Burn the Library

Modern Ratty


Nah he wasn't wrong. A simple google search proved him right. Jesus man.


April 28, 2016 3:08 a.m.

lone_wolf229 says... #2

However it also says "if its your turn, emd the turn" so if younwere tonise say brain ina a jar or some other means to cast it durong an oppenents tirn, the aphinx effect would activate as the riules say that if the turn ends sphinxs effect no longer exists, so therefore with a bit of basic grammer, something cant "no longer exist" unless it existed in the first place, so if the turn doesnt end then the effect that must logicLly exist due to thsir own wording, then it would "cease to exist". So by their owm wording stating that then if cast during an oppents turn, sphinxs effect wouod trigger and go through

April 28, 2016 6:10 a.m.

Ratty says... #3

RevengeOfZarnok easy way around it would be to cast Day's Undoing on your opponent's turn, but then we wouldn't be playing Standard.

April 28, 2016 12:41 p.m.

Argy says... #4

May 2, 2016 4:33 a.m.

Abubroki says... #5

Hi, +1 definitely, and good job!

I've been thinking of building a (budget if possible) monoblue deck for FNMs, mostly because spike netdeckers annoy me at my LGS, and it's really fun winning and having them actually say outloud "I can't believe you won with all that crap" or "man, what's this deck's name? I had never seen it"...

Anyway, I am trying a similar list, with the following changes: 2x Dispel mainboard, and possibly 2 more in SB, as Collected Company is still a thing at my LGS, and it lowers the curve; some copies of Harbinger of the Tides, and most epecially, 2x Sphinx of the Final Word...

I also agree that mass bouncing effects are a must; theres's also that XUU sorcery from Origins (I can't recall the name right now but it is a must in blue controllish Tiny Leader)... It might help against opponent's Invasive Surgery...

May 2, 2016 5:56 a.m.

ArgeauxCan you explain why you prefer Claustrophobia over Containment Membrane? just I can not see the difference other than 'surge'.

I have been mucking around a bit with this deck. I seem to do okay with this deck, not great though. I feel as if I am constantly need more mana and or lower costing spells. I am thinking of using a full play set of Negate instead of Void Shatter.so far I have removed 1 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, 3 x Spell Shrivel, 4 x Void Shatter and added

1 x Forgotten Creation, Engulf the Shore, 2 x Essence Flux and 4 x Negate.

The Essence Flux works well with Manic Scribe as well as a cheap counter removal for Thing in the Ice  Flip.

so far I have played a G/R ramp deck and it was not able to even hit me once. It was rather annoying having to constantly watch out for Natural State.

So far these changes have worked well for me, but still wanting to improve this master piece :)

I am thinking about removing another Jace, Unraveler of Secrets for an Island

May 2, 2016 6:46 a.m.

Awenna says... #7

control_is_the_new_black Claustrophobia taps the card it enchants, meaning it can freeze cards with Vigilance and cards that are untapped cannot do anything next turn, while they can still do one action after Containment Membrane before being frozen useless.

I don't think Essence Flux is a very good card in a deck like this - it's good value if you both save a creature from removal and get an ETB effect, but this deck doesn't really care of its creatures as they're not the wincon, nor are the ETB's very good.

May 2, 2016 6:54 a.m.

Argy says... #8

Yes, Claustrophobia taps the card, Containment Membrane does not.

Putting Containment Membrane on a Creature with Vigilance is nearly useless.

With Claustrophobia you can ice big threats like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger right away. With Containment Membrane they can still hit you once.

May 2, 2016 9:07 a.m.

thank you ever so much for the clarification, really appreciate it Argeaux and Awenna.

would Skyline Cascade be worth replacing 2 copies of Jace, Unraveler of Secrets? Or some other cards.

Anchor to the Aether, Send to Sleep, Disperse and Just the Wind may be worth looking into.

May 2, 2016 9:31 a.m.

Argy says... #10

IMO if you're going to start looking at the spells that you've mentioned you'd be better off adding white and using Reflector Mage and Roil Spout.

I think you want to stick with , though.

If I were you I'd take out 1x Manic Scribe and 1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets and test with 2x Sea Gate Wreckage.

May 2, 2016 10:07 a.m.

Why Spell Shrivel over Scatter to the Winds other than the exile effect?

May 2, 2016 1:17 p.m.

Awenna says... #12

Eat_Lead_Slackers Exactly for the exile effect.

May 2, 2016 3:18 p.m.

Argy says... #13

I don't like it as much either, but I understood the need for Exile in the current meta.

Too many ways of getting nasty stuff back from the Yard.

May 2, 2016 10:33 p.m.

Abubroki says... #14

FWIW, here's my current take at this idea; waiting to acquire and proxy some cards to test it... comments are very welcome!

May 3, 2016 7:50 a.m.

DaygonDie says... #15

The only issue i see with this deck is that in a match with any other tutleage mill mechanic.. if they are running multi color and you just blue.. you are very likely to loose.

May 3, 2016 9:58 p.m.

Ratty says... #16

DaygonDie I did play against another mill deck that had Sphinx's Tutelage in it, but my opponent was only using 2. Also he had Fevered Visions which worked against him badly!

May 4, 2016 5:13 p.m.

Fevered Visions is a blessing, makes for even more Sphinx's Tutelage triggers along with extra cards. It is only a problem when you are land tapped, but it allows for extra lands to be drawn.

May 4, 2016 7:56 p.m.

Ratty says... #18

control_is_the_new_black don't get me wrong Fevered Visions is a great card, but when it's played against me and I drop my third Sphinx's Tutelage on the board it just doesn't end well. Giving my deck more chances to draw is a bad thing for my opponents.

May 4, 2016 8:11 p.m.

Ratty sorry, I meant that when its played against this deck. I am happy to see my opponent play it

May 4, 2016 10:51 p.m.

mlssufan01 says... #20

why not use zephyr scribe instead of scholar? as when you cast cards it will also untap him? if you consider splashing green you could also play kiora--pay 1 mana, tap, draw a card, kiora, which auto untaps, tap again, untap with kiora, tap scribe again

May 6, 2016 12:42 a.m.

Ratty says... #21

mlssufan01, Zephyr Scribe cost mana to use its ability, Reckless Scholar does not. Mana needs to be open to keep the control aspect available during my opponent's turn. Splashing green will alter everything about this deck. Kiora, Master of the Depths is a great card, but doesn't fit into the construction of this deck.

May 6, 2016 2:50 a.m.

Purple_Mage says... #22

Hi Ratty, me again :). Have you considered swapping out 2 Startled Awake  Flip for 2 additional Talent of the Telepath. Obviously it mills less cards overall, however the synergy between this and Thing in the Ice  Flip is fantastic, as you already mentioned in the description. I just think having a four of would greatly increase your consistency. And in the current meta there are a lot of good instants and sorceries knocking around. As always just a thought :).

May 6, 2016 3:20 a.m. Edited.

you don't always hit with Talent of the Telepath, so you're just milling 7 cards. Whereas with Startled Awake  Flip, you're always milling 13 and have the ability to play it over again. Though it may be worth having extra in the sideboard

May 6, 2016 7:43 a.m.

lone_wolf229 says... #24

Its fun if its mill vs mill with talent, i did that at fnm tonight and someone used twp of my startled awakes against me...:(

May 6, 2016 4:11 p.m.

Frostt says... #25

have you considered running mirrorpool? it would allow you to copy cast your mill 13 or mill 7?? also why are you not running engulf the shore, i think that cards is very necessary to a mills survival.

May 8, 2016 6:11 p.m.

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