This spicy Rakdos version of Burn sacrifices Boros Charm, Lightning Helix, Sunbaked Canyon and Path to Exile, Deflecting Palm, Sanctifier en-Vec, Rest in Peace for Bump in the Night, Den of the Bugbear and Dauthi Voidwalker, Rain of Gore. this lowers the mana curve allowing for 19 lands with less life paid than boros mana bases.
Bump in the Night and Shard Volley make it so that even after sideboard swaps this deck has more 1 mana 3 damage spells than a typical Boros Burn thus maximising prowess triggers and odds of dealing 20 by turn 3.
Alternative (most common) Boros Burn version @
Alternative Rakdos without Eidolon of the Great Revel version @
Alternative Mardu pure aggro version @
Alternative Naya anti-meta version @
Alternative Gruul anti-lifegain version @
Alternative Jund creature heavy version @
Aggro Sideboards:
VS Murktide
OUT: Searing Blaze x4, Shard Volley x1
IN: Dauthi Voidwalker x3, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS Crashing Footfalls
OUT: Eidolon of the Great Revel x4, Shard Volley x1
IN: Roiling Vortex x3, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS Rakdos Scam
OUT: Skullcrack x4
IN: Exquisite Firecraft x2, Searing Blood x2
VS Red Deck Wins
OUT: (play Skullcrack x2) (Draw Eidolon of the Great Revel x2)
IN: Searing Blood x2
VS Merfolk
OUT:Skullcrack x4
IN: Exquisite Firecraft x2, Searing Blood x2
VS Domain Zoo
OUT: Skullcrack x4
IN: Exquisite Firecraft x2, Searing Blood x2
VS Jund
OUT: Skullcrack x4, Shard Volley x1
IN: Searing Blood x2, Dauthi Voidwalker x3
VS Elementals
OUT: Eidolon of the Great Revel x4, Bump in the Night x2
IN: Exquisite Firecraft x2, Roiling Vortex x3 Rain of Gore x1
VS Affinity
OUT: Skullcrack x4, Bump in the Night x2
IN: Smash to Smithereens x4, Searing Blood x2
Control Sideboards:
VS Urzatron
OUT: Searing Blaze x4 (Draw Eidolon of the Great Revel x4)
IN: Roiling Vortex x3 Rain of Gore x1 (Draw Smash to Smithereens x4)
VS UW Control
OUT: Searing Blaze x4, Shard Volley x1, Bump in the Night x1
IN: Roiling Vortex x3 Rain of Gore x1, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS 4C Control (Omnath)
OUT: Searing Blaze x4, Shard Volley x1, Bump in the Night x1
IN: Roiling Vortex x3 Rain of Gore x1, Exquisite Firecraft x2
Combo Sideboards:
VS Creativity
OUT: Searing Blaze x4, Shard Volley x1, Bump in the Night x1
IN: Roiling Vortex x3, Rain of Gore x1, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS Hammertime
OUT: Skullcrack x4, Bump in the Night x2
IN: Smash to Smithereens x4, Searing Blood x2
VS Living End
OUT: Skullcrack x3, Searing Blaze x4, Shard Volley x1
IN: Dauthi Voidwalker x3, Roiling Vortex x3, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS Amulet Titan
OUT: Searing Blaze x4, (Play Skullcrack x2) (Draw Eidolon of the Great Revel x2)
IN: Smash to Smithereens x4, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS Jeskai Breach
OUT: Searing Blaze x4, Shard Volley x1
IN: Dauthi Voidwalker x3, Exquisite Firecraft x2
VS Chord Toolbox
OUT: Skullcrack x4, Shard Volley x1, Bump in the Night x2
IN: Dauthi Voidwalker x3, Exquisite Firecraft x2 Searing Blood x2