Burn Izz Control

Standard Avatar828


awphutt says... #1

Might I suggest adding a Chandra's Phoenix ? With all the burn you've got it could be a nice recurring 2+ damage.

March 17, 2014 3:18 a.m.

Avatar828 says... #2

Thanks awphutt. I will definitely playtest Chandra's Phoenix , and maybe focus more on the burn aspect of this deck.

March 17, 2014 8:03 a.m.

Redchilli says... #3

Hey man you could run Nivix Cyclops instead of all 4 Guttersnipe s. You'd could really capitalise on playing your spells to buff him with +3/0 each spells you cast on that turn, particularly if you play something like Crypsis then if you need to sideboard in control for game 2 you can take him out (because you'll be playing more spells on their turn rather than on yours) and play more Guttersnipe or Chandra's Pheonix

March 19, 2014 8:58 a.m.

Avatar828 says... #4

That's a pretty interesting suggestion Redchilli. I like the versatility that creates. Since I am still working on a sideboard, I have room to put my Guttersnipe and mainboard the Nivix Cyclops . I will definately try it out. Thanks!

March 19, 2014 7:51 p.m.

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