cartwheelnurd thanks for the input, consistency has always been an issue for me up until my bant deck, which I think comes from me dropping in less than 3 of certain cards. I've switched it around a little to accomodate making those changes as I strongly agree with them.
February 25, 2013 5:47 p.m.
I play a lifegain deck pretty competitively myself :) No black splash though.
From my experience my "aggro" opponents have almost always issues by a turn 2 Call of the Conclave turn 3 Centaur Healer turn 4 card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice or Rhox Faithmender or Restoration Angel if i manage to get myself on turn 5 then i have almost certainly won the game vs aggro.But if i dont have on my oppening hand those 2 cards for the first three turns things are getting kinda tough vs the super aggro naya humans or g/r decks that are very popular nowadays.
Lately i added 2 Terminus on the mainboard and they proved quite awesome. The fact that i ran Elvish Visionary and Cloudshift helps to draw it on their turn (plus increasing the chances to draw it overall)
For your deck now, i like very much the 3 Abrupt Decay cause they almost certainly kill an early threat, i don't like Orzhov Charm though.Instead i run Selesnya Charm which can add a body to the board, used as a combat trick or exile an "out of control" Champion of the Parish or Experiment One
Vraska the Unseen is good vs specific games but not vs aggro. (i'd put her in sideboard) Most of the times they will choose to neglect it and hit u directly.. if u want a plainswalker Garruk Relentless Flip can be used as a removal or a token-blockers generator, or go for the bigger one Garruk, Primal Hunter whos beasts are hard to deal by weenie decks (card draw is also relevant)
Unburial Rites i dont see the point of running this.. this is not a reanimator deck. Instead i would add more removals, Ultimate Price , Murder even Smite can help. Or, u can add those Loxodon Smiter from your sideboard to balance the curve of your deck.
Utility lands!! Go for 1 Vault of the Archangel , 1 Gavony Township for sure! Those lands can win u games out of nowhere. I also include on my land base 2 Ghost Quarter to deal with Nephalia Drownyard , Kessig Wolf Run . To add a plus for quarters, most decks dont have basic lands.. so Ghost Quarter can be a Wasteland pretty often.
Sideboard now..4 Witchbane Orb are a lot! 2 are enough (u would never add 4 of them game 2i am sure). Staff of Nin is getting popular cause it is very good vs control decks, 1 is fine. 2 Sundering Growth or Naturalize should always be in the sideboard of a green deck. If aristocrats continue to be a thing for the days to come Tragic Slip and Silklash Spider can be fitted in sideboard, the spider is awesome vs Lingering Souls
February 25, 2013 9:50 p.m.
omgroflme thanks a ton for the well thought out and organized input! it is greatly appreciated.
I run 4x Terminus in my Bant wipe deck, and I do indeed love it, and I can definitely see how with as many creatures as I have how it would be viable here too.
I was contemplating Cloudshift for more lifegain from Thragtusk and the like, and also using it as a trick with Angel of Serenity
Artifact removal is definitely a must. I got so much use out of Witchbane Orb this weekend that I went nuts in the sideboard. Sideboard isn't really too well thought out, just kind of random.
Unburial Rites was supposed to help me against the mill game that is on the rise, but I can accomplish that with the Witchbane Orb as well.
Again, thanks a ton for your input, I will for sure be making some of the changes you have proposed.
February 25, 2013 10:13 p.m.
I also like making lifegain decks. I use Tree of Redemption +Rhox Faithmender for crazy lifegain. I don't know how to make a link to my stuff here, but please take a look and leave comments or suggestions.
cartwheelnurd says... #1
Make your deck more consistent; take out some of the two ofs and try to concentate on 3 ofs and 4 ofs. You need 4x thragtusk, Restoration angel, Rhox faithmender, and Centaur Healer for a decent lifegain shell.
February 25, 2013 5:26 p.m.