
Land (2)

Instant (2)

Enchantment (2)

A standard BW Vampire Token deck I've been messing with. Haven't taken it to a FMN yet but I plan on it soon, at home though it does really well verse a pretty damn good standard RG Dino deck. I'm open to suggestions and will definitely be tweaking this deck in the near future.

The goal of the deck is to go wide and create a ton of tokens that we then pump up with Legion Lieutenant and Radiant Destiny. There are four big token generators in the deck they are Legion's Landing, Call to the Feast, Queen's Commission, and Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle. Mavren is perhaps my favorite because left unchecked early game he can end up making a ton of tokens. If you pair any of these with an Anointed Procession you can flood the board very fast.

There are several win conditions the deck works towards; the first and most common is just straight beating face, its not uncommon to have 6 3/3 lifelink tokens by turn 5 or 6, that's a lot of power on the field that's hard to deal with, and you are gaining life every turn. The next is Bishop of the Bloodstained and Sanctum Seeker, a bit more situational but late game if you draw either and drop it on the field with 10 vampires then swing in its very hard to deal with. Elenda, the Dusk Rose I'm still not 100% sold on, she is fantastic if you can drop her on a board with 5 or 6 tokens already out, you can then swing in without any fear of losing tokens because she can "store" them, but I find this VERY situational. Most matches by the time you would drop her a Call to the Feast or a Bishop of the Bloodstained is just so much more more useful. Though if you have an Anointed Procession and a way to sack her she can pump out A LOT of tokens. If I do end up dropping her she will be replaced with 1x Anointed Procession and 1x Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle.

Suggestions are VERY much welcome for the sideboard, I'm not all that good at them but I did my best to put some answers to the meta in. Authority of the Consuls to slow down aggro decks and let me get a chance to build my board. Duress for control match-ups. Fatal Push cuz you know Fatal Push. Fragmentize for problematic enchantments and mirror matches. Ixalan's Binding for just about any permanent I don't feel like dealing with anymore. Scavenger Grounds for that grave hate. Walk the Plank for cheap single target removal that can hit just about everything.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 4 Rares

18 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.78
Tokens City's Blessing, Vampire 1/1 W
Folders Cody's Decks, lazy, Vamps, Decks
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