B/W Vampire Ally Gluttony Standard updated OGW

Pioneer* HunterEste


Scott_Anderson says... #1

Bone Splinters > Altar's Reap

September 27, 2015 8:59 p.m.

HunterEste says... #2

Scott, I'm sorry what are you saying? I have both cards in the deck...I was keeping bone splinters in for a nice removal (sacing a 1/1 to take out a huge Eldrazi with trample for a single mana is sexy). the 4 dmg from Gideon's Reproach wont take out some of the huge Eldrazi that I'm sure will be making appearances.

I have the Altar's Reap for drawing purposes, let's say I'm in combat and decide to block one of their biggies with a smaller 1/1 knowing it will die, in response to the damage being assigned before it is resolved I cast altar's reap on the blocker, sac it, and get 2 cards while still blocking. Is that not a good idea?

September 27, 2015 9:27 p.m.

Scott_Anderson says... #3

Altar's Reap is not a very good spell. It's inferior to Bone Splinters. That's all.

You might consider Pressure Point instead of Reap; it wins tempo better than Reap wins cards.

September 27, 2015 9:34 p.m.

HunterEste says... #4

Ohh, ok I understand Scott, I will look into that, thank you!

I kinda wanted to keep the deck all as cards from BFZ as I totally missed out on Tarkir and Origins and just wanted to start fresh with the latest and greatest.

But I will keep an open mind and give it a try :)

September 27, 2015 10:06 p.m.

Tzarken says... #5

It might be worth considering Serene Steward over Cliffside Lookout. Its more relevant early game and provides a permanent counter.

September 28, 2015 1 p.m.

HunterEste says... #6

Tzarken, that's a great idea! Thank you!

September 28, 2015 2:19 p.m.

tubbitommi says... #7

Would it be worth considering Scoured Barrens for the extra life gain?

September 29, 2015 10:42 a.m.

HunterEste says... #8

Tubbitommi, I was hoping to stick with BFZ, but....grabbing 4 common dual lands isn't a bad idea, lands are easy enough to rotate out when Tarkir eventually cycles out in a year. Thank you for the idea.

September 29, 2015 10:51 a.m.

RoryTheReaper says... #9

What about some Ally Encampment in the land base?

Love the deck though!

October 2, 2015 7:23 p.m.

HunterEste says... #10

Rory, thank you very much, I was worried everyone thought it was garbage as I hadn't gotten any upvotes.

That's a good call on the Ally Encampments. They aren't very spendy and would definitely help with getting allies out easier....maybe put two of them in, drop 1 swamp and 1 plains

October 2, 2015 8:06 p.m.

RoryTheReaper says... #11

I +1'd, I think I am going to take this or something similar to my next FNM

October 2, 2015 8:11 p.m.

HunterEste says... #12

I'm excited to try this deck out next Friday. Hopefully it doesn't get stomped too badly lol.

October 2, 2015 9:02 p.m.

JasterRogue7 says... #13

How about retreat to hagra or emeria?

October 5, 2015 11:05 a.m.

HunterEste says... #14

JesterRogue, possibly, but they would make more sense for a landfall deck where I have a way to cycle lands in and out of play and fetch more lands/get more than 1 out per turn. I can't really see anything in the deck that I'd want to remove to make room for either of those.

Good suggestion though, thank you!

October 5, 2015 12:46 p.m.

RoryTheReaper says... #15

What about a few copies of Expedition Envoy? Serene Steward seems like a good addition as well.

October 6, 2015 8:10 p.m.

HunterEste says... #16

I might swap out Cliffside Lookout with Expedition Envoy, I'm not sure what I would want to drop for the Stewards though...

October 6, 2015 10:25 p.m.

I'd drop all the Defiant Bloodlord and a Bloodbond Vampire for at least three of Serene Stewards. With only 20 land you aren't going to see Defiant Bloodlord ever....and will likely get stuck on three often enough that you don't want two Bloodbond Vampires in your hand. Serene Steward makes your early guys get bigger fast in this deck.

October 9, 2015 10:27 a.m.

FatherGrim says... #18

I 2nd Scott_Anderson, no hands down Pressure Point is way better Tempo than Altar's Reap. Granted the Reap triggers your Zulaport Cutthroat, the feelinbg of tapping a creature on your turn before Defenders Declared, or just keeping a creature on your opponents field at bay while netting a card is GREAT!!

If you are having trouble fitting in Scoured Barrens, cut the 2 Shambling Vents and 1 Evolving Wilds. Personally I'm not a fan of running 4 Evolving Wilds in just a 2-color deck, getting 1-2 a game is nice, and the free shuffle is great. But, drawing that 3rd one, I would rather it be a Basic or Scoured Barrens(for example). And, Shambling Vent is great late game, but IMO, immediate results are better. The vent turns into a Lifelink creature later netting you life gain, the Barrens nets you atleast 1 life immediately. From playtesting with your decklist, and few others, I found when I had the Mana open for the Vent, I would rather use it for my reaps, points, and reproachs.

I also concur with lessthanthree24, on how to add the Serene Stewards. Which brings me to the 4 copies of March from the Tomb. I found that I almost always drew 1-2 of these in each playtest, though occasionally I would draw the 3rd as well. Casting 1 is great, being able to cast the 2nd with great targets(Kalastria Healer being on the field), can actually win the game. But, actually pulling off the 3rd or even 4th with legit targets, you are either getting hammered or your in the negative already. Plus, pulling off 1 is like pulling off a Defiant Bloodlord, mana wise, only got 20 lands. I would suggest cutting 1 atleast to avoid the dead draw.

Overall, this is just my suggestion :) we all have our own style of playing, I would recommend these changes:

-1 Evolving Wilds -1 Plains -2 Shambling Vent -1 Swamp

+2 Ally Encampment +3 Scoured Barrens

-2 Defiant Bloodlord -1 Bloodbond Vampire

+3 Serene Steward

-2 Alter's Reap(I personally still like the "I block that big guy with my 1/1, now I'm gonna sacrifice 'em for 2 cards", plus triggers cutthroat and makes a target for the march) -1 March from the Tomb

+3 Pressure Point

This is just my opinion, we all have our own style of play, prefered cards, and our Meta's effect that all as well. Thanks for Reading! And oh yea +1!!!!

October 10, 2015 7:44 p.m.

HunterEste says... #19

Thank you for the info and suggestions FatherGrim! :)

October 11, 2015 7:25 a.m.

I like everything about this deck but Felidar Sovereign. I made a similar deck and didn't have any problems winning at turn 5. This ally strategy can be aggro enough that trying to win with FS is going to be drawing the game out. Harsh Sustenance is a good, cheap card that offers synergy with this strategy.

October 15, 2015 9:48 p.m.

HunterEste says... #21

I'll definitely consider dropping the Sovereigns for 2 copies of Harsh Sustenance.

October 16, 2015 8:19 a.m.

SakuyaSama7 says... #22

"Bone Splinters: Sac an attacking creature who got blocked and likely die"

Sorcery speed, bro. Sorcery speed.

October 16, 2015 2:23 p.m.

HunterEste says... #23

Sakuya, I mean before combat during main phase...

I have a choice, go into my attack phase with a 1/1 who is going to die horribly, or I can just hit it with bone splinters and blow up my opponent's biggest creature/threat and possibly trigger my cutthroat if it is on the field.

Assumptions, bro, assumptions.

October 16, 2015 3:29 p.m.

SakuyaSama7 says... #24

The way you had said it implies that it's already attacking and is blocked, meaning instant-speed response. I believe you may have switched those parts for Altar's Reap and Bone Splinters.

Corrections, bro. Corrections.

October 17, 2015 2:09 a.m.

Leviathan102 says... #25

+1! It's kinda sad that Ajani's Pridemate rotated out...

October 17, 2015 3:42 p.m.

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