Burning Recall [Primer]

Modern grimcase21

SCORE: 113 | 100 COMMENTS | 25088 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS

grimcase21 says... #1

yeah simian spirit guide is a fair card right mitchell.s89 free mana is so strong!!

December 17, 2015 10:59 p.m.

Acid_Drop says... #2

January 14, 2016 5:26 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #3

Acid_Drop, it was originally in the deck, and it worked quite nicely but I was dying to creatures too much cause at that I didn't have any removal for them. Eventually Kolaghan's Command replaced it cause of its utility. Great suggestion though, just waiting for kalitas, traitor to ghet to finish off the deck

January 15, 2016 2:14 p.m.

shadowstun26 says... #4

Sangromancer seems like a nice addition for a midrange style meta, that life gain seems pretty sweet

February 25, 2016 6:11 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #5

shadowstun26, i think you're right in this day and age of meta. Lifegain seems way more important than card advantage. So I guess it'll take the place of Notion Thief until the meta slows down, if it ever slows down. good suggestion thanks

February 25, 2016 11:53 p.m.

CaptSillva says... #6

You should strongly consider Rise/Fall. I Also have a Waste Not build minus the blue. If you check it out you might get some other ideas.

April 23, 2016 1:50 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #7

This is an excellent addition, CaptSillva to the deck, the problem is what to cut and how many to put in probably 1 or 2. I'll have to test this out tys!

April 24, 2016 2:08 a.m.

shadowstun26 says... #8

just make rise/fall a fun-or, cut the nighthawks or a few mana leaks for em. Also, if you want check out my spin on the waste not grixis control deck, ive played this quite a bit locally to mixed results

When life gives you lemons

April 24, 2016 3:42 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #9

thank you shadowstun26 for the input, I'll try without the nighthawks and we'll see how we do

April 26, 2016 9:24 p.m.

Maybe Reforge the Soul or Wheel of Fate. Any wheel effect combined with Waste Not is pretty disgusting. Trust me, I play Nekusar EDH :D

June 26, 2016 1:58 a.m.

Whoops wasn't looking at the considered column sorry.

June 26, 2016 2 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #12

At Nightdragon779, I considered a wheel effect in the deck a long time ago and tested it, but then i kept running into two problems. Consistency and speed, for something like Reforge the Soul which has miracle, I wish I could choose to cast it for its miracle cost. Sometimes I would miracle it on turn 2, before I could play a Waste Not and then I would be forced to wait and thus lose the miracle cost. There is no Brainstorm effects available in modern or else I would put it in.

With modern being a very fast format Wheel of Fate, and waiting 4 turns seems a bit much, as you might be dead by then. I also want to cascade into it with cards such as Demonic Dread or Violent Outburst but I can't hit it reliably as Waste Not is CC 2, and thus missing what we what to hit (Wheel of Fate).

Another wheel effect I think above somebody mentioned was Dark Deal. It curves out well, Waste Not into Dark Deal, but my opponents usually react first cause I used all my mana to cast dark deal, unless I'm playing the storm version. Which is another deck entirely, and not the focus of this deck.

However great suggestion, wheel effects, though very powerful in conjunction with Waste Not are just too slow for a competitive modern deck. This is where EDH shines, where the games go on much longer than 4 turns and where you get to do some awesome gimmicky things. For modern, for combo, unless it's excessively fast or very cost efficiency is hard to pass in order to beat those top decks. (The deck my friend plays is G/U infect, very unforgiving)

Keep the suggestions coming though, always interested in what the community can find to contribute the deck. :D

June 26, 2016 10:45 p.m.

Louie says... #13

I've been working on a similar deck to yours (http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/lilianas-burning-wheels/). The only exception is that my deck focus more on the concept of "forced looting".With the heavy discard suite that I bring my opponents usually don't have any cards in hand, turning [card]Waste Not[/card] and [card]Liliana's Caress[/card] into bad cards that do nothing. That's why I went in that new direction.

I like your innovation and eagerness to explore new decks! +1 for you!

PS. The new loot land looks might promising! I'll be grabbing two for my own deck. =)

July 21, 2016 12:10 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #14

Louie, Thanks for the up vote. I like your vision of the "forced looting" style of deck. For non-storm Waste Not decks, i ran into the same issue that you did, if they are very fast decks that kill on turn 3 (like infect, burn, etc...) it makes it difficult to put down the Waste Not/Liliana's Caress without dying thus the dream of Dark Dealing them as you said on your first update on your fnm "Dark Deal has been somewhat lackluster". Thus I changed it to a heavy removal style of deck. From my experience, if you can grind the game you win (unless they have some cheeky infinite). I think the reason I took out the Liliana's Caress, was not because it wasn't a great card (it actually won me a lot of games, it was a ticking time bomb when you have multiple) it was due to the fact that I wanted to minimize the "useless on their own cards" to a minimum (like you mentioned you ran into those issues). Waste Not won over Liliana's Caress in the end, which is why it was taken out, and due to this change i valued Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip over Lore Broker and Snapcaster Mage. Snapcaster Mage was out because jace's activation cost 0 for mana, while i need 2 extra mana for snap (thus I can chain Burning Inquiry into more Burning Inquiry if I get lucky). Anyways, Thank you again for the encouragement.

PS: i think if you want the card to show it's picture like Notion Thief, all you have to do is (open square bracket)(open square bracket)(card you want)(close square bracket)(close square bracket) instead of the html style of [card][/card] (at least for comments). Here's the formatting guide if you need it http://tappedout.net/help-desk/formatting/ though i think you need a full account to do the niffty stuff (like change colour and all that)

July 21, 2016 4 a.m.

Louie says... #15

Yeah, the worst part is to topdeck bad or dead cards.

My take on the grinding part was to always be able to get my opponents to discard, and looting also helps with filtering the deck. I'm usually with one or two cards in my hand.

Baby Jace does seem powerful in our kinds of decks. I might try and get myself a couple of copies. I run Liliana of the Veil 'caus it's great repeatable discard and removal in one, but also I own them already (8rack <3). =P

Have you tried Asylum Visitor yet? It's great with Waste Not and Burning Inquiry since even if you're forced to discard it, you can still play it for it's madness cost (which, by the way, the mana from Waste Not can be used).

Lol, I used mtgsalvations formate by habit.

July 21, 2016 7:29 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #16

Louie, I guess I could try Asylum Visitor, it couldn't hurt. However on turns of sheer power level, I'm not too sure if it can replace Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet as then I wouldn't have any win cons (relying on the zombies from Waste Not isn't always guaranteed). This deck usually doesn't have too many problems when it comes to card advantage, the 4 Serum Visions and notion theif/Burning Inquiry combo, the recursion of Kolaghan's Command and the potential draw of Waste Not is usually more than enough to get me there. Still, I'll try a couple in there somewhere and see how we do. Thanks

July 21, 2016 11:35 a.m.

blargathan says... #17

You say in the description that Notion Thief turns off Waste Not, but I fail to see how so. Notion Thief doesn't make your opponent immune to discard, so essentially your even looting effects, Burning Inquiry and Geier Reach Sanitarium, just turn into mass card advantage, with Burning Inquiry being one red for Draw 6, then you and your opponent discard 3 at random, and Geier Reach Sanitarium being two and tap, you draw two and you and your opponent discard a card. Not sure if I'm misunderstanding something here.

August 14, 2016 7:03 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #18

Tys blargathan, I had to think about what I said. I should of been more specific on what I meant, the reason I said it "turned off" waste not was because I was referring to the zombie portion of waste not, not the draw. It was against that same mill deck so I was drawing way too many cards (which is helping mill do their job), and most of my power comes from the zombies from waste not. Because notion theif steals their draw of buring inquiry I could not produce any zombies because there was nothing to discard. I was essentially lacking power and that was the reason that I lost. I'll update the description to there shouldn't be any ambiguity.

August 14, 2016 8:10 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #19

To blargathan,I forgot to mention he was top decking and on his turn playing anything he had. In doing so, I couldn't force him to DRAW and discard due to notion theif ability therefor making waste not useless.

August 14, 2016 8:35 a.m.

Drcfan says... #20

No enchantment hate. My Sideboard in my Angels deck: - - 4x Nevermore - - 4x Leyline of Sanctity - - 3x Dawn Charm - - 4x Mana Tithe

November 10, 2016 4:17 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #21

Drcfan, true there isn't any sideboard hate for enchantments, but there is two problem. Grixis doesn't have cards that hit enchantments, the only thing it can do is counter them outright (I should know cause I built a grixis edh deck, and the only colored option was Chaos Warp which probably wouldn't do the trick) It has lots of artifact hate, but that because the colors support it. So the 2nd problem would be, I would need to go into one of the two other colors (green/white) to have any enchantment hate. 4 colors really is pushing the limit though of how much damage i can take from my lands, since this matchup is already bad against burn and other aggro decks I'm not sure if I can afford it. My sideboard is tuned against the matchups that are really not in my favor from my playgroup which plays dredge, soul sisters, naya burn, and jeskai control. Luckily for this deck, Burning Inquiry isn't stopped by card effects like Leyline of Sanctity as it never targets, but will stop the single target discard spells. Honestly i wish i could have enchantment hate, so i could deal with cards like Blood Moon, but i guess I'll just have to play more carefully. Thanks for the advice though, and to be honest I still don't know what my sideboard should consist of. I'm still working on it atm. Cheers! :D

November 10, 2016 1:46 p.m.

Apakakuta says... #22

this deck is sweet! +1

December 19, 2016 4:51 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #23

Thanks Apakakuta, glad you liked the deck.

December 19, 2016 4:31 p.m.

Wurmlover says... #24

Grafdigger's Cage would be a better catch-all for the sideboard

December 23, 2016 6:36 a.m.

Apakakuta says... #25

I always enjoy a fun deck.

December 23, 2016 6:53 a.m.

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