Torcas - First off thanks for commenting and giving me feedback and suggestions.I've tried running Retreat to Emeria before and it was very streaky performance wise, and I want something a little more consistent. I was considering Felidar Sovereign and will see if my deck can actually consistently approach life totals that would make including one or two of them worthwhile. As for all your suggestions on the fun combat tricks, I will try that approach. When I played a similar version of this deck during BFZ, I splashed for red and the deck was much more aggressive. But you are right in that this build is definitely a grinder, and as such I should put in some more combat tricks. And all I know for sure, is that I am very confident going in against Red aggro and Atarka Red.
January 19, 2016 10:03 p.m.
HenpeckedBow5 says... #4
Not much to say, since this deck is very focused on the Life Draining plan, I think that going the Rally the Ancestors Route with Nantuko Husk is just very situational so I'd definitely recommend sticking with March From the Tomb. Also, I'd cut Drana, Liberator of Malakir down to 3 copies, it's just very bad to get 2 of them in your hand. Other than that, nice deck, and +1 :D
January 26, 2016 9:15 p.m.
irishmoosetard says... #5
I enjoy Cliffhaven Vampire's synergy with Kalastria Healer and Zulaport Cutthroat. It's like all 3 were meant for each other. Drana's Emissary is very nice as well. I don't like Serene Steward and I love Serene Steward I can never decide about her. I feel like I spend precious mana ramping her into a wall or chump. I would cut Serene for Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim for combat and removal tricks. Not playing March from the Tomb is surprising. I play 4 in my 75. I am still strapped between midrange Drana's Emissary and CLiffhaven or a fast paced Stoneforge Acolyte and Stone Haven Outfitter. It really pushes Gideon's Ult and Captain's Claws to work fast. I had success with it as well and I am split between the two. Part of me leans Cliffhanger because it can block Mantis Rider. Retreat to Emeria is too slow. Lantern Scout get's shot and is not the best slot pic for a 3 drop. Drana's Emissary get's shot fast too. Turn three is for an Oath, Drana Liberator or Claws and Equip. Turn 4 should be Gideon's emblem if you have claws or Gideon's knight if we are building a D. The deck doesn't need that much removal because you are aggro offensive. We profit in death and combat because of March of the Tomb and Zulaport Cutthroat so filling our yard is favorable to some extent. Might not need 23 lands either.
February 9, 2016 4:54 a.m.
irishmoosetard - I agree with most of your points. I've toyed with Serene Steward and come to the same conclusion. I did originally have Ayli, The Eternal Pilgrim in my deck, but I ran into the same problem in sometimes it was good, sometimes it was useless. On the subject of Drana's Emissary and Lantern Scout, they have both been all stars of my deck. Emissary is great at basically doing 3 damage every turn, and the lantern scout has been great for me when I get a wide board and have a Cliffhaven Vampire out, because lifegain occurs as separate triggers, which means swinging in with 5 creatures while having a cliffhaven out means 5 damage automatically. I agree that March from the Tomb should be brought back into the deck. In terms of replacing serene steward, I was torn between Ayli, or Makindi Aeronaut. Having another 2 drop ally is important to me, especially one that has flying. The way most of my games have gone, I normally want to equip the Captain's Claws to one of my fliers when attacking. Thoughts?
February 9, 2016 5:04 p.m.
irishmoosetard says... #7
Are you sure about the separate life gain triggers in combat? That is fantastic. My only thing is ability to curve out in a smooth manner. Ayli is a bomb don't lie. She had deathtouch if anything. I don't think you should care about evasion. This deck profits off death. I look forward to march from the tomb every game. I wanted to play 4 but thats game 2.
February 9, 2016 8:44 p.m.
irishmoosetard says... #8
Still haven't sold me on Drana's Emissary I think that Claw equip on a Kalastria Healer is better or a Drana Liberator or Oath to Gideon. I think the deck really profits if you can get Gideon's Emblem early. Drana's Emissary is the worst creature to drop late game and it always gets hozed in my experience. Cliffhaven Vampire is becoming more and more interesting. I want to have a board with Zulaport, Kalastria and Cliffhaven with Ayli combat tricks and Captain's Claws. I am looking into the Stone Haven Outfitter and Stoneforge Acolyte to really go after claws which is a major back bone. I am even considering taking out my Stasis Snare's for Bone Splinters because our graveyard is our friend.
February 9, 2016 8:47 p.m.
I have a deck like this and I love the Emissary. Claws to me are actually a more secondary effect and you don't have any kind of draw ability in this deck. Ob and Sorin both give you that ability with both giving removal. I run my deck more aggro with just trying to blitz but if you can get a healer/ Pious Evangel Flip and 1 or more Cliffhavens your golden. I don't like the 40 life win condition due to my willingness to trade life for counter attacks and draw. +1
April 17, 2016 6:53 p.m.
Zaquire, I totally agree on the Emissary. A 2/2 flyer for 3 isn't terrible, and the fact that every turn it stays out give me a 2 point life swing is awesome. And I do have a draw condition albeit it's very narrow and that is with Stone Haven Outfitter and if one of my creatures is equipped with Captain's Claws. I am looking to slot the new Sorin into the deck, just have to get one first.... And when I originally created the deck, it was much more aggressive, but I felt like allies didn't have enough power to consistently win the race fast enough so I started to drift to a little bit of a slower deck, but this deck has won a few games so far on turns 5 and 6, but mainly it wins somewhere between turn 7-9.
April 18, 2016 12:45 a.m.
Ksiegrist06 says... #11
i vote:
-1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis, -2 (to sideboard maybe) Declaration in Stone = +3 Anguished Unmaking
ur like my deck with life gain so no care about -3 life.
also maybe think about +2 Stoneforge Masterwork. u added the Stone Haven Outfitter so more equipment isnt bad. and i've first hand see my Kalastria Healer, flyers, and silly tokens make people hurt. Equipped Drain Train is my deck
April 25, 2016 12:18 a.m.
May I suggest dropping the outfitters for Expedition Envoy because you only run 4 artifacts and it is a 2/2 for 2 as to the envoy is a 2/1 for 1 and you are running 14 two drop creatures. But I like your idea here is my deck that I run Allies love life
May 3, 2016 5:43 p.m.
N1996 Thanks for the input and cool deck too. I will look into fitting Expedition Envoy into the deck. I know from playing him in an earlier mardu aggro ally build that he is great at putting pressure on the opponent and if I curve out turn 1-4 I normally win, but I just hate top decking him. Will go to testing to see if that still remains true.
May 3, 2016 6:13 p.m.
Vampire_Lord says... #15
Hey the deck looks awesome With the new spoilers from kaladesh will you be updating it?
September 8, 2016 10:08 p.m.
Vampire_Lord- Yes, I will be updating it once the entire set is spoiled. I already have seen a new creature to replace Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim and I am hoping for one or two more nice pieces of either removal, lifegain, or both.
Torcas says... #1
Retreat to Emeria is a solid engine to keep getting more allies, paired with fetches or evolving wilds it can be used for clutch +1/+1 to the whole team as well.
If you feel that the life gain this deck provides is running away with the show a pair of Felidar Sovereigns could add another win condition.
Dazzling Reflection is a solid combat trick that can gain large amounts of life if used when they all in buff one creature.
Valorous Stance is a solid option.
Feat of Resistance
Make a Stand : grants all your guys instant speed indestructable
Utter End
Black removal
Over all the deck is more creature oriented then I would play it. I personally like have combat tricks to back grindy engines. You could also go full on aggro from here, however I am a terrible aggro player so if you wish to go that route ignore my suggestions.
-2 Visions of Brutality
-1 Drana, Liberator of Malakir
+3 Retreat to Emeria
January 19, 2016 7:12 p.m.