Burning Recall [Primer]

Modern grimcase21

SCORE: 113 | 100 COMMENTS | 25088 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS

grimcase21 says... #1

@Wurmlover, sounds like a good idea I'll give it a shot.

December 25, 2016 10:29 p.m.

first of all, great list. looks like a lot of fun.

Notion Thief seems like a bad choice though. So much of your gas comes from opponents discarding cards that while a sorcery that reads ": Target player discards three cards" seems good in theory, it doesn't help create zombies, draw cards, or create that sweet .

There are a couple other ideas that I think are worth trying, namely Murderous Cut and Dark Deal, and Dead Drop in the sideboard, but they're already on your "potential/tested" list (which by the way is the greatest thing I've ever seen in a deck description. Super helpful, and you even alphabetized it).

And of course the new Fatal Push is almost certainly worth it.

On a side note, why the Kommands? Incidental artifact hate stapled to Shock is nice, but you aren't running many creatures to buyback.

January 2, 2017 10:19 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #3

@Serendipitous_Hummingbird, yeah I just like the card notion theif. It's good, but only in a control meta. I don't want to exclude it entirely, so I guess it'll just be moved into the sideboard for control.

I've tried Murderous Cut and though it is amazing, I think Fatal Push is basically better version (Fatal Push is definitely going in, it's the 1 mana answer like Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile I've been looking for, I mean it hits the large majority of creatures that are played in modern). I'm trying to think of deck where I would bring in Dead Drop as the only one I can think of is Boggles but they kill on turn 3. With this setup, I'm not sure unless I run cards like Thought Scour I would be able to get it before I die. I've tried Dark Deal (think I mentioned somewhere above, just control-f and search dark deal) and though there is a great amount of synergy, by turn 3 they've usually dumped their hand out and i maybe get a Mind Rot + adding some cards to their hands. It's better for the storm version, as this match-up is suppose to grind them out.

I realize now that I just put in the Kolaghan's Command as I love the versatility of the commands. Then I look at Collective Brutality and it's actually the modes that I want (discard, removal, life gain) so I'm switching them out and moving them to sideboard.


January 3, 2017 6:41 p.m.

Angry_Potatoes says... #4

Whispers of Emrakul might be a nice fit, seems like you could get delirium pretty easily.

January 25, 2017 1:03 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #5

@Angry_Potatoes that's an interesting inclusion. I have to give it a shot, because the meta is slowing down, hopefully. Not too sure what to take out for it though.

February 2, 2017 1:09 a.m.

imsocool1234 says... #6

Hey man I just wanted to say I LOVE this deck. It is currently the reason I am getting into standard. Amazing work! Thank you!

March 7, 2017 2:28 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #7

Thank you imsocool1234! Maybe one day, I'll take it to a GP or something and test it against the tier 1 and tier 2 decks as all I have to play test it against so far is really infect and bushwacker zoo. Still I'm glad you are playing more magic cause of innovative decks. Who knows maybe you'll be brew the next top tier deck. :)

March 7, 2017 2:56 a.m.

imsocool1234 says... #8

The new "Scarab Feast" card could possibly be useful in the sideboard.

April 8, 2017 3:50 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #9

imsocool1234: Interesting inclusion, probably instead of the Surgical Extraction. I'll def have to give it ago as they are a budget option. The only advantage that comes to mind is if I hit a tron land, I hit their combo with Surgical Extraction whereas I couldn't with Scarab Feast. Oh, and if you're wondering how to link cards it's the card name with double square brackets around it like so. <> just replace << and >> with [ [ ] ]

April 9, 2017 5:03 a.m.

imsocool1234 says... #10

Shadow of the Grave could be interesting. :D

April 15, 2017 9:17 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #11

imsocool1234: Yeah I saw that card and got really excited about it. Probably works better in the storm version, but that doesn't stop this deck from running 1 or 2 of them. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM screams value to me!!!!

April 15, 2017 9:28 p.m.

Bluefire016 says... #12

Been keeping an eye on this brew for a bit, honestly I wish I could upvote again. This deck is awesome, when I play Burning Inquiry in my EDH deck, the frustration and dirty looks from other players is awesome...and here you got yourself a Modern deck that runs the full four mainboard, I dig it.

I will definitely be perusing my collection and starting to build towards this IRL as it looks like loads of fun to play.


May 24, 2017 12:20 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #13

Thank you Bluefire016, I super glad that you want to build this deck. IMO it is a ton of fun to play, and I guess the only downside is that I don't know how well it does against other tier 1 & 2 decks. I only can play against what my playgroup has, which is just infect and bushwacker zoo. If you do take it to your local FNM, let me know how it does because honestly I'm not sure what the sideboard should consist of. As of now, it's just a standard grixis control sideboard, but I guess it should be ok.

Anyways go wreck em with some RNG! :D

  • grimcase21
May 25, 2017 4:04 a.m.

Bluefire016 says... #14

grimcase21, I'm looking forward to getting all the pieces. How's the Bushwhacker Zoo match-up? That's what my roommate runs. I'll put some thought into a sideboard after I get other match-ups in.

RNG for the win!!!

May 25, 2017 6:31 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #15

Bluefire016, honestly it's a pretty hard matchup if they get the god draw of Simian Spirit Guide into their combo there isn't much you can do. I think at the end of the day it's like something on the lines of 50/50. Here's what I've learned from playing that matchup.

  • Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip on the draw feels bad

  • you're at a huge disadvantage if you're on the draw (they might combo out before you have a chance to disrupt)

  • sometimes Anger of the Gods isn't fast enough

  • I've added more Collective Brutality in the sideboard and hopefully it'll do the job

  • because of the small amount of creatures to block with until you get zombies, it'll be hard to remove half of the creatures because of Boros Charm and Atarka's Command. If you don't respond, they just swing in for free damage, if you respond, then they'll do something.

  • sometimes a yolo Burning Inquiry and Waste Not on turn 3 is enough to turn the tables as the majority of the time it gets creatures, which you can block with. This is where the tables turn and you can stall enough and win.

  • since Dryad Arbor is both a creature and a land, you get double value

  • from mainboard, I boarded out Notion Thief, Drake Haven, Negate, and I guess Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip (didn't have enough sideboard so I had to keep them in). Boarding in probably goes Anger of the Gods, Collective Brutality, Dispel, and Engineered Explosives.

  • Since I don't have all the sideboard, it's hard to tell how it'll really do. Also since I just changed it up with the Thought Scour, I'm not too sure how it'll affect the deck's flow. We'll see soon I guess. :)

May 25, 2017 7:47 p.m.

Bluefire016 says... #16

I will keep that in mind. He runs a slightly different version that doesn't go straight combo. He is a bit more creature based and not running Boros Charm and Simian Spirit Guide. He also doesn't have a Dryad Arbor, so when I get the list together and play the deck I will let you know how it worked out.

I pretty stoked to build this!

May 25, 2017 8:24 p.m.

imsocool1234 says... #17

The new Torment of Hailfire card looks fun. Made me think of this deck and mono-black. Lol

June 24, 2017 12:57 a.m.

grimcase21 says... #18

haha, imsocool1234 When I saw that card spoiled I was like, hmmm can I fit this in the deck. Probably not, but it's a funny finisher if you use it for a storm variant for a wacky win con of this deck.

June 24, 2017 4:13 a.m.

jonmaior says... #19

more notion thief's! they are amazing with burning inquiry. 1 mana draw 5 each player discards 3. why not x4 Notion Thief?

June 30, 2017 7:15 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #20

It's actually draw 6, discard 3 with that combo jonmaior, because it has to do with the exact wording. In general it boils down to if it isn't their draw step draw and they attempt to draw you get the draw, so with when we Notion Thief into Burning Inquiry because they attempt to draw when it isn't their draw phase you get it instead. So we get draw 6 and discard 3! Now that's value.

You actually only need 1 to make "combo" for it to swing games in your favor heavily. It's also doesn't work in multiples (it doesn't stack like Hero of Bladehold or Hellrider) and doesn't necessarily win games like Siege Rhino. It really is a good combo, but the decks that I play against (zoo, infect, burn....basically aggressive decks) I can barely afford one.

Funny enough, the real problem with the deck is how slow and sometimes unreliable the win con is, but whatever. This deck is meant to draw cards, make zombies/drakes and have fun while being as consistent as possible.

July 1, 2017 2:38 a.m.

Why no Snapcaster Mage?

July 27, 2017 12:11 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #22

goblinguiderevealpls, Snapcaster Mage has basically been the deck forever as it is an excellent card for the deck. However, when Hollow Ones came out I had to make cuts to something, as Hollow One fit perfectly in the deck. So after adding 4 of them, I figured that the two Snapcaster Mages and 2 other cards were going to get cut.

After play testing with the deck for a bit, it's not so much why Snapcaster Mage isn't good in the deck, but the potential Hollow One offers.

1) Early game: multiple Hollow One have the potential on turn 1 with Burning Inquiry. I can go on the offensive early game now.

2) Curve: Hollow One curves out with Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. turn 2 jace, and on the next turn you draw discard and cast Hollow One for 3.

3) Anti-synergy: it's the only toughness 1 creature in the deck and doesn't work well with Night of Souls' Betrayal in the sideboard. Everything else has at least 2 (including zombie tokens)

In terms of sheer power level Snapcaster Mage is definitely stronger card that Hollow One by being more flexible, but I was curious if this bulk common (Hollow One) pushed the deck further. I mean this deck contains odd cards that only work in this deck (ex. Burning Inquiry, Notion Thief, Waste Not) and they turned out amazing for what the deck tries to do. So I decided to give another odd ball a try

July 27, 2017 12:56 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #23

goblinguiderevealpls also, I have too few threats in the deck, so a 4/4 body puts on some pressure. I've had games against control, and they had no creatures so I couldn't put on any pressure.

July 27, 2017 9:01 p.m.

abby315 says... #24

woo! I got to be the 100th upvote! Do I win an iPod? :)

April 14, 2020 2:45 p.m.

grimcase21 says... #25

May not be an ipod abby315, but I can put you in the shoutouts :D

April 14, 2020 2:51 p.m.

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