I didn't think to update this with my winning results until the Saturday afternoon after so It might not be the most detailed. Will update more later.
Finals was a roll of the dice I won with a 5, opponent got a 3. Finals went 2-1 in my Favor. (Neither of us wanted to play since we wanted to go out and enjoy the rest of the evening).
23 Player FNM
First round 2-0 vs Enchatment/Curse
Played against enchantment brew using sphere of safety and curse's. Their deck setup a couple of enchantments to lock out my threats as well as start applying Curse of Thirst. I got my Liliana on to play turn 3. Started forcing discard and throwing away most of my kill spells. Dropped Obzedat on to the board. Started draining life to get around Sphere of Safety then top decked into Thundermaw.
Game 2 I side boarded in +1xRakdos's Return, +3xDuress, +2xWitchbane Orb. -1xTragic Slip, -x2Rolling Temblor, -x3Blind Obedience
First turn Duress and removed a Curse. Never had a chance to use the rest of my sideboard cards. Turn 3 Liliana +1. Continue to +1 Liliana. Obzedat and Liliana quickly closed the game out. Ultimate Liliana and game was pretty much over.
Second Round 2-0 vs Aristocrates
First turn Doomed Traveler for each side. Second turn High Priest, opponent drops Knight of Infamy. High Priest prevents 2/2 exalted Doomed Traveler. Third turn Blind Obedience, opponent drops Skirsdag High Priest Knight of Infamy pro white swings in for 3. Turn 4 Swings pro white Knight (Don't remember what was played). Turn 5 Obzedat from opponent (does not blink out), my turn Rolling Temblor, High Priest of Penance Vindicates Obzedat. Next turn I drop Thundermaw and swing in for 5. Swing in a second turn for 5 and drop my own Obzedat. I think the opponent scooped at this point.
Game 2 I didn't bother side boarding I felt my matchup was good and I decided to try simply running it again. Game 2 ended up going through quickly same kind of ideas as game one. High Priest prevents opponent from blocking until Knight of Infamy and Lingering Souls from opponent can get around High Priest. Obzedat ended up not closing out the game for me. Opponent took out Obzedat after only a few drains. Game ended up dragging on a bit. Eventually I got a Falkenrath Into play long enough to simply remove any blockers and take out last half of life total.
Third Round 2-0 vs Borosoblin Brew (Boros Goblin)
Game 1 Opponent drops early Goblin Arsonist, Krenko's Command vs High Priest and Doomed Traveler. Opponent doesn't care about High Priest due to having multiple Goblin Tokens and Arsonist. Third Turn Blind Obedience shuts down Krenko, Mob Boss. Murder removes it from the field before he can activate. Falkenrath flys over the goblins and tokens on the ground. Game is closed out once I can swing in a few times due to lack of flying from opponent.
Game 2 I board out 2x -Tragic Slip for 2x +Assemble the Legion
I get stuck on 4 mana for at least 3 turns maybe 4. Thankfully I draw both Rolling Temblor and sweep the board. Blind Obedience once again shows off and saves me multiple points of damage. Finally hit 5th land and drop Obzedat at around 6 life. Obzedat + spot removal and earlier sweepers bring me back into the game. Opponent played a couple of Boros Reckoner but I simply Orzhov Charmed and Murdered, or Slipped them. (Didn't find them very difficult to deal with at all) Assemble the legion drops and opponent scoops a couple turns later once they know even if they get Krenko, Mob Boss out now he might either get spot removed, and or out paced with Assemble the Legion.
Overall the deck ran very well. Obzedat was insane for stabilizing games even when down to single digit life vs high double digit opponent life. The Removal and Blind Obedience worked exactly like intended and kept me alive long enough to get to later game where Obzedat and Thundermaw could be useful. High Priest was very good as well. (Last minute change after some trading before FNM began)
Only thing I would say is a bit lacking at is still the Side Board it felt like most games my deck was solid enough to not need to change very many cards. Might be better to sideboard in specific hate against cards or strategys, maybe just need to play against more control to see how well sideboard works against that.