. Terrarion is the weakest of the baubles. Ugh, Bloodforged Battle-Axe and Akiri is a good synergy. However, this deck isn’t focused on maximizing Akiri. Akiri is an early game blocker and sometimes pressures life totals. Though, BFBA makes artifact tokens, there are better things I can be doing. Coveted Jewel is better with Osgir as the commander or even Oswald with their sacrifice ability. Without it readily available, Jewel is too risky. Grinding Station, though good, isn’t functioning in the way I like. Elemental Bond is a reliable card draw in exchange for another way to fill up the graveyard.. Ornithopter of Paradise fits better with the new +1/+1 theme. I’m not sure if Nissa, Who Shakes the World is the best cut, but I want Bronze Guardian as pseudo-protection for artifacts and a golem beater.
The dual artifact lands, though useful and abusable, are too slow. Why do they have to come in tapped? Thus, they were replaced with the corresponding horizon lands, Sunbaked Canyon and Horizon Canopy. I rather have immediate draw over looting, thus why Smuggler's Copter was cut. Portable Hole is great removal, especially with an artifact focus. Lotus Bloom is good, but triple colored mana isn’t always necessary.
With Mr. Fiddlebender in the deck, I decided to add an artifact based combo line for infinite mana. Old Gnawbone, though seems great with this deck, never worked out that well. Garruk Wildspeaker is too slow. Fiddle ender is an upgrade to Forgemaster.
7.10.2021 - Dungeons and Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Update
I felt like this deck was missing some of the mentality I had when playing Tron. What I liked about Tron was utilizing cantrips to filter and fix my board state then start dropping bombs. Thus, I added more utility to the early game and cut cool, but unnecessary cards. Second, I was playing a graveyard artifact deck with minimal ways to fill the graveyard. Grinding Station fixes this problem. Ashnod's Altar was only there to sacrifice non-artifact creatures. However, Skullclamp does the same job for those creatures anyways. I’m not sure if this is correct, but Chandra, Torch of Defiance is switched out for Rip Apart. It is cheaper and is flexible. Yes, Chandra’s ultimate is a wincon. However, Chandra was mainly used to kill creatures then dies afterwards. Oswald Fiddlebender is silly and adds a toolbox element to the deck. Old Gnawbone makes treasures and the Timmy-est card in the set. Ancient Stirrings, like in normal Tron, hits most of the deck. Treasure Vault is an artifact land and makes treasure tokens.
I miss the removal that Cavalier of Dawn provided. I definitely wanted a creature based removal that could be recurred. Lodestone Golem is good for slowing down the field. However, I value the removal provided by Meteor Golem even more.
Sigh, I’m not super happy about cutting Cavalier of Dawn. However, Goldspan Dragon is a better creature at the drop slot. It is an evasive and hasty attacker, makes Treasure tokens, and makes Treasures crap for two mana instead of one. Urza's Saga a land that creates Construct tokens and tutors for an artifact. This card was going into the deck; I just didn’t know what to cut. .
Modern Horizons 2 Update
My word! Wizards must have known I was building this deck because there are plenty of sweet new additions. The new artifacts lands, Slagwoods Bridge and Thornglint Bridge, replace the previous tapped lands. Cinder Glade and Canopy Vista were in because they were cheap dual lands that assisted Nissa. However, Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth makes every land a forest, which helps fix mana and supercharge Nissa. For real, Yamimaya is the card that I wish I had when I was playing Modern Tron.
It stinks that I have to cut Indomitable Creativity. It is great if I already have or if I can plan far enough ahead to ensure that I have . Other than that, it is a dead card. As for God-Pharaoh's Statue, it is a great card, but I didn’t like drawing it most of the time. Yes, it slows down the game, but I don’t think the deck has enough stax support. It goes onto the field, gets hated out, and that’s it. I’ll leave the heavy stax pieces for a stax dedicated deck. Modern Horizon 2 has new Clue, Food, and Treasure support, which are all artifact tokens. Thus, Academy Manufacturer and Gilded Goose were added. If these two cards are on the field, Gilded Goose will create three artifact tokens. That's silly. Servo Schematic was a placeholder for a viable artifact creature that made an artifact token or another splicer card. Well, Wizards printed that card Breya's Apprentice. I also prefer Breya’s Apprentice due to its synergy with Teshar and Feldon, which Servo Schematic can not do.
I’ve wanted to add Looter Scooter for a while now. Smuggler's Copter provides card draw, card discard, and a flying 3/3 body all for . As well, it is incredibly easy to crew with a 1 power requirement. Lodestone Golem is the better staxs piece for this deck. However, I may put Tangelwire back in because it slows the table down. Lotus Bloom is in because I value the burst of three mana and its restrictions are easily avoided with Goblin Welder
effects. Lightning Greaves is slotted in over Swiftfoot Boots because it is a moot point. The creatures I want greaves on will not be getting targeted by Verdurous Gearhulk. Besides the issue of Shroud v Hexproof, Lightning Greaves is just better at a low casting cost and free equipment cost.
Shout out to BloodDragon. He asked some good questions which got me thinking about the functionality of the deck. Through my testing, I found that I had plenty of token doublers,
but not as many token producers. When this deck was helmed by Marath, Will of the Wild *f-etch*, I had access to a token producer all the time. Ich-T does make a token, but he doesn’t come close to the token monster Marath. Thus, Servo Schematic is in and Anointed Procession is out. Second, it felt that Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle wasn’t working as I intended. For example, I had Dockside Extortionist on the field with Teshar, which is great. Teshar can easily reanimate Dockside to create dumb amounts of treasure tokens. However, I had no way to get Dockside into the graveyard. I then realized that I needed a creature sacrifice outlet. Now, Ashnod's Altar is in, acting like a second Krark-Clan Ironworks. Don’t get it twisted; Shalai, Voice of Plenty is great and one of my favorite cards. I have it in almost every deck that I can play it in. However, she just doesn’t fit here. I don’t want to waste a Feldon activation on it, I can’t reanmate it, and it never felt good to draw. Smuggler's Copter adds looting and is easy to tutor. Coveted Jeweler replaced Dreamstone Hedron because I’m greedy. I’ve never activated Field of the Dead and I’ve been looking to add Blast Zone for removal.
Ugh, this feels bad to cut Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. This is one of the cards that made Tron fun to play in Modern. However, this isn’t Modern. It’s EDH. Thus, Ulamog was replaced with Triplicate Titan. Side by side, Ulamog is a much better card in every way. However, Ulamog doesn’t synergize with the game plan as well as Triplicate Titan. Titan is easier to cheat and works better with the doubler in the deck. I’ve had too many Ulamog draws that felt bad and made me wish it was something else. Goblin Welder
is in because I want even more of this effect, especially without a mana cost attached to it. Alibou, Ancient Witness
grants artifact creatures haste, which is good, and has a burn/scry effect. Also, Alibou is a golem. Hangarback Walker was cut because it is good in theory. Most of the time I couldn’t reanimate it because it enters as a 0/0. Though Hangarback can produce plenty of Thopters, it never happens that way. I rather loop any other artifact creature.
4.16.2021 - Strixhaven Part 2
As I continue to play test, I always want to see either Feldon of the Third Path or Osgir, the Reconstructor
. Thus, I added two tutors to the package. Though Search for Glory is , it has the flexibility to grab any legendary card, which covers creatures and planeswalkers. I also noticed that I wasn't ramping hard enough for my liking. Thus, Hour of Promise was added because it enables Tron and is good ramp. Honestly, getting Tron consistently is a meme in itself and Thespian's Stage never helped the case. It is only good if I already had Tron. Scrap Trawler was missed so it was put back in. Now, I've come to the point we're I really want to add more cards for the new Commander set, but have no clue what to cut or if it is even worth playing. I would like to add the following:
Alibou, Ancient Witness
Losheel, Clockwork Scholar
Cursed Mirror
Triplicate Titan
4.3.2021 - Strixhaven
In: Dreamstone Hedron, Tangle Wire, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Osgir, the Reconstructor
, Kuldotha Forgemaster, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Pyrite Spellbomb, Great Furnace, Tree of Tales, and Ancient Den
Day One of Strixhaven spoilers already has me excited for new Boros cards. Osgir, the Reconstructor
seems busted, especially in this shell. Osgir lets you exile an artifact card in the graveyard and get two artifact token copies. I repeat two artifact token copies. I drooled at the idea of pay for two copies of Sol Ring. That is a great play even without token doublers, which I will have every game to the best of my ability. Also, I might be reading this wrong but you can pay zero to get two copies of the artifact lands. That’s crazy to me. Kuldotha Forgemaster is back in because Magda, Brazen Outlaw never worked out like I wanted. Same with Maskwood Nexus. I rather have the dumb ramp of Dreamstone Hedron. God-Pharaoh's Statue and Tangle Wire is an easy to include stax piece.
Shout out to Thegloomyg for reminding me that flickering my creatures is an option. I was having a problem deciding what to cut until I finally chose to part ways with Mimic Vat. Feldon of the Third Path and Mimic Vat play the same role. However, I want Feldon everytime over Mimic Vat due to the fact that he makes artifact token copies.