Can I Marry Your Daughter?

Modern wolfging

SCORE: 149 | 39 COMMENTS | 13122 VIEWS | IN 46 FOLDERS

ZwiebelRoyal says... #1

Penthoplayer, lold

November 24, 2014 11:56 a.m.

wolfging says... #2

Thanks for all the feedback folks! I added some changes to it. I totally dig Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and worked her into the story as the priestess who marries the two. Cause she looks slightly holy... right? In a weird, boney, evil kind of way. :D

I also found that between Cloudshift and Flickerwisp Conjurer's Closet was a little redundant. So I added Coat of Arms instead, cause that's fierce.

Penthoplayer I would add red... but that makes it even harder to make more goats. Two colors is enough for something that hinges so desperately on devotion for its silly strategy to work. I do absolutely love the flavour of that though. :D

December 3, 2014 12:20 a.m.

Necromagister says... #3

daring thief to take their shit...void snare return daring thief to your hand... repeat.

December 8, 2014 5:27 a.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #4


December 11, 2014 11:48 p.m.

BudgetBuilder says... #5

Venser, the Sojourner would fit this deck fairly well.

December 12, 2014 10:26 p.m.

L0stinExile says... #6

I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even try looking at the deck, I just read the description. +1 for it!

December 22, 2014 9:31 p.m.

RageKnightV says... #7


August 12, 2015 8:49 p.m.

MagicMarc says... #8

very fun deck story. +1 for flavor, +1 for goats and +1 for Dovescape + Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite !

September 23, 2015 6:45 p.m.

TardBardReVo says... #9

Needs Playset of Serum Visions... :)

November 6, 2015 7:30 p.m.
November 22, 2015 8:09 p.m.

I love that cards requisite for that combo were all printed in the same set lol.

November 22, 2015 9 p.m.

Yeah this was standard legal at one point.

November 22, 2015 9:01 p.m.

For one point that was two full years

November 22, 2015 9:30 p.m.

i love this! i actually have a similar WU goat deck, with more emphasis on raising chroma/devotion -> more goats. But Daring Thief is excellent here. Id really appreciate it if you checked out my Goat Tribal? Hell yeah ... thanks!

May 13, 2019 5:19 p.m.

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