So this is my fifth attempt on a Jeskai deck and I think this model is pretty efficient in winning early and quick or surviving until late through removal then I finish them off with the creatures. So here we go with the card break down as with most of my decks.
~The One Drops~
Monastery Swiftspear- To kick our one drops off we have the uncommon monster that is Swiftspear. 1/2 with haste for one is fine enough but with it's prowess ability paired with a
Titan's Strength
you are on your way to swinging for 5 on turn 2. Which isn't bad with a burn deck. Right?
Titan's Strength
- The early game closer as I like to call it, it is a centerpiece to most of my prowess combos. Such as swinging for 5 on T2 with a Monastery Swiftspear or through buffing up a
Seeker of the Way
to do 6 or more damage if you have a Magma Jet or an Lightning Strike the added bonus is the lifelink. Which plays you huge role in dominating Mono-Black aggro or other offensive decks.
~The Two Drops~
Seeker of the Way
- I'm gonna start off by saying this card has ALOT of value for an uncommon within a burn shell it can get crazy big from the prowess triggers. Not only this but to go along with the prowess he gets lifelink. No Blocks? Double
Titan's Strength
Lightning Strike- Old faithful. Removal, Prowess Enabler, and That top-decked three damage to finish the Job.
Magma Jet- The more useful brother of Lightning Strike. Lets you fix up your draws if you need it. Although you sacrifice a point of burn it is well worth it.
~The Three Drops~
Jeskai Charm
- Let's start these off with the picture shall we? Three modes. All good. What else is there to say? Bounce that pesky creature to the top. Screwing with the opponents draw. Four Damage is nothing to laugh at gets those burn points in. All creatures get +1/+1 and lifelink? Let's say I have a
Goblin Rabblemaster
and some tokens. It adds up real quick let me tell you.
Goblin Rabblemaster
- Speaking of which I feel like there is just too much value in rabblemaster to not play him. Getting more creatures on the board and a fairly strong creature rocketing towards your opponent is just good. Token get insane with an Anthem such as
Jeskai Charm
Mantis Rider
- Offensive and defensive monster. Crash in for three damage with little to no consequence. Block all small fliers and creatures. I don't see the problem here
~The Four Drops~
Stoke the Flames
- An auto-include since it can shoot down a Stormbreath Dragon, for the price of a Double Red Magma Jet. Also nothing is more satisfying then your opponent asking. "Swing for 1?" No. Take Four.
Steam Augury- I didn't realize just how amazing this card was until I played it in the duel decks. No matter what pile your opponent gives you it bound to hurt them in the end. At being able to do this on an end step just makes the card nuts.
~The Five and Up drops~
Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
- I like dragons. I also like planeswalkers. This is both, +1 stormbreath mode, -3 Stoke them Flames on a creature, -6 Card advantage EVERYWHERE. Amazing.
Dig Through Time- I have literally not payed any more than four mana for this. I mean a Scry 7 that puts any two in your hand at instant speed is just powerful. (Yes, I know it bottoms the rest).
So that is my breakdown I'd like to thank you for viewing all feedback is appreciated unless you are trolling, I just won't respond