Sisay has the answers | * Hibernation * | Primer

Commander / EDH PartyJ

SCORE: 659 | 561 COMMENTS | 121711 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

Kre says... #1

Replying from Advertise your Deck! forum

Captain Sissay was my second EDH deck back in 2009. I had a lot less choices, but I have continued playing it ever since. Still one of my favorites.

Looks like a good list so far. I like your synergy and the card choices for the better Legends seem tight, but I see a lot of trimming that can be done, especially in the non-Legendary line up you have.

Problems I see:

Your 1-3 drops in creatures are a little light, combined with no token generation this means your taps from Gaea's Cradle are going to be lackluster in early game.

  • Sun Titan doesn't hit many viable targets aside Eternal Witness but with only 1 sac outlet the e-Wit doesn't return too much that it wouldn't already with Hua Tuo, Honored Physician and Regrowth.

  • Multani, Maro-Sorcerer can be a huge beater in a group game, but often draws you too much hate and dies easily against experienced Blue, Red, or Black players, due to discard and other hand-dropping effects.

  • Yeva, Nature's Herald. Lackluster especially as a four drop, only good play I see is sneak playing e-Wit. Did I miss something?

  • Reki, the History of Kamigawa makes good card advantage. Card advantage is good right? Not so much in a deck that searches so much. It helps with trick plays with tutor search, but not enough to do anything worth while. A lot of times he will force you to play lines while being greedy and you will over extend. In a toolbox build drawing too much can hurt you sometimes.

  • Sunscorch Regent this guy seems really mediocre and we can find something better for this slot.

  • Return to Dust can't be cast through Gaddock Teeg. May be a small thing but may be important if you run up against a good reanimater player. There are better options that we can use, like Consign to Dust or Sundering Vitae.


  • Skyship Weatherlight is the most commonly overlooked Legendary targets for Sissay. Seems kinda weird right?
    Morpheus voice

What if I told you there was a way to search for non-Legendary targets with Captain Sissay?

Skyship has this random clause on it, and you're making a billion mana a turn... Any number can be 1.So randomly put 1 of 1 cards in your hand. Its a little slow, but you can make it work.

April 7, 2015 6:19 p.m.

Scorprix says... #2


April 7, 2015 7:56 p.m.

Scorprix says... #3

Just kidding, this is really cool! : )

April 7, 2015 7:57 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #4

My first two suggestions were going to be Dragonlord Dromoka or Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit. This is a pretty awesome deck!

April 8, 2015 2:22 p.m.

PartyJ says... #5

I'm back after some real useful comments from great members of this community.

I will reply to all of you and hope to see you back for more discussions, as I love to hear your replies on my reactions...

@ BarbedArseBlade : Thank you for your very true words. I had the bad luck that I ran into Ob Nixilis, Unshackled twice in a row right after you commented. But as you said, there is already enough response in the deck available. I added the Pithing Needle to my sideboard. I see it's potential, but not sure yet how to move it in. I will review my sideboard again, after the big update I am running now.

The second suggestion - Karametra, God of Harvests - I totally agree on. It has been moved to the mainboard in this deck update.

@ wolfging : Thanks for the kind words. I still experience some control issues sometimes, but I hope to get those issues out of the way soon :-)

@ hateindigital : Thanks! All support is appreciated.

April 8, 2015 3:20 p.m.

PartyJ says... #6

Part 2 of praising and reviewing resourceful comments... ty ty ty!

@ thehat

I agree that Sun Titan may not affect that many cards. In the past I had a few other small cards in the mainboard, but I had to make changes to get some new potential 'stars' in. Do you believe that Sun Titan could stay, but that Hua Tuo, Honored Physician could be taken out, as it feels somewhat slow when they go on the top of the library instead?

Multani, Maro-Sorcerer : It is indeed a lovely beating stick. I experienced some nice moments with it and untill this day my playing group did not really have a specific answer to it, besides mass removal with a hated Cyclonic Rift in overload. I moved this card to my Maybeboard for a followup discussion.

Yeva, Nature's Herald : Together with Seedborn Muse I like to play green creatures during the opponents turns. So far it didn't happen yet, but the idea seemed interesting. I moved it to my Maybeboard as well...

Reki, the History of Kamigawa : I had some doubts about it with the same reason as you stated - overkill in toolbox utility. I also experienced that I was reluctant to look for this card with my Captain Sisay as other choices were more obvious. You gave the push and its gone...

Sunscorch Regent : The reason I play this card is that we play alot of Multiplayer EDH here. So one round can mean a huge dragon when I get to draw again and attack. I haven't tested it yet, but it will attract alot of hate due to this fact. I took it out, as other options might prove better.

Return to Dust : I didn't really pay attention to this, as I never had both cards active in the same game. But the suggestions you made did make more sense. Removed from mainboard.

The Solutions part .... Morpheus voice (Thumbs Up xDD)

Skyship Weatherlight : What if I told you that I had no clue it was out there? OMG! The vessel of the captain herself... how blind can a man be (Yes, this is a man!). I like the irony and the twist and therefor it should be here! Sweet home Weatherlight!

Myojin of Cleansing Fire : It was at a point in my sideboard, but without the That Which Was Taken combination. I like it and it has been added to the mainboard.

Myojin of Life's Web : Few words; knowing what I changed above already this one is auto-added to the mainboard.

Heliod, God of the Sun and White Sun's Zenith : I still am somewhat reluctant to add such cards, since there isn't room for every choice I would like to make. The mana buildup for Gaea's Cradle is pretty nice as I experienced so far. Perhaps it could be even better if I added such cards, but will one card that can be tutored by Captain Sisay really makes a big difference? I love to hear your cents on this point of view.

Mimic Vat : Never seen this artifact yet. Seems pretty interesting in this deck. Going to track one copy and playtest it.

Polukranos, World Eater : True, true, true. I had it in my old G/R deck, but never even figured it would have a good home here as well. Good point and added to the mainboard. The monstrosity is just monstrous! xD

Helm of Kaldra + Shield of Kaldra + Sword of Kaldra : I did review them and they still look interesting, but it's a long build which can be disrupted pretty easily. Too much of a hassle if you ask me.

Thanks thehat for your deep dig into my deck. As an experienced EDH player and Captain Sisay fan I endorse you to remain active here. I might have some perspective for Sisay which I love to hear your vision on, soon.

April 8, 2015 4:30 p.m.

PartyJ says... #7

@ Scorprix : Thanks for the support!

@ AngryBearTony : Dragonlord Dromoka is truely a nice card vs. control decks. It deserves his place in this deck. About Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit is wasn't sure. I will add to to my maybeboard, since I also have thoughts of adding token generator(s). If they make it to the mainboard, then this card could be a bomb! Thanks for your suggestions!

April 8, 2015 4:35 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #8

Pardon, I don't know if I misread you, but Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit bolsters only on NON-token creatures.

April 8, 2015 5:02 p.m.

PartyJ says... #9

@ AngryBearTony : I was so impressed by the card that I totally overlooked the word NON. Sadly, but that might put things in a new perspective if I add token generator(s). Sadly...

April 8, 2015 5:16 p.m.

Xenagonian says... #10

This looks like a fun deck indeed +1. I'm not an expert at EDH but as an legendary themed deck cards like Day of Destiny, Hero's Blade, Heroes' Podium, Konda's Banner, Tolsimir Wolfblood or Reki, the History of Kamigawa might be of help. Hope you found a usefull suggestion :).

April 9, 2015 3:43 a.m.

inkslingerxx says... #11

I like this deck a lot I know a good G W combo I like is Rhys the Redeemed + Emmara Tandrisand they are both legendary also.

April 9, 2015 3:29 p.m.

Aefinn says... #12

Saw your post on Arashisenkos deck and though you might want to take a look at my Sisay deck :) It has been pretty succesfull so far.

Sisay's command: EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! ☠ Playtest

Commander / EDH Luutamo


We seem to have a pretty different take on it too so maybe there can be some ideas to use :)

April 9, 2015 4:07 p.m.

Bnon says... #13

maybe Path to Exile nstead of sword to plow shares

April 9, 2015 5:05 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #14

Life is less valuable than mana

April 9, 2015 5:06 p.m.

Bnon says... #15


April 9, 2015 5:07 p.m.

thehat says... #16

@ Do you believe that Sun Titan could stay, but that Hua Tuo, Honored Physician could be taken out, as it feels somewhat slow when they go on the top of the library instead?

Yes Sun Titan will get more value potentially than Hua Tuo as it is to top of Library, but Sun Titan is limited to targets of permanents that cost 3 (20 targets in current build; this number excludes Sissay herself). Arguably this includes artifacts which is a bonus.

However Hua Tuo is able to hit any creature in the GY (36 targets; which includes Sissay). Based on this, I may be more inclined toward Hua Tuo as you aren't running any GW reanimation. Hua in this case is essentially a more functional but limited copy of your Bow of Nylea that doesn't require Sissay to search for.

Again I think I may be overthinking the problem and a simple sac outlet in his spot may be more functional as this would make the Sun Titan the clear winner. This would give you better synergy with e-Wit and Sun Titan somewhat akin to the relationship between Titan and Saffi Eriksdotter or Loyal Retainers.

Consider something like Claws of Gix.


@ Perhaps it could be even better if I added such cards (Heliod, God of the Sun or White Sun's Zenith ), but will one card that can be tutored by Captain Sisay really makes a big difference?

Heliod was suggested as it is directly fetchable with a low mana requirement to cast, being indestructible doesn't hurt either. WHZ is a different beast as it is repeatable and indirectly fetchable with the Weatherlight. Both clog the board witch is good against aggressive decks or against decks with heavy removal. But they also give you bigger and better cradle activations. I don't know your meta so you will have to answer this one for yourself.

It can all be boiled down to playstyle, who is the beatdown?


@ you other questions against counter/control builds in EDH. These are people who likely only play competitive formats and have little business playing a casual format. They don't understand why people suddenly decide to stop playing against them and see it as a sign of a week player. They are usually intent on ruining other peoples fun and delight in situations when others can't do anything at all. We all have these friends and it is pointless to ask them to play something else usually as all of their decks are designed with a similar goal in mind, win at any cost.

Against these people green and white have amazing answers. Of course if you are like these people there are combos to lock out your opponents as well.

  • City of Solitude keeps everyone pretty honest, backed up with Greater Auramancy + Sterling Grove it is enforceable.

  • Omen Machine or Possessed Portal Nothing pisses off control players like not drawing cards. Omen Machine keeps the game interesting by allowing creature based fair decks continue to function while essentially stymieing conterspell based plans. Possessed portal is essentially just a dick-move.

  • Eidolon of Rhetoric + Knowledge Pool if you want to stop anyone from playing anything you can run this combo and lose a lot of friends. Ruling works essentially as when spell is cast it goes to exile and you cast 2nd spell for free, as no one can cast more than 1 spell nothing happens. Prepare for rage-quits if you decide to run this.

  • Eon Hub + Ritual of Subdual This combo turns off all land-based mana sources indefinately making decks without colored mana rocks SOL. This is more of a soft-lock as nothing stops them from casting colorless spells and doesn't reduce mana count, but it is worth noting that many control style decks use expensive fetchlands and duals as their primary mana sources.

Note: with all of these control counter combos, assuming you have Life's Web and That Which was Taken in play doesn't stop you from playing more threats.

April 9, 2015 5:28 p.m.

CastleSiege says... #17

You might get more value out of Restock over Regrowth.

April 10, 2015 1:36 p.m.

Prima says... #18

Dosan the Falling Leaf would be good. +1

April 11, 2015 7:15 a.m.

ohmless says... #19

incredibly powerful cards you chose for your deck. Love Sissay as the general. Lots of fun in Sunscorch Regent and Dragonlord Dromoka.

April 11, 2015 2:50 p.m.

magicdai says... #20

This is a good deck +1 from me, what about Creeping Renaissance and Garruk, Caller of Beasts

April 12, 2015 3:10 p.m.

Asher18 says... #21

Hop this fixes things...

Path to Exile, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Banishing Light, Iona, Shield of Emeria, and Nissa, Worldwaker seem nice in here

+1'd, and sorry

April 12, 2015 4:06 p.m.

magicdai says... #22

Just noticed that Oracle of Mul Daya and Courser of Kruphix aren't in here, admittedly they aren't tutorable but are very good for ramping what are your thoughts on Genesis Wave and Summoner's Pact?

April 12, 2015 8:30 p.m.

inkslingerxx says... #23

Couple more gems going in my sisay deck.

Iwamori of the Open Fist

Konda's Banner

April 12, 2015 10:59 p.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #24

Have you considered Hero's Blade, Konda's Banner, Heroes' Podium, Honor-Worn Shaku or Sword of the Chosen? They all seem quite solid in here. Great deck though, +1 from me!

April 14, 2015 10:59 a.m.

Ricky0700 says... #25

+1 from me. I have a Capt deck also. Changed it from Sigarda since no one wanted to play with her :( but love it. will be coming back for ideas

April 15, 2015 4:01 a.m.

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