BW heartless Curse

Modern* Vman


Vman says... #1

need help with SB too btw

December 23, 2011 3:23 a.m.

glg3nstlftw says... #2

now thats sxc..+1

December 23, 2011 3:45 a.m.

NiceGuyEddy says... #3

Not bad. I personally like going 2 Doom Blade and 2 Go for the Throat For side board you could put 2 more blades and two more GFTTs and maybe some tributes to hunger or geths verdict. +1

December 23, 2011 4:54 a.m.

Vman says... #4

yeah thx, forgot about that.. im porbably not gonna go verdict since i have lili's and ill sb sum extra ones...ill pslit dB and GftT..thx

December 23, 2011 4:55 a.m.

Vman says... #5

thinking ifMassacre Wurm would bebetter than lady gaga

December 23, 2011 6 a.m.

NiceGuyEddy says... #6

Why not run 1 of each? Cut a Rune-Scarred?

December 23, 2011 6:04 a.m.

Vman says... #7

rune scarred is my tutor ability + a game ender

December 23, 2011 6:10 a.m.

NiceGuyEddy says... #8

Check out my new deck i've been playing around with grixis aggro

December 23, 2011 6:16 a.m.

NiceGuyEddy says... #9

wait thats not mine :(

December 23, 2011 6:16 a.m.

Vman says... #10


December 23, 2011 6:17 a.m.

Vman says... #11

dw ill go ur profile and check ur deck out

December 23, 2011 6:18 a.m.

Hadarace says... #12

Very high mana curve. You try to kill and exile enemy creatures until you have enough to start the curses? Or hope for two Heartless Summoning down to play Solemn Simulacrum for a free land and draw? Although that doesn't seem like it would happen much it would be amusing. If you can hold your opponent off for long enough to get set up this looks like its late game is very nice.

December 23, 2011 6:55 a.m.

Vman says... #13

actually when i get my first heartless out it goes pretty fast.solemn comes out cheap and so does the witch/demon once i stabalize 2-3 curses its all over =P

what do u mean by very high mana curve?

December 23, 2011 6:58 a.m.

Hadarace says... #14

Idk but my decks seem to always have mostly cheap creatures. Probably because I don't have as much to choose from. I suppose with the heartless it's not that hard to reach. Didn't realize the witch was a 3 drop with it. +1 now that I understand it better lol

December 23, 2011 7:05 a.m.

Vman says... #15

thx =)

December 23, 2011 7:08 a.m.

Jokernaught says... #16

Also consider Semblance Anvil . Heartless is great, I love it, but if you start stacking them, your creatures are going to lose their effectiveness. If you can imprint an unneeded Heartless then all enchants are cheaper too. Toss out a sorcery, oh look Army of the Damned is cheaper (You drop it turn 6 and receive). It's a flexible SB card as well if someone SB against your heartless with a Nevermore .

Definitely Find room for some more white spot removal. I was going to suggest Dispense Justice because it works so well with B/W (its anti-hexproof) but you have no metal for the craft.

All and all I hope this runs as well as it's ancestor. +1 for another good build.

December 23, 2011 11:37 a.m.

QuentinD says... #17

Nice deck, but is it fast?

December 23, 2011 12:51 p.m.

klo696 says... #18

I like it i also have a deck that uses Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Heartless Summoning maybe you can check it out and suggest anything Heartless She-witch Elish Norn.

December 23, 2011 9:11 p.m.

rjg110 says... #19

Nice Deck

December 23, 2011 9:32 p.m.

Vman says... #20

thx for compliments =) im not gonna make this deck till i believe it can stand up to the popular net decks (as i did with my first bw and my vintage deck) so untill then im just gonna keep on trying to make this work.

trying to make space for sum doj mainboard ..also debating is BSZ would be better since curse+BSZ saves my creatures..but w/0 curse hurts my more.

December 24, 2011 1:15 a.m.

Jokernaught says... #21

Well you got heartless in there too which will hurt with a BSZ. You got to remember if you face against a Blue control you could be seeing spells like Redirect which would really screw you over. I forget if thats standard legal. maybe side boarding a couple Witchbane Orb s? Could save you some time. For some reason my last few comments have been artifact related.

December 24, 2011 2:44 a.m.

Vman says... #22

lol Redirect isnt standard anymore i believe..but i might bring this to an extended fnm like my first bw but then ide bring witchbane anyhow..BSZ can hurt me when i heartless, but ide only have like 1-2 heartless out at a time so curse on enemy+BSZ is painfull ..but thats why ikts in debate =P

December 24, 2011 2:47 a.m.

Vman says... #23

put le wurmcoil in sb for red/extreme aggro decks and 1x witchbane coz i have tutor cards anyway..

December 24, 2011 5:51 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #24

@vman: Redirect is in M12 actually.

Also, the deck looks nice and made me make my Honey, i shrunk the opponent!, because before this i had never realised that the Bitterheart Witch put the curse onto the battlefield instead of in your hand, which is a HUGE bonus. I don't understand why no one else has started Birthing Pod ding her.

As for the deck:

I know you've got heartless summoning and all, but if you don't draw it your curve is horrible.

turn 1 nothing turn 2 nothing turn 3 liliana without any sort of protection except herself, which might not be enough... I don't think lili likes this deck too much, the only real synergy you have here is that she could theoretically discard a big one or Unburial Rites for value, but i'm not sure if that's wise at all if you're playing Heartless Summoning in the first place.

I feel that, for Heartless Summoning to be a deck, you need an extra engine that synergises with it. Grand Architect is a good example, but it would mean you'd have to focus more on artifacts and go deep-blue, which you probably don't want.

Alternatively, consider Mentor of the Meek . He's great with the smaller drops like Solemn Simulacrum and Bitterheart Witch and makes me want to add a couple Blade Splicer s, because with the mentor and the heartless they essentially read: pay 2 and W: get a 2/2 artifact and draw 2 cards. then again, it's not so good when you don't have both out...

Basically i'm writing down my thinking process here so that you might pick up something from it, but as you can see, i'm not too sure what would make the B/W heartless deck tick.

Here's something i tried a while back and then never looked at again, and it just might work:

Heartless Mentor

Hope you like it!

December 24, 2011 8:05 a.m.

Vman says... #25

thx dude, your always a great help...ill try to fix these things and surely add mentor/splicer once i figure out the things to take out..apreciated tons and ill check ur deck out right now =)

December 24, 2011 8:43 a.m.

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