
Enchantment (3)


So, my 2nd attempt at making a magic deck ever -It's a Red-Blue Control-Burn Deck. The deck is not even slightly cheap but that's mostly due to Jace and the non basic lands. The cost could be reduced by replacing these. General idea is keep playing lands as soon as possible, most of these are pretty flexible so should allow for blue or red spells as needed. The main idea is to burn away at the opponents life, whether that be by just overwhelming with lots of burn spells, copying a few with the likes of The Mirari Conjecture or Jaya's emblem, and playing most burn spells in the deck also powers up a lot of the creatures or activates an effect to do additional damage, helping to expedite the burn victory. Several of the cards (and Counterflux) have the ability to keep control of the board to buy you time to do this.

Win Conditions:

1) The Mirari Conjecture + Fight with Fire (copied and kicked) - more or less an instant kill if it can be executed properly, dealing 10 damage to the played twice in the same turn. Where Mirari isn't drawn other things like Jaya's emblem can replicate the effect.

2) Standard Burn - Just keep chipping away their life total with creature abilities and stuff like Lightning Bolt. Between the 8 bolts, and things like Guttersnipe's ability, there should be plenty to burn down 20 life and burn through some creatures. Using the scry from Serum Visions should also allow some cheap casts of Thunderous Wrath

3) Jace the Mind Sculptor - Always his own win condition, all the effects are pretty useful for this deck, and if it goes onn long enough the -12 creates start a timer until victory

4) As a back-up win condition, it could be possible to win just by using the Prowess type effects, and things like Spellheart Chimera's power whilst using the occassional sorcery or instant.

Problems / Questions:

1) I need some help getting this down to 60 / 61 cards - I'm not really sure what to take out, and would really appreciate some help trimming the fat down to the final version of the deck.

2) Is it quick enough? Will the deck win before getting overwhelmed by things like big creatures from green

3) Are there too many high value cards? I don't think there is, but would appreciate your guys' perspective

4) Is 22 land enough? I've tried to pick a very flexible land base with options for both blue and red that can be played that turn - does this make up for the slightly lower number of lands?

5) Any suggestions for a sideboard?

I'll write a more thorough description and add the card links in later along with perceived strengths and weaknesses for the deck


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Revision 6 See all

(5 years ago)

+2 Abrade side
+2 Ceremonious Rejection side
+2 Dragon's Claw side
-2 Frostburn Weird main
+3 Leyline of the Void side
-2 Melek, Izzet Paragon main
+2 Molten Rain side
-1 Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius main
+2 Ratchet Bomb side
+2 Skullcrack side
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 7 Rares

29 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 2 Commons

Cards 67
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens Emblem Jaya Ballard
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