BW shiz thats expensive and wins

Standard* isaac198198


GearNoir says... #1

Cliffhaven Vampire, Palace Siege, Retreat to Emeria, Retreat to Hagra, etc are the usual considers. A Captain's Claws might be nice in sideboard for chump blockers/sac or extra Cohort activation. Visions of Brutality is not a bad idea either.

I'd add at least one more Bloodbond since you are lifegain focused, she'll pump with each instance of lifegain.

January 29, 2016 12:26 a.m.

isaac198198 says... #2

GearNoir thanks lots, im really still new to magic (you can proablly tell by my deck lol) so i was wondering if i were to put those in how many would i want to put in and like what would i want to remove..? thanks

January 29, 2016 12:35 a.m.

GearNoir says... #3

Really it is up to your preference. If you want to focus specifically on lifegain/drain, I might do something like:

Definitely keep a couple copies of the other stuff around to swap in and out of sideboard / main deck as needed. Also as a side note - Defiant Bloodlord and Felidar Sovereign might prove to both be too slow for Standard unless you can find ways to get them out much sooner than turn 6 or 7.

January 29, 2016 1:10 a.m.

isaac198198 says... #4

GearNoir okay, thanks a lot ill try some of this for fnm tonight. and yeah i wasnt sure about Defiant Bloodlord or Felidar Sovereign just somebody at my local shop recomened them, i thought they seemed a bit high priced in mana but i thought it would be cool if i could get them out. anyway thanks again lots.

January 29, 2016 9:02 a.m.

smahlt says... #5

I would recommend Captain's Claws. If you have any Kalastria Healers out, the claw ally will proc that, and if you have any Zulaport Cutthroats out, they'll have to decide between killing/blocking the claw ally and triggering cutthroat, or taking the 1 damage from the claw ally and letting it live.

January 29, 2016 3:46 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #6

If you have the fetches and duals you should run Unified Front instead of Allied Reinforcements like in my allies deck Allies, Bring Me To Life! pumping out 3-4 token reliably is pretty good

January 31, 2016 5:57 p.m. Edited.

isaac198198 says... #7

Pure_Insanity but if i only have two colors in my deck anyway i could only put out two 1/1 allies, but with allied reinforcements i get two 2/2 allies for the same mana cost.

January 31, 2016 6:03 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #8

I run 3 Windswept Heath and 1 Canopy Vista, 3 Bloodstained Mire and 1 Smoldering Marsh. That way you can still use them as white/black sources but when casting Unified Front you can tap for extra colours. It works in my deck fine due to all the life gain and with the rest being basic lands you can use any excess fetchs for the basics. Just a suggestion that gets 4 triggers off Kalastria Healer

January 31, 2016 9:20 p.m.

isaac198198 says... #9

Pure_Insanity ah okay, thanks. somehow i didnt see those when i looked at your deck (im blind af)

February 1, 2016 8:46 p.m.

Stabbxan says... #10

From my experience, once you have the Cliffhaven Vampire, and I recommend 4 of them because it's so explosive, it's no longer the kind of deck where Defiant Bloodlord and Felidar Sovereign are desirable. They look great, but this deck works best when trying for a fast kill, what your life gain lets you do is be able to trade hits and let your fliers provide the extra damage while you're draining. Also you'll be taking hits due to your general small creature size and don't generally have the potential to consistently get to 30 life against good decks, if you added in more potent life-gaining cards it could be useful but it's a choice you'll want to make, one or the other.

Kor Sky Climber is definitely an inefficiency. If you don't mind the price, a couple Drana, Liberator of Malakir work great instead, buffing your other fliers. Even another Drana's Emissary is just more conducive to your gameplan

Since it does look like you're going in a bit of an aggro direction, more Kor Bladewhirl coupled with Lantern Scout will let you trade hits better, and Lantern gets you an extra damage on each attack with Cliffhaven Vampire in play, and at that point, taking out a couple Vampire Envoy might be wise because you also want to do more damage

Unholy Hunger may let you gain some life but it's a very high mana cost removal spell and if you do decide to take it in the aggro direction you would do better to have something like Grasp of Darkness in its place to let you avoid a board disadvantage early, and on turn 4 you can play another creature with it, you have a lot of 2 mana creatures


February 6, 2016 11:28 p.m.

isaac198198 says... #11

Stabbxan Thanks a lot for the tips! ive already taken out Felidar Sovereign and Defiant Bloodlord i just have yet to update the deck online, and i put in 2 more Kor Bladewhirl i do plan on putting in some Lantern Scout but unfortunately my local shop dosent have any of them, and i dont want to spend just a few bucks to get something delivered, and i dont have the money to make a larger purchase of cards(really poor). Ihave 2 Cliffhaven Vampire and i do plan to put them into this deck. Thanks a whoooole lot for the tips, i really appreciate it.

February 7, 2016 6:53 p.m.

DayDreamer147 says... #12

You could try Bone Splinters good synergy with your Zulaport Cutthroats and good cheap removal.

February 12, 2016 11:44 p.m.

CookieTroll says... #13

I run a similar deck, and have found the following cards HUGE helps,

Sorin, Solemn Visitor makes flying tokens also the +1/0 and lifelink is sweet

Oath of Gideon makes ally tokens and instant cash in on Gideon, Ally of Zendikar rocks

Captain's Claws equip to Drana gives me giggles every time!

Shambling Vent is great with this too as if there is a board wipe you can still have a lifelink blocker or attacker to help you recover

February 14, 2016 6:36 a.m.

hernyage5 says... #14

I think that Cliffhaven Vampire is a much better 4-drop than Bloodbond Vampire. Both have 'when you gain life' triggers, but guarantees at least some player damage, where Bloodbond Vampire just grows to around 6/6 and then your opponent pulls a killspell out. I'd cut the 2 Bloodbonds for the full playset of Cliffhavens. Expedition Envoy is a 2/1 for one that also gives you an ally trigger, which is powerful. Lastly, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is a powerhouse of a creature who gains you life and makes an army of zombies for you. I'd definitely run one or two.

April 11, 2016 9:05 a.m.

isaac198198 says... #15

hernyage5 Those are all really good points, ihadnt thought about putting Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet in here but i did just pull one so maybe ill do that. I actually just took 4 Expedition Envoy out, i like them its just i only like them if i can combine them with like a Kalastria Healer and have gained 2 life on turn 3 wich still isnt really that great. I do like to get out a creature on first turn, but even running 4 of them only gives me like a .33% chance to pull one in my first hand. And late game they are only usefull for an ally proc, but if i replace them with another type of ally that cost 2 mana or so late game i can still cast that. But i have yet to test this deck actually so i will see what happens at fnm and i very well might change my mind. And i fully agree with taking out Bloodbond Vampire for Cliffhaven Vampire, i just only seem to have two of the Cliffhaven Vampires is the problem. I really appreciate the suggestions and i welcome more if you have any, especially for a sideboard because i dont have one yet. Thanks!

April 11, 2016 10:05 a.m.

Alexwx14 says... #16

I agree about Bloodbond Vampire it is quite slow and Cliffhaven Vampire having flying is very relevant. Especially with lantern scout, being able to get in for lifelink damage which then hits again can be invaluable.

If you're looking for some easy to trigger lifegain Pious Evangel  Flip may not be an ally but he sticks around and the cutthroat ability is really strong in multiples.

April 11, 2016 10:08 a.m.

I have a very similar deck. I agree that Cliffhaven Vampire is a better 4 drop than Bloodbond Vampire for three reasons: (1) flying, (2) Bloodbond instantly becomes a target once it starts pumping up, (3) Bloodbond can easily be chump blocked.

I added the new Always Watching . This I very solid, allowing you to play offensively and still block.

I worked in Captain's Claws to ensure a steady stream of rally triggers.

Why bother with Ally Encampment?

April 13, 2016 10:01 p.m.

GearNoir says... #18

Encampment helps with mana fixing. It allows one mana of any color to cast an ally.

April 13, 2016 10:32 p.m.

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