This is a very fast RG beat down deck with massive potential to flood the battlefield. Here's how it works:
Birds of Paradise is just a great one-drop for multi-colored decks.
Somberwald Sage sets the stage to drop BIG creatures by turn 3.
Some BIG creatures include...
Craterhoof Behemoth - once he hits the battlefield the game should be over. You should probably have at least 4 creatures on the battlefield after you cast him making him a 9/9 hasty trampler. No to mention buffing up the rest of your creatures by 4.
Urabrask the Hidden - this is a card I have been looking to abuse for a long time and it finally landed in its home. Casting him turn 3 goes a LONG way to winning you the game. Plus, who doesn't like all hasty creatures and your opponents in torpor?
Wolfir Silverheart - make your Birds of Paradise a flying threat or pump up Champion of Lambholt for a quick win. There really is no downside to him being on the field.
Huntmaster of the Fells
- Add a token? Sure. And 2 life? Sure. Transform? Sure. Deal 2 damage and kill off a weenie? Sure. Do it all over again? HECK YES!
Kessig Cagebreakers.- this card was the inspiration of the deck and has great synergy with it. Even with two creatures in the graveyard, he is a big threat once he is able to attack and becomes more of a threat when he can swing as soon as he is cast. Thanks Urabrask! He bets ridiculous when Champion of Lambholt is out or before a Craterhoof Behemoth is cast.
Supporting cast:
Vexing Devil places your opponent in a hard spot... Take 4 damage or let a 4/3 beat stick hit the field for 1 mana? He helps uo when he's in the graveyard or on the field. A perfect addition to this deck,
Viridian Emissary nets you land advantage and.helps out the cagebreakers once in the graveyard, no downside.
Ambush Viper
gets a surprise kill and helps out from the graveyard, a much needed control card.
Champion of Lambholt's primary purpose is to makey guys unblockable and is easily abused by the creature heavy, token spawning deck. Pus he becomes a nice beat stick himself.
Garruk, Primal Hunter is your token making, card drawing buddy who should never reach his ultimate because the deck is too fast and you'll need our hand refreshed if he is on the field. But, it isn't horrible if his -6 pops either. :)
Necessary spells:
Faithless Looting helps you get the creatures or land you want and get rid of what you don't need at the time.
Tracker's Instincts
sifts through the top of your library to find you a creature when you need it. If you find more than one, more fuel for the cagebreakers!
Burn at the Stake
. Because every deck needs that one ridiculous card nobody expects you to have. This one can win you the game on turn 5 easy.
Sideboard tech:
Against control and turbo-fog:
+2 Hellrider, +2 Malignus, +2 Strangleroot Geist -2 Huntmaster of the Fells
, -2 Urabrask the Hidden, -2
Ambush Viper
Against RDW or Soul Sisters:
+2 Wurmcoil Engine, +2
Gnaw to the Bone
, +3 Garruk Relentless
-2 Urabrask the Hidden, -2
Burn at the Stake
, -3 Garruk, Primal Hunter
As always, all comments and ideas are welcomed and appreciated. Don't forget to +1 if you like it!