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B/W Lifegain/Sacrifice





Instant (2)

This is a B/W Deck I thought of after trying out Standard.

The premise is to , essentially, grind. I want to keep my life total up while simultaneously bringing my opponents' down with cards like Kalastria Healer, Drana's Emissary, and Zulaport Cutthroat.

Ever since Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim was spoiled I loved her, so I wanted to include her in here as well. Partly, she's a pretty good attacker/blocker for her power/toughness and cost. But mainly, she can gain a lot of life and fuel Zulaport Cutthroat and March from the Tomb. If things are going my way, she's even an answer to Planeswalkers.

Felidar Sovereign is in the deck for his big body, vigilance, and lifelink. If I win for having 40+ life at my upkeep, I won't complain.

Lightform and Blood-Cursed Knight are good enchantment-based creatures.

The removal (Silkwrap, Stasis Snare, Bone Splinters) is all really good, and all helps with Blood-Cursed Knight or Zulaport Cutthroat.

Please give me a comment or suggestion if you have something to say, and feel free to upvote!

This deck made possible by feightj1


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 7 Rares

19 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.14
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