This is an Izzet burn/nivix deck i came up with upon seeing how sweet the burn spells in Theros were. This deck relies heavily on using a Nivix Cyclops, Young Pyromancer, or a Spellheart Chimera in combination with a bunch of instants and sorceries to beat down an enemy. I'm not so much relying on burn spells to kill an opponent by themselves.
Nivix Cyclops: obviously, he's the main win-con of the deck. Getting a Nivix to ludicrously high power levels is quite easy when you have low cmc burn spells like Shock and Magma Jet in your deck.
Spellheart Chimera: I saw this card and instantly fell in love. While you are most likely not going to be throwing this card down onto the field turn 3, he can become quite a bomb late game after a good portion of my deck has been tossed into the grave yard.
Young Pyromancer: This card is just great value. Shock a guy, get a token. Use Quicken for card draw, get a token. Blow up the field with a Mizzium Mortars, get a token. A two drop that can spawn me an army if not dealt with quickly is a wonderful thing.
Thassa, God of the Sea: While he'll never actually become a creature in my deck (short of a miracle), this card is still great value as an enchantment IMO. Scry right before draw is a fun mechanic, and his activated ability allows me to give a Spellheart Chimera or a Nivix Cyclops unblockablity.
AEtherling: This card has been the bane of my existence since it's release, and now I'm looking forward to unleashing in this deck. While he may seem like an anomaly in a burn deck, I thought utilizing him as a second win-con was a smart move, and i hope to be proven right. The fact that he is basically impossible to kill, as well as unblockable, allows him to do ridiculous, table-flip inducing things to an opponent.
Ral Zarek: Oh Ral. You are so, sooo much fun. His plus 1 allows me to play more instants and sorceries in a single turn (allowing Nivix Cyclops to get even bigger and scarier), his minus ability is great removal against anything that I don't have the capacity to burn, and his ulti will often times singularly put the game out of reach or pull you out from the jaws of defeat.
jace, the memory adept: This card has a special place in my heart, as he's the first planeswalker I ever pulled and he allowed me to fabricate a hilarious mill deck that I played to death. In this deck however, he is mostly utilized for his card draw. Although, if things are going horribly wrong, it doesn't hurt to have his mill capabilities as an alt win-con.
As you can most likely tell from the lack of a sideboard, this deck is definitely a work in progress, so any advice you could shoot my way would be awesome. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think!