went 2-2, whitch isnt so bad!
match 1: faced this red/green/white boros aggro thing. it was SUPER good, he says it usually wins on turn three. on game 1 he destroyed me with speediness, on game 2 i prolonged with defenders until turn 16! never got a Galvanic Alchemist even when i went halfway through my deck, witch sucks. then he eventually overpowered me and won!
match 2: faced a blue white green control thing with lots of thraktusk Angel of Serenity Supreme Verdict Detention Sphere you get the idea! he won the first game, but the other two i wiped the floor with him when i got infinite combo, milled him out with Door keeper and then attacked him for thirteen trillion with trample, and countered all his answers! it was AWESOME!!
match 3: played this black blue green weird thing with lots of kill spells and simic +1 counters, the first game i dominated with my combo, but the second game actually ended up being a tie because it went on so long, she kept Essence Scattering my suff and spot removaling them, but i won the first game so it counted as a win.
match 4: against a grullish aggro thingy, her Dryad Militant hurt A LOT, and she kept getting creatures that would eventually overpower my defenders, i got the combo but couldnt do anything because all my stuff was exiled, so i lost game 1, won game 2 because i flipped Ludevic's Test Subject
Flip and won conventionally, then lost the third game the same way i lost the first. OH WELL, i feel like i did AWESOME and combo'ed a bunch!!