Butcher of the Norm

Standard* puhalakaust


DannyZ says... #1

This looks good, however, I recommend -3 Crusader +3 Goblin Rabblemaster and -3 Shadowspear and +3 Seeker of the Way. I also advise putting the 2x Deflecting Palms into the sideboard and replacing them with the 2x Crackling Dooms. Doom is a much better card than Palm, and although Palm is a nice card, it won't do you well in your mainboard. Mogis's Maurader is also pretty useless here, because your main source of damage is Butchers, and they fly over pretty much everything. Try finding a place for 2x Elspeth, Sun's Champion and 2x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, and of course, 4x Hordeling Outburst for sac outlets for your Butcher

Other than that, it looks like a really nice deck. I use a variation of it, with stuff like Ankle Shanker and many token spawners for my Butchers, and enough removal to get past my enemy. I didn't put it up on my profile though

May 8, 2015 3:13 a.m.

DannyZ says... #2

Oh, and of course, the mighty Bloodstained Mire, Battlefield Forge and Caves of Koilos

May 8, 2015 3:15 a.m.

puhalakaust says... #3

Thanks a lot for your suggestions DannyZ. As i can afford it i certainly will replace the crusaders with rabblemasters. As for the seekers, i will likely run them in place of the shadowspears at the moment but id like to run Soulfire Grand Masters over both of them really. Ill likely add one of each of the plainswalkers you suggest and the lands will be added as i acquire more $$ as well. I do plan to leave the deflecting palm mainboard as it has already won me several games so far. Id like to add hordeling outburst, but what to remove to make room for it???

May 8, 2015 12:30 p.m.

gamergal says... #4

With all of the non-creature spells you are playing, both Soulfire Grand Master and Seeker of the Way are good additions--I am a big fan of the Soulfires in my mardu midrange-controlly deck.

I would definitely swap the Raise the Alarms for Hordeling Outbursts. It costs an additional mana, but is worth it for the additional fodder.

May 17, 2015 1:17 a.m.

Ragon_Wolfbane says... #5

I'd suggest moving Anger of the Gods to the sideboard. Consider Crux of Fate for board wipes and add in Thunderbreak Regents to main board to survive it. Like DannyZ said you should remove the Deflecting Palms in favor of more removal such as Valorous Stance for good defense and to kill big threats. After all if your Butchers and RabbleMasters are the main threats through the early game. So giving yourself a form of protection is nice. I suggest you take out your Monastery Swiftspears in favor for a play-set of Thunderbreak Regents and you could likely remove the Titan's Strength for Seeker of the Ways. Sideboard suggestions would be Self-Inflicted Wound for sure. It is great against Ramp and Abzan while still beating down your foe. Another card would likely be Rending Volley just because it is also good color hate.

May 26, 2015 2:33 a.m.

puhalakaust says... #6

Ragon_Wolfbane, I like your suggestion about the Crux of Fate and Thunderbreak Regents. How do you feel about Stormbreath Dragons instead of thunderbreaks though? As far as Deflecting Palm, that will always remain on the mainboard of this deck, as well as Titan's Strength. Deflecting Palm has given me lethal in about 1/3 of my games in tournament, with Butchers being the other 2/3. Titan's Strength is also important for this deck because if i have an opening hand with Titan's Strength and Monastery Swiftspear (which is very common due to running 4 of both) I can do 1 damage first turn and 5 damage second turn, third turn Crackling Doom or Lightning Strike to trigger prowess, then turn 4 sac it for a butcher. Also Titan's Strengthing a butcher with lifelink is a total game changer. Plus, Scry.

May 26, 2015 2:54 a.m.

Ragon_Wolfbane says... #7

puhalakaust, I understand how your curve works and I'll respect your desires to keep the Monastery Swiftspears in and Titan's Strength as well. Though I'm personally more of a mid-ranged player while those cards serve well to push out for a little more of an aggro appeal, that was why I voiced that suggestion. Over all I do agree with you that the combination of the two does very nice to bring your foe down quickly. As for the Stormbreath Dragons and Thunderbreak Regents, I say you can use the Stormbreath Dragons easily in replace of the Regent. The only issue is that it does curve in a little later, but comes in swinging to make up for it. My advice is that you maybe add them both into the deck. That said Thunderbreak Regent with Stormbreath Dragon could work as a turn four throw down with Thunderbreak Regent and even if they remove it you still get a net of 3 damage, and then turn five you throw down Stormbreath Dragon to painful take revenge on his lost brother! Though if you can't do both then the Stormbreath Dragons will do fine. Though I'd recommend 3 instead of 4.

May 26, 2015 3:33 a.m.

iamkeatron says... #8

I'm digging this deck - appears to be a little more Control oriented than my Mardu Midrange. Any reason you're going with Swiftspear over a Bloodsoaked Champion? If Rabblemaster fails, Bloodsoaked is a great card to pair with Butcher of the Horde. Just a thought!

July 2, 2015 4:41 p.m.

I'd run the Bloodsoaked Champion as well. Maybe even another ascendancy to generate more token play. It's always good it all your stuff dies to be able to make the tokens with the butcher then sacking them for his abilities. It's also a nice way to survive a big tradeoff or surviving a few board wipes out there.

July 3, 2015 12:12 a.m.

puhalakaust says... #10

I like the Bloodsoaked Champion suggestion for sure! I cant believe i never thought of it! Ill playtest with some more Mardu Ascendancy as well. Thanks

July 3, 2015 2:53 a.m.

For sure man, the rabblemaster+ascendancy combo is a win condition on its own! Especially if you happen to have the spear out!

July 3, 2015 3:39 a.m.

Spear of Heliod that is.

July 3, 2015 3:39 a.m.

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