While I am not new to running either tribal knights, or legacy, I am new to building a competitive legacy deck. So, with that being said, here is my first "attempt", after a good bit of research, at a semi-competitive knight deck....
A couple of things you may have noticed is that I am over by a few cards. What do you suggest I take out? Maybe Lion's Eye Diamond? Go 20 lands? Or, take out the Stromgald and Sacred Torch, and leave them as sideboard? My meta does play a lot of Black and White though. I really would like to stick with B/W, especially for Haakon. Yes, my knights are white, except for him and Stromgald Cabal. I have thought about adding Black Knight, and Stillmoon Cavalier, but I have found that Stillmoon becomes to cost heavy as you want to pump him up, but the fact that he is Black and White makes him a great card to play as he won't be susceptible to mana color screw.
One choice that I have noticed in others' decks is a lack of Lion's Eye. Why is this? I would imagine it to be a great card, yes you lose a land or 2, and your instant/sorcery, but with Nameless Inversion, you don't completely lose removals either. And yes, you are technically top-decking after you cast it, but, unless there is graveyard hate, you still have a good bit of a hand. I imagine playing it on say turn two or three, after I have a mana base established, then going to town:
Turn 3:
Cast: Lion's Eye Diamond
Pop Lion's ability
Cast: Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
Cast: Random 3CMC knight
Another card I think would have a lot of synergy with the deck is Liliana of the Veil. I don't mind discarding since my hand size remains intact, but I ruin my opponent's. Also, it's another way to get Haakon out.
My meta does not really play Wasteland, or other non-basic land removal, so I'm not worried about what lands I play, but suggestions of better lands is appreciated.
Aether Vial is for ramp and to cheat Haakon into play.
All suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Thank you for the help.