Burnie Landers

Commander / EDH Tripike


greyninja says... #1

Looks fun! +1 from me

I like the Tooth and Claw combos; that's not something you see every day. Evolutionary Leap is a neat idea too.

Greater Good, Life's Legacy and Momentous Fall could go with the sac theme and help refill your hand. Five cards for 2-4 mana is very strong

I tried Dragon Broodmother and a few others, but they came out to better streamline the deck. It's hard to choose what number of fatties to run with so much ramp. I hate getting stuck early game with a high cmc hand when I just want omnath out asap

Keep up the good work! Kill everything not gruul! Hopefully you'll swing by my deck and give it a look too. (LINK) Cheers!

September 12, 2017 1:01 a.m.

How about nature’s lore to replace rampant growth?

March 15, 2019 8:32 p.m.

Weird_Frisbee says... #4

Hi, i've been working on my Angry Omnath: Omnath Cruel Gruul, for about a solid year now and have a super smashing of a list.

Some cards I suggest for your list: Zuran Orb , Sylvan Safekeeper , World Shaper , Titania, Crucible of Worlds , Krosan Grip , Ashnod's Altar and Scapeshift .

If you'd like to chat more, do hmu.

March 16, 2019 2:12 a.m.

Tripike says... #5

channelfireball12345 It's already in the deck.


  • Because this deck uses a cast-fueled ramp package, Graveyard land effects don't synergize super well. Titania, Protector of Argoth and Crucible of Worlds were considered, but might require a larger overhaul to be optimal. However, the Sylvan Safekeeper + World Shaper combo is incredibly powerful with how many sacrifice outlets I'm running, so I really might consider that.

  • Scapeshift is also pretty tempting. It's definitely explosive, but my main worry is that if I don't win off of it I've run out of land drops!

  • Krosan Grip was originally included, but Reclamation Sage took the slot because of how easy it is to tutor up in my build.

  • I'm in between Ashnod's Altar and Spawning Pit at the moment. On one hand, Ashnod's can net me a huge mana advantage very quickly. On the other hand, Spawning Pit and any Doubling Season effect is way better with Purphoros, God of the Forge or Stalking Vengeance on the board. Plus, with two Token Doublers on board, I can make as many 1 mana 2/2s as I want. Considering the rest of the deck is about gaining the mana advantage, I'm currently of the opinion that Spawning Pit wins out.

  • I'm still trying to find room for Nissa, Vital Force . Her Ult is absolutely amazing, but her +1 is pretty underwhelming. I'm not sure she's worth the slot, but I'm undecided.

March 16, 2019 11:17 a.m.

Oops my bad

Don’t know how I could miss that lol

March 16, 2019 12:06 p.m.

Ripwater says... #7

Hey Man,

Super cool that you got to the 100% competitive mark, but that being said you are making some decision that are in my opinion crucial mistakes. That fact that you leave Crucible of Worlds out is something I don't understand. Crucible is the engine in any omnath deck, especially combined with things like fetches. You can keep going and going and going, basically every fetch is a recurring ramp spell that you can play for nothing. Creating 2 tokens, that can hit or be sacrificed for damage. It is truly insane and often the card that will win you the game. Supported by Titania, Protector of Argoth you have another win con.

Also Scapeshift wins you the game. Any day, especially with a sac outlet arround and a, guess what, Crucible of Worlds or Ramunap Excavator on the board when things don't go as planned.

Even if you dont play crucible or the ramunap, scapeshift is basically a win if you played Avenger of Zendikar the turn before.

That being said you are truly in a very good direction, but to make the deck competitive (again the tapped out meter doesnt say that much) you need to focus it more. And omnath is all about dropping lands, everything else doesnt matter. You dont play interaction with anything on the board. Enchantment/Artifact is for the weak. You play player removal with omnath, someone drops something threathening? Here is 15 elementals in your face, sac them all and divide 45 damage to kill another player off. Fastest I won with my build is turn 4. (was a god hand but still). Often I drag multiplayer games in around turn 6-7.

I do agree with you on Nissa, Vital Force She can be underwhelming and with cards like Greater Good and Perilous Forays you have better card draw then her. The only thing that helps her is that her +1 is powerfull since she can protect herself for one turn and then ult. Right now I play Altar of Dementia , often I have around 15-20 elementals, wich means I can Swing/Sac/Mill almost 3 players out of the game in one go. But she might find her way back in, or Greenwarden of Murasa but that would mostly be for the recursion.

Also: Oracle of Mul Daya , Azusa, Lost but Seeking , Lotus Cobra , Mina and Denn, Wildborn are crucial in any land matters deck. Cause they keep the land drop engine going and often one of these give you a turn 4 omnath.

Also Burgeoning with Ghost Town gives you a land drop on each of your opponents turn, if you take Ghost Town back to you hand before they go into first main phase.

My build is basically the top deck on tapped out with a few cards changed regarding my meta. Omnath, Locust of Rage-deck. Hopefully it will help you a bit.

March 25, 2019 8:57 a.m.

HailSketch says... #8

Why no cratherhoof?

May 31, 2019 10:17 a.m.

redpatty says... #9

I don't see like- any protection for Omnath. Not a hexproof or a shroud What happens if someone steals him? is your only answer Homeward Path ?

Is there something I'm missing?

August 26, 2019 11:44 p.m.

Obahai says... #10

What are your thoughts on running Terror of the Peaks over Stalking Vengeance and using Thawing Glacier?

July 13, 2020 6:47 p.m.

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