

Creature (1)

"You will stand trial for your crimes!" cries the lawmage. He curses as yet another of his detaining spells fizzles inexplicably.

The planeswalker laughs. "I don't think so." The planeswalker conjures a seemingly small ball of fire, which suddenly transforms into a huge bolt of lightning, narrowly missing the lawmage.

"Damn you!" The lawmage reaches into the Aether to summon forth his ally, a great Arctic Aven, but for some unknown reason the Judge's Familiar is brought forth instead. "What is happening to my magic?!??" the lawmage bellows in rage.

"Sorry, you're in my storm now."

Featured by Spootyone! Check out the article here:Showdown #11: Risk of Rain. Be sure to check out his deck as well! It may not be budget, but it's still cool :Pdeck-large:conclave-counter-cutter-gw-midrange-1

It's amazing the shenanigans you can pull off on a budget.

This deck is a crazy budget burn deck based off of Possibility Storm, which screws the board for everyone....except you! In order to understand how this deck works, let's analyze Possibility Storm a bit more closely.

Essentially, every time someone casts a spell, that spell is exiled temporarily instead. That player then exile cards from the top of his/her library until he/she finds a card of the same type, then gets the option to cast that spell for free. Afterward, all of the cards exiled get put on the bottom of his/her library randomly. So, if you cast Magma Jet, you exile it, then exile cards from the top of your library until you find another instant. Then, you have the option of casting that instant for free. Pretty cool, right?

So, if I cast Shock, I could possibly end up with an Explosive Impact for one mana!

(You) "But Araganor, so can your opponent!" That is true, but chances are they aren't building around Possibility Storm either! Counter magic becomes inconsistent, creatures unreliable, and who knows what exactly that spell you cast is going to do? In addition, "X" spells (cough Sphinx's Revelation cough) cast from Possibility Storm always equal zero! Take that!

"So how do we build around Possibility Storm?" Good question. It's pretty simple: make all your cards of the same type do something similar. In this deck, all of my instants are based on burn. So, if I cast Magma Jet, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will be getting a burn spell!

"But, what if we end up with something like Explosive Impact in hand? We might end up spending 6 mana to cast a Shock, right?" Absolutely, which is why I have planned for that! Say hello to Mercurial Chemister . This bad boy turns your Explosive Impact into a 6 damage burn spell for creatures, guaranteed. Not to mention he can draw you 2 cards for 1 mana, which is amazing. In addition to Chemister, we have the lovely Blast of Genius, which allows you to discard that spell to deal the CMC in damage directly at their face. Awesome!

Guttersnipe is twice as dangerous in this deck, because the first spell you cast from Possibility Storm still triggers Guttersnipe, even though it doesn't resolve. Four guaranteed damage in addition to the effect you get from the storm for each spell you cast!

The same thought process can be applied to Young Pyromancer. Cast an instant, get 2 1/1 tokens for chump blocking, or attacking if your opponent has a clear board.

STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU??? OK FINE. Worldspine Wurm. Yeah. Play Young Pyromancer, storm into Worldspine Wurm, GG. Play Blast of Genius, discard Worldspine Wurm, 11 damage, GG. Hell, use it with Mercurial Chemister and you can kill that Desecration Demon that you've been tapping for days with your elemental tokens, because it does 11 damage.

The Sideboard:

I have built the sideboard to shore up the main weakness of the deck: fat creatures and planeswalkers.

Turn / Burn: This card is a versatile little guy that can help us at any phase of the game. If you hard cast it without Possibility Storm, you can kill big bombs like Desecration Demon without too much trouble. With Possibility Storm out, you can choose to cast one side or the other for free (but not both). If you storm into it during the combat phase, you could just Turn their attacker and chump block with an elemental token. If they try to buff it, use another burn spell in response, and yours will resolve first. If nothing is on the field, it's 2 more damage to the opponent's face. As an added bonus, the CMC of the card is 5, since you combine both sides when counting the mana cost for effects like Mercurial Chemister or Blast of Genius. Sweet!

Catch / Release: Another awesome fuse card. This one has a CMC of 9, so it can be quite deadly indeed when combined with Blast of Genius. We don't really care about the Release side of the card, but it might come in handy at some point, who knows? Use the Catch side to steal their permanents and mess up their gameplan early on, or to swing the game in your favor in a decisive moment. For example, you could steal their planeswalker, use a -X loyalty ability, then finish it off with a Shock or Lightning Strike after they get it back. Or, maybe you just need to "borrow" their Boros Reckoner while you smash their face with that Worldspine Wurm. A lot of useful utilities, but since it is a sorcery (can make Blast of Genius inconsistent) it goes in the sideboard until needed.

Pithing Needle: As long as AEtherling is still a thing, Pithing Needle will be quite useful. Not to mention it can slow down the planeswalker heavy control decks, giving them another target to worry about with their Detention Spheres. Just an overall useful card to have in reserve. Since it is an artifact, it won't interfere with Possibility Storm either.

Rapid Hybridization: Boros Reckoner is scary. A frog lizard is not. This card will stall in the early game, causing them to lose a combat phase, and later on it replaces late-game bombs with much more manageable 3/3 tokens. Combos nicely with Catch / Release: Steal their dude, smash their face with it, then give yourself a 3/3 frog permanently.

Anger of the Gods: So good against devotion decks. Sure, it hits our stuff too, but it's a great reset button to be played before you start trying to commit things to the board. Also deals with Voice of Resurgence and Chandra's Phoenix , thanks to the exile effect.

Gameplay Tips:

Early Game: This is when you will be most vulnerable playing this deck. Your priority should be to stay alive and get Possibility Storm out as soon as possible. Use Magma Jet and Izzet Charm to dig for your 5 lands and Possibility Storm. Keep the enemy at bay using the rest of your burn. Don't be afraid to throw away a Blast of Genius or Explosive Impact using Izzet Charm if you have to, making it until the storm hits is more important. Keep in mind that discarding Worldspine Wurm using Izzet Charm shuffles it back into your library!

Mid-Late Game: If you played your cards right, by turn 5 or 6 you should have your Possibility Storm out. Now you will have the advantage. As your opponent tries to play around the storm, you will be able to go to town. Lay down creatures and burn, and try to find your Mercurial Chemister . Use Young Pyromancer's tokens for defense against aggro, and swing against control. Keep your hand full with Mercurial Chemister , burn, rinse, lather, repeat. If you hit Explosive Impact or Worldspine Wurm, you should basically win.

And there you have it, a super fun deck for a super small budget!

Thanks for checking out my deck! As always, please upvote the deck if you like what you see. If you don't like it, please give me some feedback on how I can make it better!

Feel free to check out some of the other budget decks I've made:

Deadly Feud

Standard Araganor


Simic Manipulation

Standard* Araganor


Assemble the Gatekeepers

Standard Araganor



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I know guys, the deck has been getting progressively more expensive, but it has also become more and more reliable as I continue to tweak it as I play. Anyway, I visited the FNM last night, and did much better than the first night, walking away with a record of 2 wins, 2 losses, and 1 draw. I made a few changes to the deck after I took it, and I am very happy with them so far.The first addition was a single Steam Ventsfoil, which I had pulled in a booster pack recently. It is not necessary, but it certainly has been helpful to make sure I hit both colors of mana. If you don't run the shockland, then keep the mountain to island ratio 11:8, so we don't get too many islands. The playset of Izzet Guildgate is a must, however, or you will get color-screwed far too often. The other change I made was to drop Explosive Impact entirely in favor of mainboarding 2 Turn / Burn. I would rather have a 5 mana answer to almost any creature than a 6 mana spell that can't take down a Desecration Demon on its own. It does only 1 damage less when used with Blast of Genius and it still has the capability to hit for 5 damage with Blast of Genius. With the extra space in the sideboard I decided to add 1 more Anger of the Gods and a final Blast of Genius. These changes will give the deck more ways of punishing certain archetypes, and keeping them on the back foot. Hitting the 2 red symbols in Anger of the Gods is a lot easier now that I have added in the guildgates and the shockland (which is not entirely necessary) as well. I am very hopeful that these changes will keep make the deck more powerful and competitive, without sacrificing the crazy shenanigans it can pull off. I am considering adding a few Temple of Triumph for the scry and the possibility of being able to hardcast Catch / Release, but I don't have any yet, and I'm in no rush to boost the price even more. Anyway, let's talk matches!

Match 1: Mono Green, but not Devotion????

Results: 2-0

Yep, a mono green deck that actually wasn't a devotion deck. How refreshing. Regardless, my opponent seemed fairly new to magic so it seemed like he was running a homebrew that didn't have the explosive speed of something like devotion decks. The first game I produced a ton of tokens using Young Pyromancer, far more than he could deal with. Some cool plays early on was using a Shock on his attacking Kalonian Tusker, then blocking with the token produced from Young Pyromancer to finish it off. Game 2, Possibility Storm seriously screwed up his deck. I burned him down to 5 using Guttersnipe before he managed to hit a Naturalize to get rid of my Possibility Storm, but alas for him I had a lethal Blast of Genius to finish him off anyway for the win.

Match 2: Mono Black Devotion, with a splash of white

Results: 1-2

Pretty fun games. Game 1, he played big stuff like Desecration Demon and Blood Baron of Vizkopa, but I was actually able to keep his creatures at bay for a good while. I had burned him down to 7 life using Guttersnipe, but unfortunately for me he dropped a Gray Merchant of Asphodel with 2 Underworld Connections in play, swinging the life totals by 6, and putting him just out of reach of my Explosive Impact. Died to the many Desecration Demon drops. Game 2, he was stuck on 3 lands the entire game. It was crazy, he drew at least 10 cards with Underworld Connections, but he still couldn't find a 4th land. He said that he was running 26 lands too. I had never seen anyone ever get that badly mana-screwed. Needless to say, he conceded. Game 3 was pretty similar to Game 1. I would nearly kill him, but he would turn the game around with Gary Motherfucking Oak and win. I could deal with his creatures, but could not touch his Underworld Connections, which is what kept him in the game. Had a good time though, and he was very annoyed with Possibility Storm, which is OK in my book.

Match 3: Jund HYDRAS!!!

Results: 2-0

This deck was actually being piloted by my friend, so it was an interesting matchup to say the least. Anyway, his plan was to play something like Corpsejack Menace, then proceed to rape with Savageborn Hydra, Polukranos, Eater of Worlds, Kalonian Hydra, or Mistcutter Hydra. Anyway, game 1 he had a few mana issues, but not for too long. He did manage to get out some bombs, but I was able to deal with most of his hydras before they got out of hand. The only one I had trouble with was Mistcutter Hydra, but thankfully since it doesn't have trample I was able to keep it at bay with elemental tokens from Young Pyromancer. Also, I was able to kill his Corpsejack Menace any time he tried to drop a hydra, so that kept them from getting to crazy. Game 2 was pretty similar, but he wasn't mana screwed. He was pretty screwed over thanks to Possibility Storm though, hitting his X mana hydras and essentially wasting a turn, which I took advantage of. He almost got me with am 8/8 [Kalonian Hydra]], but I was able to finish him off with Worldspine Wurm first. We had a lot of fun though!

Match 4: Mono White Weenies, with a splash of black

Results: 1-2

His strategy was to flood the board with weenies like Boros Elite and Daring Skyjek, but unfortunately for me he splashed white for cards like Sin Collector, which put me in a tough spot. I won game 1 by absolutely flooding the board with tokens. But after game 1 he sided in a ton of hand hate, and I just couldn't find enough answers to his weenie armies, especially once he dropped a Spear of Helidod or a Xathrid Necromancer. I got close, but no cigar.

Match 5: Mono Green Devotion

Results: 1-1-1

Ugh, here we go again. Game 1, he flooded the board pretty quickly. Things began to turn around for me once I dropped Possibility Storm, but his presence was a bit too much at that point to deal with, and he finished me off. Game 2, however, was easily taken by me after I had sided in Anger of the Gods. He flooded the board yet again with Burning-Tree Emissary and Scavenging Ooze, but I cleaned out the whole lot all at once, crippling his board presence and making him easy prey since he had emptied his hand. Game 3 was a bit of a stalemate. He played a lot more carefully, dropping threats more gradually. He also had a Bow of Nylea giving him 3 life every turn, and I burned everything he put down but I couldn't find any of my wincons. It went to a draw. We agreed to roll to see who would win, and the winner would share the packs with the other. That way, we at least both got to walk away with a pack.

Seems like another weakness to the deck are those darned enchantment/artifact weapons, which I have no way currently of dealing with. My thoughts are that if I do end up deciding to splash a bit of white, I could put some Wear / Tear in the sideboard to deal with enchantments and artifacts, making the deck a bit more flexible. I'm really enjoying playing this deck, and I hope that any of you playing it enjoy it as much as I do. Let me know your thoughts if you guys have any!

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Revision 16 See all

(10 years ago)

-1 Anger of the Gods side
-1 Blast of Genius side
+2 Ratchet Bomb side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 9 Rares

17 - 6 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.51
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders Decks, Decks I like, Favorite decks, Decks, Possibles, budget, Stuff, nice, Deck Ideas, Maybe
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