Frontier* ccmaci


RightyLefty says... #1

Nice build. Very similar to mine. I also went non-budget. But I focused more on protection and removal than on anthems. B/W Warriors

June 21, 2015 4:47 p.m.

Gabtuls says... #2

Herald of Dromoka is not worth it in a deck like this. Same with Mardu Strike Leader.

I would consider running more than 1 Athreos, God of Passage and ditching the Battle Brawler for more Blood-Chin Rager. I also am not a huge fan of Chief of the Scale i would recommend main boarding Secure the Wastes

I have a similar deck I don't see Colour only Warriors so if you want to compare the two its there for you to do so.

June 21, 2015 4:49 p.m.

rjphilla says... #3

Uh...this is 67 cards. Need to cut some out.

June 26, 2015 4:53 p.m.

Saberxbro says... #4

Most of the budget decks are better than yours

June 26, 2015 5:07 p.m.

Cyb3rDuck says... #5

virulent plague is a good sideboard card. would cut chief of the scale, not really needed because you want to be doing as much damage as possible. blood chin rager should also be a four of, they are really strong.

July 1, 2015 4:31 p.m.

DSeddy says... #6

After playing against B/W warriors I agree with the above comments regarding running 4x Blood-Chin Rager. He makes it VERY hard for your opponent to block your guys for the first several turns, and once your opponent can even build a board state he is still an incredible nuisance. Running 4x of him increases your odds of getitng him in an opening hand, and he is a PRIME target for removal, making the extra copies relevant. I also agree that while chief of the scale has a great effect, it isn't suited towards an aggressive play style, and isn't quite relevant as a 2 of at that. Maybe a good sideboard, maybe not, but IMO better off out of the main board and replaced to with the ragers for the full playset. I don't even really want to play warriors, as it seems to gimicky for me, but I've certainly played against it and that rager is pretty good not to run 4x. Also, i would consider scrapping Obelisk of Urd for more removal, maybe Utter End as a catch-all for any permanent that gets through. Your deck looks like it has enough synergy that it can be successful without the obelisk, which could be a dead card in your hand after say a board wipe or when you don't have a lot of creatures out. Removal like Utter End will almost never be dead. Those are my opinions, you're free to build as you want, but IMO those changes would make it top tier. Good luck, it looks pretty solid otherwise and I hope you do well.

July 1, 2015 4:44 p.m.

Cyb3rDuck says... #7

DSeddy Yeah I would swap out the obelisks for Spear of Heliod as they can kill the dragonlords, are cheaper, and give the devotion for battle brawler.

July 1, 2015 4:56 p.m.

phDaemon says... #8

If you want some inspiration for a non-budget warrior deck, take a look at mine:

The Horde smiles at death Playtest

Standard phdaemon


The only budget part about it is if you take out the lands and the sideboard. Other than that the match-up stats speak for themselves.

Dragon Hunter is really REALLY bad. I wouldn't play him even in sideboard. He loses to Silumgar, the Drifting Death and Stormbreath Dragon just to name a couple, which are played in any deck that plays those colors.

Also, Ultimate Price is ok but if you're serious about the non-budget then you should be playing Hero's Downfall, as well as Banishing Light.

I think that 24 lands for a 2 color deck with an average CMC of 2.5 is extremely high. I play 22 lands in a tri-colored deck and I do fine.

Two cents.

July 2, 2015 2:33 p.m.

phDaemon says... #9

Also, you need to play 4x Arashin Foremost. That card is a wincon.

July 2, 2015 2:33 p.m.

ZaTango says... #10

What is the point of Sorin in this deck? I feel you could replace him with something that flows with the deck more and makes it better.

July 14, 2015 3:11 p.m.

phDaemon says... #11

ZaTango: Sorin is one of the strongest 4 drops you can have with warriors. It makes Arashin + one other creature swing for 4 more (and 4 more life), and if you have complete board state usually means the game is over as you're usually swinging for a disgusting amount (like 15+) with lifegain. The fact that he can also pump creatures, and even destroy creatures is sick (although by then the game will often be over).

This is the kind of play:

Turn 1: Bloodsoaked Champion or Mardu Woe-Reaper
Turn 2: Chief of the Edge -> Swing for 3.
Turn 3: Arashin Foremost -> Swing for 9.
Turn 4: Sorin, Solemn Visitor -> +1 Sorin. Swing for 20. Gain 20 life.

July 14, 2015 10:57 p.m.

phDaemon says... #12

The fact that he can also pump out* creatures


Generating creatures makes this card extremely valuable against control...interestingly enough he does resolve more often than not due to them being constantly threatened by a flurry of creatures.

Even if you have one out, and draw one, the one in hand is not a dead card. You could create a token, play the one in hand, and boost creatures (sometimes a useful move).

I play 3x in my warrior deck, which was positioned 20th on the site at some point.

July 14, 2015 11:09 p.m.

ZaTango says... #13

phdaemon thanks, I wasn't sure. I wasn't criticizing the deck though, because I was unsure of it. But it makes sense now.

July 15, 2015 8:10 a.m.

kermit1981 says... #14

To be honest for the fuss you make about it being non budget it feels rather budget.

Almost half the value of your deck seems to lie in the 3 thoughtseize in the sideboard and you say you wont include Spear of Heliod because its a waste of money for rotation - when was this ever a concern in a true non-budget deck?

You are also lacking 4 copies of the fetch land that I would expect a 'true non budget deck to run'

As for the deck itself i would as others have suggested run 4 of the Blood-Chin Rager he is a game winning support card I think your curve is a little higher than it needs to be too probably - I would trim the Obelisk of Urd as you would be better swinging with creatures than conviking this in to play generally I feel.

Though she isn't a warrior Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip is a great option, you would be suprised how quickly people choose not to block the turn you play her as they are worried about activating her spark.

August 6, 2015 2:20 a.m.

ccmaci says... #15

Thank you for the suggestions, and I think Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip in the deck is a great idea. If I get 1 or 2, I'll tell you if it works out in the deck. But until then, she will be in the maybe board.

Now Obelisk of Urd can be used turn 3 or 4, but I have come to learn it's better late game when I have over 5 land on the table. But I'll put in an update asking if people want to do a vote to see if Urd stays in the deck.

Before typing this, I already made Blood-Chin Rager a 4 of, so no worries there.

And you're right about the Spear of Heliod, it isn't a non-budget if it isn't put in. I have put them in now and the next update will talk about it.

Thank you again for the suggestions. They have definitely changed the deck.

P.S. I did the math and its $94.41 without the Thoughtseizes.

August 6, 2015 3:01 p.m.

phDaemon says... #16

If you're playing that many Secure the Wastes, then Brutal Hordechief. Even when you're not, he's a wincon with a few warriors out as well.

My deck runs 2x of each.

Two cents.

August 6, 2015 5:34 p.m.

phDaemon says... #17

Nvm, realized you had them after.

August 6, 2015 5:34 p.m.

phDaemon says... #18

If you'd like to minimize the number of tap lands (Which I found are generally not good in aggro unless you don't have 1 drops in your starting hand), I do recommend running 2x Mana Confluence unless budget is an issue.

August 6, 2015 5:36 p.m.

ccmaci says... #19

Yeah phdaemon, I usually get too much land in my hand or a draw more than I need mid to end game, I'll bring it down to 22 land in the deck. Thanks for the suggestion.

August 7, 2015 6:05 p.m.

lagotripha says... #20

Personally, I'd want a pair of Mardu Shadowspear in place of the urd just for a little extra speed off of the starting block, and to push those multiple creature effects a little harder, or mainboard thoughtseizes, just to get the first turn play. Mostly personal preeference though.

August 7, 2015 6:20 p.m.

ccmaci says... #21

lagotripha, the reason why the Thoughtseize is in sideboard is because its meant to be used against control decks with blue in it (ex: U/B control, the bane of my FNM experience). At turn one, it gets a Languish or Crux of Fate I don't like out of my opponent's hand.

Also with the Obelisk of Urd, I'm holding a vote in chat to see if people think its better that it stays or leaves the deck. Just type, 'I think you should keep Obelisk of Urd in the deck,' or 'I think you should take out Obelisk of Urd from the deck.' This Tuesday, from the votes I get, I will ether take the card out or keep it in.

And thanks for the suggestions.

August 7, 2015 6:40 p.m.

Davish says... #22

I am creating a warrior deck too and leaning on the lifegain side as well. You have a lot of lifegain combos that are great:

Sorin, Solemn Visitor + any attacking creature

Brutal Hordechief + Secure the Wastes

Blood-Chin Fanatic + Bloodsoaked Champion

Do you think Lightform and Harsh Sustenance would be worthwhile for lifegain? I am new to playing Orzhov and have not played it yet.

August 30, 2015 7:01 p.m.

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