Can I Borrow This?

Standard* TheNinjaJesus


Jokertechz says... #1

Check out my Narset control deck it did really well against anything but control. I usually draw against control. Also Master the Way usually hit for 6 and I had plenty of ammo left

January 6, 2015 4:39 a.m.

Angus300 says... #2

I play Narset's Freedom Friends and my biggest recommendation would be to try and limit the amount of non-narset castables you have.

January 7, 2015 3:44 p.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #3

Thanks for the feedback, Angus. That's good advice. The obvious things to which you are referring would be Mindswipe and Crater's Claws, but would you say three would be acceptable? The other thing you could be referring to would be Deflecting Palm (if I flip it over with Narset, it's pretty useless, after all). I could put in one more Lightning Strike, and maybe three Feat of Resistance or Ajani's Presence to make my few creatures indestructo against board wipes, what do you think?

January 7, 2015 5:41 p.m.

Caharin says... #4

Looks ok. I think you have a few to many board wipes main board. I have a similar build check it out. And +1 for keranos I just love that card.

izzet jeskai Playtest

Standard Caharin


January 16, 2015 11:29 p.m.

DreadnoughtMTG says... #5

First off, I don't play an insane amount of standard so if my comment is a bit looney just dismiss it, no hard feelings.

Now, personally, I think Deflecting Palm is crazy powerful. I would mainboard those over maybe the End Hostilities (obviously keeping those for the side). If your opponent happens to get a creature out bigger than 4 on the back, no worries! Welcome those fatties as they translate into massive damage for their controllers. And with Dictate of the Twin Gods out, Anger of the Gods is going to do a great job wiping the board anyway. Also, I would put in another Dictate of the Twin Gods. Quadrupling keranos' burn ability? Yes please. This coupled with your other burn will prove for easy removal and face melting. Flash in your second Dictate and Lightning Strike 12 life for the win.

I think you could fit Temporal Trespass in with your other delve. Are you thinking 1-of? or 2? 1-of would be easy and wouldn't overload your delve possibilities. 6 out of 35 with 5-6 permanents seems good. Maybe drop the 2 Steam Augury for this and a Dictate? I realize they might provide ok card draw but with it being opponents choice slash revealing, they know a bit more what to expect. Plus side, you are the one making piles which I think is much better than the opposite. And the extra turn will give you some card advantage and likely the game. Extra turns are one of the most powerful aspects of magic, in my opinion.

I feel like you might be wishing for more Island at times. Do you have that issue? Maybe swap one or two of your rego plains for island if so. If you swap End Hostilities for Deflecting Palm you wont need so much plains anyway.

I hope you found some of this worthwhile! I do like your deck, I enjoy running control and shutting down my opponents plans. Good luck with this!

January 18, 2015 3:16 p.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #6

Hey, ChrisHansonBiomancin, mind if I pick your brain about something? It's about the deck I'm playing tomorrow at FNM, and I've got to go right from work, so I'll be bringing it with me and CANNOT edit it. So, I'm going to use this one. You've seen it before, so you have a pretty good idea how it runs. I want to keep it dual-color for consistency and the fact that I've got a lot of other-color mana sources in other decks right now. What you see is pretty close to how it's going to be, except I may not be able to procure a 2nd Perilous Vault by tomorrow. That's whatever, I've already got seven board wipes. Now, here's my question. I have Temple of Deceits, and I could put a robust anti-control suite in the SB that is basically going to splash black for both Torrent Elemental, and enough black mana to trigger the return from exile clause. It would look like this-

4x Temple of Deceit

1x Urborg

2x Disdainful Stroke

2x Torrent Elemental

2x Murderous Cut (maybe Bile Blight)

1x Empty the Pits

3x Hero's Downfall

But then I got wondering why I wouldn't just play all that great removal and additional low-cost counters (and backup win con) main board. If I did play those other temples, I'd have more scry sources, which is great. I'd also put in some swamps to round out the consistency and just play Grixis, straight up.

If I did stick to a more traditional sideboard, it'd look more like-

2x Cranial Archive (anti-control tech to prevent self-mill)

2x Negate

3x Magma Spray

2x Magma Jet

2x Disdainful Stroke

1x Reality Shift

1x Mindswipe

2x Prognostic Sphinx

Which one do you think would perform with greater stability?

February 13, 2015 12:23 a.m.

Hey sorry for the late response; I actually feel that this is stronger v the control mirror than the American version since you have less dead cards (6 by my count) and faster mana (speaking of which you probably want 26). So building a transformative sideboard for a favorable matchup that only requires 6 cards to come out seems unnecessary.

I see this deck's worst matchup being Monsters since most of your spot removal is geared toward smaller creatures and a single threat can force you to wipe. Not a bad thing; Izzet always has trouble with fatties. You could replace the Cranial Archives in the board with more D Strokes or Nullify; I like the latter for also being useful v aggro as well, especially 3 drops like Rabblemaster when on the draw. I'm not sold on using the Archive in a deck that relies heavily on Dig.

February 13, 2015 3:18 a.m.

Oh btw I'm thinking that you could play 3 Radiant Fountain now that you're playing 2 colors. Dimir usually plays 3. You'll definitely want to go to 26 lands if you do that tho.

February 13, 2015 3:22 a.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #9

Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll stick to two colors for now. If I do branch into three color with black, that'd probably shore up my spot removal. Does have Murderous Cut and hero's downfall, after all. The other thing I could do would be to pull one Aetherspouts, put in a single Dictate of the Twin Gods to have a midrange board wipe in Anger to squeeze more utility out of it.

February 13, 2015 10:16 a.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #10

That's also going to make my Strikes midrange killers.

February 13, 2015 10:24 a.m.

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