Indeed I have. Unfortunately, it's only really effective on turns 1 and 2. After that, it's the opposite of what I want to happen - it's a body when I need burn, and burn when I need a body. Also, 34$ for a playset isn't appealing, as they really have no Modern/Legacy value once they drop. I would totally play them if I got to choose the effect, though.
August 6, 2013 4:05 p.m.
Any idea how you plan on changing the deck after rotation?
September 10, 2013 2:27 p.m.
Um, well, we lose a lot of the goodstuffs. Hellrider , a massive player, will be leaving, along with Pillar of Flame , Dragonskull Summit , Hellion Crucible , Volcanic Strength , and Searing Spear , but the Spear gets Lightning Strike, so it's okay.
If I was going to play this deck after rotation, I'd completely overhaul it and make it more of a midrange-control, or tempo. I'd look at getting numerous Rakdos's Return , maybe a few Sire Of Insanity , Magma Jet , Master of Cruelties pairing with Rogue's Passage , and of course some Thoughtseize . Purphoros, the red god, is looking pretty sweet. Boros Reckoner is not out of the question, and red is looking super solid. Dreadbore is a card, so yeah.
If I had my way as far as what deck I would play, I think a B/W midrange/tempo is looking to be a huge contender.
- Thoughtseize
- Blood Baron of Vizkopa
- Ashen Rider (this guy might need to be cheated out, or something)
- Gift of Immortality , from Theros
- Soldier of the Pantheon, from Theros (so much value!)
- That new B/W scryland
- Xathrid Necromancer
- Cartel Aristocrat
- Heliod, God of the Sun might find a home here
- Lifebane Zombie
- Imposing Sovereign
- Dark Prophecy (I love this card)
- Rootborn Defenses
- Pithing Needle in the sideboard, relevant.
Obviously, it needs some tweaking and cutting, but I think it's a neat idea.
rakdosrunner says... #1
two drop with four damage, Mizzium Mortars also has possible overload
July 27, 2013 2:05 a.m.