Quick Overview:
The concept of this deck is simple, you burn your opponent, be it their creatures or their life points. Use goblins to go suicidal and inflict damage, use sorceries or instants, or use them both combined using cards like goblin grenade. But the key is to get the opponents life down enough so that you can finish them off with one motion upon summoning a card that doubles the damage output, such as Furnace of Rath or Dictate of Twin Gods. Along the way, Gutter Snipe will be there to make the opponent slowly bleed. The game needs to be strategically planned to finish the opponent once the doubler is out. You can use the burn cards for field control while you wait to get the cards you need. Manna curve is low with the exception of the doublers. This deck shows how much red decks can burn!!
How to Play this Deck:
Essentially, you need to have at least 2 lands in your opening hand, and it is to your advantage if you get to go first. If you don't get a land a turn don't sweat it, desperate ritual will get you to have at least 3 land to summon Guttersnipe. Now, from here, it is good to know what the enemy is doing. If they are going to be summoning a bunch of creatures, then use your burn cards for field control and eliminate the targets creatures, and with guttersnipe, you will be able to slowly attack the life of the opponent. If the enemy doesn't play many creatures and has a higher CMC deck, then go for life points and take the hits of the creatures. Now, when to use the doubler card is very important. Lets say you have a Guttersnipe of the field and you play a Lava Spike, right there, 10 damage was dealt. But if you aren't able to take out the opponent with that, then you are running a risk as the doubler not only affects you, but also your opponent. Also keep in mind that you don't want to deal more damage in one go than you have life, since if the opponent were to reverse the attack to you, it would kill you. Ideally, you would have a guttersnipe on the field, play the Furnace of Rath, use a Goblin Grenade, and sacrifice the Goblin Arsonist. Right there, you dealt 20 damage. Now, obviously 20 damage would kill the opponent under most circumstances, but also keep in mind that the turns leading up to this you were not standing by idle, you would have at least dealt 3-6 damage. Again, I can't say this enough, if you can't win the turn a doubler is in play, expect the enemy to finish you off, if you take the risk, you are putting your life in their hands.