
Pauper commander is a very different beast from the usual thing, with the presence of all commons making for a very different, more laid-back environment. You can expect no infinite combos, no bevies of tutors, no extra turns, no board wipes... well, maybe.

Sure, all the usual Damnations and Wraths of God are out of the picture, so board stalls and arms races are to be expected. But what if we were to find a way to inject board wipes back into the equation anyway? Your opponents might find themselves pretty helpless against such efficient mass removal!

Enter the other, more ghetto way of killing creatures en masse: deathtouch and a little damage being spread around. Enter Conductor of Cacophony, who is an uncommon that can deal damage to all other creatures without nicking herself not once but twice! Thankfully she's also a black creature, meaning you have plenty of ways to stick deathtouch on her and running away with the game once every other creature is outta there.

Of course, being able to wipe the board twice is swell... but even more would be better! Fortunately all you need do is slap some more +1/+1 counters on your lovely Conductor, and there are no shortage of ways to do that. Sadistic Glee and Eternal Thirst might be the best, as every critter you kill off fuels the next board wipe. Special mention goes to stuff like Undying Malice and Feign Death, though - once the rest of the table realizes your commander can violate one of the fundamental assumptions of pauper commander, they'll probably be gunning for her. Nothing quite like giving her another lease on life and a bonus counter to make use of for her trouble!

Even if you're set to clear the board every turn, it can take a while for one little demon to beat multiple opponents to death. That's where all of your other critters come out of the woodwork, with the likes of Guardian Idol, Stuffed Bear and Dire Mimic all able to safely peek their heads out after the board has been cleared, letting them proceed to take chunks out of your foes' life totals!


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91% Casual


Revision 7 See all

(3 months ago)

+1 Cracked Skull maybe
-1 Debt to the Kami main
+1 Derelict Attic / Widow's Walk main
+1 Infestation Sage main
+1 Wither and Bloom main
Date added 10 months
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.60
Tokens Blood, Clue, Dungeon: Undercity, Food, Insect 1/1 BG w/ Flying, Skeleton 4/1 B, The Initiative, Monarch Emblem, Treasure
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