Instead of Desecration Demon, you could run Shadowborn Demon . Then, just sac your Gravecrawler every turn. Put it together with Dark Prophecy and hilarity ensues.
July 25, 2013 3:19 p.m.
MinscAndBoo says... #7
F*** yeah! +1
Mutilate would own hard in this deck; you've got a 3-cost 5/5 and a 4-cost 6/6, so they'll tend to survive it.
July 25, 2013 3:21 p.m.
I think you should use Darksteel Ingot over Accorder's Shield or Butcher Ghoul because Naturalize and Golgari Charm are in some sideboards.
With only 8 artifacts you shouldn't run 4x Phylactery Lich because it's a dead draw you don't have an artifact. I'd drop a Lich for a Vampire Nighthawk .
July 25, 2013 3:24 p.m.
Very nice, i agree that you should run darksteel ingot, and mutilate if you have it for board wipe situations +1
July 25, 2013 5:42 p.m.
very nice, +1. too bad zombies are rotating out in a few monthes :(
July 26, 2013 7:23 a.m.
when grave crawler, geralfs,diregraf and butchers go out; and i think the lich too. You could use Lifebane Zombie and maybe the Bogbrew Witch , Festering Newt and Bubbling Cauldron . Shadowborn Demon is great too
July 26, 2013 7:28 a.m.
the newt can replace the tragic slip. and the cauldron is an artifact :) . the witch , newt and cauldron is a cool combo to use too :)
July 26, 2013 7:29 a.m.
blueherringmambo says... #16
I put together a janky "just-for-fun" witch deck last night, and it played pretty well. I don't have it on tappedout, but it was basically 4 Festering Newt s, 4 Bogbrew Witch es, 4 Bubbling Cauldron s, 4 Elixir of Immortality , 4 Phylactery Lich , 2 Sanguine Bond , 2 Staff of the Death Magus , Trading Post and a bunch of removal. It worked better than I thought it would. The lifegain with Sanguine Bond was mean!
July 26, 2013 9:47 a.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #17
if you're running Sanguine Bond , run its counter-part, Exquisite Blood for an infinite loop!
July 26, 2013 11:39 a.m.
Christian14 says... #18
Thanks everyone for the advice and comments they are all great. I'm going to take it to FMN tonight and see how it does. Hopefully I'll come in the top 5.
July 26, 2013 1:08 p.m.
tannerskeith says... #19
Agree with feyn_do_alduin. Philactory Lich just isn't as good without Darksteel Relic though.
Why not 4 Gravecrawler ?
July 27, 2013 5:50 p.m.
Phylactery Lich is not good enough to warrant running 2 bad artifacts. Quit clowning around and just take him out.
July 27, 2013 6:58 p.m.
I am a big fan of this deck, but what are you going to do when stuff rotates out in september?+1 from me tho
July 30, 2013 11:43 p.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #23
Lifebane Zombie in the side board maybe? I have a somewhat similar deck and at first i also used Accorder's Shield and Phylactory but changed that to Darksteel Relic and i absolutely main deck Mutilate .
August 1, 2013 7:45 p.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #24
August 1, 2013 7:47 p.m.
side some Victim of Night or better yet Ultimate Price , because there will be a time when doomblade is worthless.
sandcoffin22 says... #1
Wow nice deck man best mono black i have seen in a while +1
July 24, 2013 11:38 p.m.