
Some say that capitalism is the most oppressive form of economy. If they're talking about America Control, they'd be right.

The Utility

Chandra, Pyromancer - Her zero ability is where I live for days.

Dig Through Time - It's important that I'm able to get answers, this card helps be get specific ones.

Jace's Ingenuity - Quite a good card draw spell to keep the hand alive. Can completely rejuvenate a hand on its own.

Nyx-Fleece Ram - Quite an amazing card. It gives me a T2 response against aggro, and will keep at least their highest powered creature off of me for the turns to come. On a side note - this blocks Siege Rhino should it ever resolve!

The Control

Dissolve - Scry 1 and a good catch all counter spell. No explanation needed.

Lightning Strike - The soul purpose of this card is to blow up threats starting T2. This will handle most Jeskai midrange decks as well as provide early aggro removal. Never a dead card since 3 damage to the face is still relevant.

Dissipate - I really like this counter spell. This counter spell is specifically here for Sidisi Whip. Otherwise it's like having another dissolve.

Disdainful Stroke - I have responses to aggro. Here's my response to mid-range. There's too many threats in the meta that are CMC 4 or more, and this will handle those better than my Dissolve. Very good against the Temur/Abzan/Mono-Green match up.

Anger of the Gods - Good early board wipe against Mono-Red, U/W Heroic, and R/W Heroic. Sided out against mid-range decks, more brought in against Aggro decks.

End Hostilities - A catch all board wipe. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

The Finish

Keranos, God of Storms - Hey bro. I heard you like grindy match ups. So I got you some grindy finishers to go with your grindy match ups while you grind your match to the finish.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion - If you don't know why she's here, just look at her card.

The Sidelines

Anger of the Gods - Mono-red will be making a come back. R/W is already here. We need sweepers starting turn 3 against these decks. Plus token decks.

Negate - Temur Mid-range, Mono-blue devotion, U/W Heroic, U/B control, Esper Control, Jeskai Control

Neutralizing Blast - Temur Mid-range, any deck where they have too many multi-colored threats.

Nullify - Mono-Green Devotion, R/G Monsters, Aggro-Anything.

Outpost Siege - U/B Control. Replaces Chandra. No enchantment control exists in that deck.

Reality Shift - Creature heavy match ups + Sidisi Whip. I feel it'd be kind of troll to turn Sidisi into a 2/2. Sounds so nice.

The New Cards?

Dragons of Tarkir looks to be a great set. At the moment, I'm deciding to include none of the new cards until I see the full field. When the full list gets released, look for my updates!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 4 Rares

12 - 5 Uncommons

8 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.82
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Manifest 2/2 C, Soldier 1/1 W
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