I took first place at FNM!
My first round was an easy matchup, it went really quick 2-0 so I'm not sure what exactly he was playing.
Second round was against someone I know who has a boros midrange deck.
Game 1 went to me after I curved out well with 2 Geralf's Messenger.
Game 2 I lost to mass Fiend Hunter and just couldn't get through.
Game 3 was really rough. Opening hand was 1 land with 3 of my 4 drops. Next mulligan was all lands and a blood artist. Next mulligan was 0 lands. My 4 card hand was 3 white cards and a swamp. Went to 3 cards, put up a good fight, but eventually lost.
1-1 matches , 3-2 games
Third round was against a naya midrange deck. This is normally my worst matchup, and it showed in game one. Games 2 and 3 though I had my Appetite for Brains come on time and took out a Thragtusk and a Huntmaster of the Fells
Flip, had a nice board presence with multiple Blood Artist and pulled through.
2-1 matches, 5-3 games.
Fourth round was against a Heartless Summoning Crypt Ghast
Griselbrand Kessig Wolf Run deck.
Game one my Tragic Slips kept him off of his 1/1Crypt Ghast
s and I was able to get in an early win.
Game 2 I opened a 4 lander with all 1 drops and kept. Ended up drawing lots of lands and lost to Griselbrand whacking me in the face.
Game 3 was a repeat performance of game 1 and secured an easy victory.
3-1 matches, 7-4 games.
Fifth round we drew into top 8.
Top 8:
I'm the 5th seed facing the 3rd seed. His deck was basically naya blitz with a few changes.
Game one I had 3 Geralf's Messenger and it was a straightforward victory.
Game 2 I mulliganed to 6 and couldn't keep up with the aggro. Almost stabilized but took a searing spear to the face.
Game 3 he ended up keeping a slow hand and I was able to punish him for it, going into top 4
4-1-1 matches, 9-5 games
Top 4, I'm paired against the person who I lost to in round 2 with the boros midrange deck. I won the dice roll and went first, and had answers for the fiend hunters that took all my creatures and was able to win.
Game 2 he had a very fast opening, but I was able to hold off aggro with plenty of Vampire Nighthawk and Blood Artist, and ended up winning off the multiple blood artist triggers.
5-1-1 matches, 11-5 games
Now I'm paired with a good friend of mine and the prize structure for first and second was 13/7, so we both decided playing for 3 packs is fine with us.
He played a junk Blood Baron of Vizkopa superfriends deck that was actually really good.
Game 1 was too slow for him, and I tragic slipped his only blocker (Loxodon Smiter) and ended up winning from there.
Game 2 he farseeked on round 2 and 3, so I played my appetite for brains on my turn 3 and whiffed. He only had lands and another farseek. Unfortunately he top decked the Blood Baron of Vizkopa and I was really unable to deal with him from there. I brought in mutilates but couldn't draw them.
Game 3 I'm really concerned about what I can possibly do against the blood baron, but I ended up with another quite fast opening and cinched the first place game.
Ended up going 6-1-1 and winning 13 of 19 games.
After FNM, I decided to make some changes to the deck.
-2 Disciple of Bolas
-1 Swamp
+2 Knight of Infamy
+1 Tragic Slip
The disciples are good in certain situations and arguably won me a couple games tonight, but they are really rough on my opening hands and are often dead draws. I'm not always in a situation where I can give up a body on the board for cards and life and pay 4 mana to do it. Since I'm knocking out the top end of my curve I went down a swamp too.
The knights are probably a temporary addition, I might switch them out for Sorin, Lord of Innistrads. For now though, at my meta there's a couple white weenie/boros aggro so I'll keep him.
The 4th tragic slip is probably better than a 4th Bloodthrone Vampire or Diregraf Ghoul.
I also made some sideboard changes:
-2 Oblivion Ring
+1 Appetite for Brains
+1 Mutilate
I found that oblivion ring was only brought in against very fringe decks and were very costly for my deck. I wanted more reliability from my appetites and mutilates so I pumped them up to 3. 3-of appetite really wrecks my worst matchup, naya midrange, and only 2 mutilates is not enough against some of the very fast aggro decks.