B/W Warriors (BFZ)

Standard PhantomWang

SCORE: 43 | 119 COMMENTS | 13113 VIEWS | IN 25 FOLDERS

PhantomWang says... #1

With Stormbreath Dragons 5 CMC, I try to end most games before he comes into play lol. But those two cards are definitely good SB ideas.

April 23, 2015 6:58 p.m.

Kettleback says... #2

True but if your opponent gets out 2 mana dorks turns 1-2, Stormbreath could enter play turn 3. A 2 mana answer isn't bad in those situations. I think part of the problem with warriors in general is what happens if you don't win by turn 5. Maybe a more powerful turn 4 to close things out is the answer, have you considered Rush of Battle? You can't really beat it for raw damage when you have a board up and double strikers in play. The lifelink will also keep you in the game for another couple of turns if you have to do some trading.

April 23, 2015 8:11 p.m.

shaistyone says... #3

May 14, 2015 2:44 p.m.

irishwrath says... #4

If you splashed Green it would be awesome. Tribal warriors with Abzan Ascendancy is a pain in the ass. Abzan Ascendancy + Bloodsoaked Champion.

May 16, 2015 4:29 a.m.

PhantomWang says... #5

True, but splashing always leads to the problem of mana fixing. With warriors you want to strike early. Having to wait for the right mana card will lead to more losses than victories. I usually aim for having 1 white and 1 black land card in my opening hand and that's all you really need.

May 16, 2015 1:32 p.m.

Garr8 says... #6

I would strongly suggest pne or two Rush of Battle in the main board. They are super useful with Arashin Foremost and Chief of the Edge. They also destroy the agro v. agro matches so you could keep a few in the sideboard as well. Get yourself two Secure the Wastes they are amazing with banners and also are a very good combat trick on the deffense. Lasty Ultimate Price kill most creatures at instant speed for two enough said.

August 9, 2015 12:20 p.m.

pcvogel says... #7

It's too bad the deck didn't get any amazing upgrades from Origins. I agree with Garr8 on the Secure the Wastes, it is awesome post-sweeper or as an end-of-turn play followed by a Brutal Hordechief. I'm not so sure on the Rush of Battle though. Personally, I would rather increase the number hordechief.Minister of Pain could be a relevant sideboard card against those annoying thopter tokens

August 10, 2015 4:54 a.m.

Garr8 says... #8

It's more a matter of what you will face with Rush of Battle. The card does very well against other agro decks as they end up not being able to outspeed you after it has been played. For that reason it deserves to be put at least in the sideboard. I can understand why you would leave it out of the mainboard but if you drop a end of turn Secure the Wastes, have found a way to consistantly go in with Mardu Strike Leader, or just have gotten a lot of one and two drops it can be a back breaking play against any deck. I would deffinetly not put four in because you will get stuck on three lands with two of them in your hand if you do, but I have found one or two of them super useful myself.

August 10, 2015 11:47 a.m.

jsansoldo says... #9

Include 2x Rogue's Passage to make clear ways for Strike Leader.

August 10, 2015 11:50 a.m.

Garr8 says... #10

jsansoldo agreed.

August 10, 2015 11:58 a.m.

Orangepanda01 says... #11

Check out my take on a warriors deck for some inspiration @ Warriors Win. Also why is Drana, Liberator of Malakir in there, I mean ya she's good and buffs creatures but she doesn't get any of your other warriors buffs like Blood-Chin Rager's menace ability, or Chief of the Edge's buff ability, or Arashin Foremost's double strike trigger, or doesn't activateMardu Woe-Reaper's lifegain ability. But i guess it is good since shes only a two of. +1 from me dont forget to take a look at my warriors deck.

October 6, 2015 7:21 p.m.

Im having 2 Infinite Obliteration in side, and i want you to tell me how good it actually is in main cuss i think its pretty good vs midrange.

October 7, 2015 12:39 p.m.

doriboncore says... #13

Take Infinite Obliteration out of the mainboard and put it in the sideboard. During the first game, you probably won't have a good idea of what cards the opponents are playing to get the full effect. Get rid of Languish, it wipes your board, and warriors don't recover that well from board wipes. Add two Ruinous Path to the mainboard.

October 7, 2015 12:42 p.m.

rhakka says... #14

I recommend:
-1 Blood-Chin Rager Having lots of these are not that helpful
+1 Drana, Liberator of Malakir This is immensely useful on many levels
-2 Ultimate Price Who's playing monocolored creatures?
+2 Land. If you want to play a 4 drop with a 5 mana activated ability, you need more mana to hit it consistently. Otherwise drop the hordechiefs and add an Arashin and a Ruinous path.

In the sideboard, I'd be looking for 3 Hidden Dragonslayer, removing Chief of the Scale, and I'd look to replace Minister of Pain... you shouldn't be looking to lose guys unless you're going to run something like Fleshbag Marauder. Tokens shouldn't bother you much and that's about all the Minister is good for. Just attack through them.

I really like Utter End since it hits everything and exiles it so you can avoid "dying" effects like hangarback brings to the table.

I have an Abzan warrior version here if you want to take a gander for ideas/inspiration: Abzan Warrior Company

October 8, 2015 12:33 p.m.

PhantomWang says... #15

Drana, Liberator of Malakir is in there because she provides so much value that the deck would be weaker if I replaced her with another warrior. She has evasion which is something the rest of the warriors are missing, and her first strike allows her ability to trigger before damage is dealt by the other warriors, meaning they get the +1/+1 immediately that turn. It's too good to pass up.

October 9, 2015 11:25 a.m.

doriboncore says... #16

I would have to agree, with the new meta, monocolored creatures are rare, most are either colorless or multicolored, so Ultimate Price should probably be replaced. My deck runs Pacifism, its not quite removal but it slows down those big eldrazi. Valorous Stance work well for those large eldrazi also.

Orzhov Warrior White/Black Deck Playtest

Standard doriboncore


October 9, 2015 2:01 p.m.

PhantomWang says... #17

Ah, I've been on a break since Origins released and I had not realized Pacifism was back in rotation. It's definitely one of my favorite spells. I might have to swap that in.

October 10, 2015 12:08 a.m.

Goody says... #18

I've been playing warriors pretty much since it was a deck - check out War on Zendikar for some ideas.

I don't like battle brawler, and I think you should replace them with more of the best warriors in the format, Foremost and Rager.

October 15, 2015 12:50 p.m.

Really like your deck. I have a similar, more budget deck that got me 1st at FNM:http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/budget-warrior-aggro/

What do you think of Timely Hordemate as a budget alternative to Drana/Sorin?

How do you deal with Abzan control? That gives me a little trouble if they are able to slow me down fast enough.

February 25, 2016 9:44 p.m.

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