Burning Storm

Standard Araganor

SCORE: 418 | 442 COMMENTS | 71669 VIEWS | IN 307 FOLDERS

DrLitebur says... #1

I like it. Instead of the Chandra's Outrage however, I would run Skullcrack , simply because you do not need a creature to target it for it to be cast. Other than that, I like the idea and thought behind the deck.

November 15, 2013 10:06 p.m.

ShadowDragon48 says... #2

Love the deck! Just a quick suggestion: Thoughtflare

November 15, 2013 10:07 p.m.

Araganor says... #3

@DrLitebur: Good idea, I was mainly running Chandra's Outrage just to have something to take up the 4 cmc slot. I'll try it out. Thanks for the feedback!

@ShadowDragon48: Great suggestion, but I don't think I can run that in this deck. Thoughtflare is instant, which is normally a good thing, but in this deck it would make my spells more inconsistent. I want to keep all of my sorceries draw spells and my instants burn so I know what to expect when I'm using Possibility Storm . Thanks for the suggestion though!

November 15, 2013 10:13 p.m.

Haemogoblin says... #4

Illusionist's Bracers would combo well with the arcanist and the chemister

November 15, 2013 10:17 p.m.

ShadowDragon48 says... #5

Yeah, good point. I overlooked the fact that it is an Instant as the usual comparison is Thoughtflare vs. Steam Augury in which the speeds are a moot point as they are the same.

November 15, 2013 10:23 p.m.

Araganor says... #6

@Haemogoblin: It certainly could! But it might slow down the deck a bit. I can try it out though, since drawing 4 cards for 1 blue mana would certainly make up for it! Maybe I could drop Chandra's Outrage for it, I'll mess around with it.

November 15, 2013 10:41 p.m.

Haemogoblin says... #7

Yeah I couldn't really see what to swap out for it lol, the deck seems pretty cool though, even if it might be a little slow/unpredictable. That said, unpredictable is par for the course with that enchantment lol

November 15, 2013 11:32 p.m.

Araganor says... #8

The unpredictability is what makes it awesome! But seriously, when guttersnipe is hitting for 4 every spell, it can put on a hurting very fast. Try it out!

November 15, 2013 11:47 p.m.

jan2692wal says... #9

I think running six sorceries is pretty detrimental to your deck. The odds of you hitting another sorcery, depending on how far along the game is, can be incredibly small. I think you'd be much better off with only instants. Maybe trim down some of the creatures too

November 16, 2013 8:49 a.m.

The cards that are cycled through looking for the next card of the same type end up at the bottom of the deck, so it's not like they all get milled.

November 16, 2013 8:58 a.m.

Niforn says... #11

Out of curiosity, what's the play record for this deck?

November 16, 2013 9:11 a.m.

Araganor says... #12

@jan2692wal: I've had fairly good luck with 6 sorceries so far. You have to remember, I also get card draw from the Chemister too, so usually refilling your hand won't be too hard.

@ShadowDragon48: You're absolutely right, all of the cards get reshuffled underneath the library. Just in case anyone was wondering, if you don't have any more cards of the same type in your library, you just cycle through your whole deck, then shuffle it, since you have to put all of them on the "bottom."

@Niforn: No play record yet! I made this deck yesterday after all :) So far it has just been playtesting. Hoping I can take it to the next FNM at my local store. If you want, feel free to test it yourself and share the results!

Thanks for the comments!

November 16, 2013 10:29 a.m.

Araganor says... #13

Changed the deck a bit. Changed out Chandra's Outrage for Annihilating Fire , which is cheaper and doesn't require a creature to target.

November 16, 2013 11:09 a.m.

unholycookies says... #14

I'd look into Elixir of Immortality and Melek, Izzet Paragon . Wondering how a card like Turn / Burn would work with this....would they both cast or what?

November 16, 2013 2:23 p.m.

unholycookies says... #15

With Melek, Izzet Paragon you'd trigger Possibility Storm and still keep the spell, because Melek, Izzet Paragon creates a copy that isn't exiled.

November 16, 2013 2:29 p.m.

unholycookies says... #16

Also there's 2 reasons why I like Elixir of Immortality here; the life gain which helps against aggro, and the bigger reason of you put your graveyard back into your deck and shuffle. Because I bet you sometimes have to throw cards you want to the bottom of your deck.

Also Melek, Izzet Paragon reveals your top card, which means you know what's gonna be fast to cast. Shock in hand, Explosive Impact on top, YAY!!!!!!

Sorry for the triple post, didn't think of explaining why the first time and the second time forgot to explain Elixir of Immortality .

November 16, 2013 2:35 p.m.

Araganor says... #17

@unholycookies: First off, to answer your question about Turn / Burn , the rules are that if you get to cast a split card for free, you pick one side or the other to cast for free, not both (darn).

Next, about Melek, Izzet Paragon . The rules for triggering Possibility Storm specifically mention that it is triggered only if you cast a spell "from your hand," so casting off the top wouldn't trigger the Storm (which could be good, or bad). However, being able to see the top card of your library could be useful.

Elixir is interesting, I'll think about it.

Thanks for the comments!

November 16, 2013 2:43 p.m.

unholycookies says... #18

Damn....thought it was just cast. And NNNOOOOOOOO my fuse!

November 16, 2013 2:58 p.m.

Araganor says... #19

Hmm, I'm considering taking the Elite Arcanist out. It feels like every time I could cast it, I would rather be casting something else. Not to mention the possible 2-for-1 I give my opponent when I do bring it out. Any thoughts on this?

November 16, 2013 4:03 p.m.

stagemadness says... #20

Elite Arcanist dies to literally all removal being played right now and doesn't contribute to your focus here. I'd add in two more Goblin Electromancer .

Possibility Storm also affects creature spells, so casting redundant creatures may yield a free Mercurial Chemister .

I'd remove the Divination because I think Young Pyromancer may keep you more competitive until you can drop your Possibility Storm . And Chemister will get you the card drawing power when you need it.

Blast of Genius being a two-of with no other sorceries in the deck means when you cast one and exile it you'll get the other.

I love this idea, since Possibility Storm forces non-counterspell players into an impossible sideboard situation and you're focusing on cards often underplayed. Well done!

November 16, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Araganor says... #21

@stagemadness: Thanks! I like control decks, but they can be boring to play against, and this deck can make almost any matchup interesting.

I'll be honest, I'm not sold on the Arcanist either, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. He was also filling up the 4 cmc spot on the curve (all of the 4 mana instants in red are garbage), but that hardly matters in a deck like this. I'll drop them for some more Goblin Electromancer .

Hmm, I never really thought about Young Pyromancer , but he would be twice as effective just like Guttersnipe ! I could keep the tokens on defense and have blocks for days, nice!

It would be nice knowing that I would get my Blast of Genius if I cast Blast of Genius , but I'm a bit worried that if I ditch Divination I won't be able to dig for my Possibility Storm or Mercurial Chemister . I'll test it out, though, and see how it runs. On an unrelated note, I would love to have Enter the Infinite as a one-of just so I could Blast my opponent in the face with it (seriously, that would be hilarious), but it would suck so hard if I Stormed into it.

I was also considering trying to fit in Spellheart Chimera , but I didn't have room for it initially. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks for your feedback!

November 16, 2013 9:51 p.m.

Araganor says... #22

Yeesh, Young Pyromancer costs 3 bucks each, I had no idea. Well, so much for under $20 if he stays in.

November 16, 2013 9:55 p.m.

Even with a $3 price tag online, I'm there are plenty of extras in various players collections that would go for way less.

November 16, 2013 10:04 p.m.

Araganor says... #24

@ShadowDragon48: Yeah, and a 5 dollar increase in price for a dirt cheap deck is not really asking that much is it?

November 16, 2013 10:44 p.m.

stagemadness says... #25

Ogre Battledriver pumps and hastes your tokens and allows Mercurial Chemister to draw you those cards the turn he drops.

November 16, 2013 10:50 p.m.

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