Hey, thought I'd make a fun discard deck that runs on Waste Not. Got the idea to run a discard deck from a deck posted about a month ago called "Dark Deal or Dimmer Deal?".
This deck can be made for way less than the value posted if you take out the lands and some of the other expensive cards. Honestly it only relies on whip and waste not for your "pricey" cards. The rest are icing.
Erebos is kind of important though, I find the card draw he provides is very useful; Not to mention the anti-life gain is very important in certain match-ups.
This deck obviously stalls for a good majority of the match by forcing your opponent to top-deck. It can get dry as you start to pull cards to discard your opponent and your opponent doesn't have any to discard. That's why I was considering
in the Maybeboard. There's also a little bit of a combo in there but I wouldn't know what to take out. I'm kinda new to this.
Of course it's risky to use
because then you give your opponent card advantage. In the deck I currently run, in real life, I have Ashiok to somewhat mill my opponent and give me something to put on the field when things are going South... or if I just need to confirm a win.
Anyways, this deck relies on discard techniques such as getting those
Black Cat
's out early, and then sacrificing them, as well as using Thoughtseize and
on your opponent. It also does some nifty mana ramp with devotion. Looking for more things to do with devotion though.
Any recommendations or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Lets see if we can pull together a strong discard deck!
Not afraid to branch off into other colors, by the way. But I'd prefer it if we could keep the discard theme. I definitely think I have way too much discard.