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B/W Haakon





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While I am not new to running either tribal knights, or legacy, I am new to building a competitive legacy deck. So, with that being said, here is my first "attempt", after a good bit of research, at a semi-competitive knight deck....

A couple of things you may have noticed is that I am over by a few cards. What do you suggest I take out? Maybe Lion's Eye Diamond? Go 20 lands? Or, take out the Stromgald and Sacred Torch, and leave them as sideboard? My meta does play a lot of Black and White though. I really would like to stick with B/W, especially for Haakon. Yes, my knights are white, except for him and Stromgald Cabal. I have thought about adding Black Knight, and Stillmoon Cavalier, but I have found that Stillmoon becomes to cost heavy as you want to pump him up, but the fact that he is Black and White makes him a great card to play as he won't be susceptible to mana color screw.

One choice that I have noticed in others' decks is a lack of Lion's Eye. Why is this? I would imagine it to be a great card, yes you lose a land or 2, and your instant/sorcery, but with Nameless Inversion, you don't completely lose removals either. And yes, you are technically top-decking after you cast it, but, unless there is graveyard hate, you still have a good bit of a hand. I imagine playing it on say turn two or three, after I have a mana base established, then going to town:

Turn 3: Cast: Lion's Eye Diamond Pop Lion's ability Cast: Haakon, Stromgald Scourge Cast: Random 3CMC knight

Another card I think would have a lot of synergy with the deck is Liliana of the Veil. I don't mind discarding since my hand size remains intact, but I ruin my opponent's. Also, it's another way to get Haakon out.

My meta does not really play Wasteland, or other non-basic land removal, so I'm not worried about what lands I play, but suggestions of better lands is appreciated.

Aether Vial is for ramp and to cheat Haakon into play.

All suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Thank you for the help.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 6 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
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