Sisay has the answers | * Hibernation * | Primer

Commander / EDH PartyJ

SCORE: 659 | 561 COMMENTS | 121711 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

MattDovah says... #1

Since your deck is hardly based on creatures, what about Thalia, Guardian of Thraben to slow down your opponents?

May 5, 2015 6:31 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #2

I love Sisay! She's a house! I've seen this deck a couple times and casually check in on it when it shows up on the front page so somewhat ironically I'm going to suggest Selvala, Explorer Returned who is a ridiculously efficient card engine. +1

May 22, 2015 2:36 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #3

Hey sorry to double post but I just had a thought IDK if it's something you'd be interested in but I think Reki, History of Kamigawa would be a sick card draw engine as well.

May 22, 2015 10:23 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #4

Oops that goes to a deck. But that's the guy.

May 22, 2015 10:24 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #5

I saw your comment about having trouble against control screw blue!

Some color-hate options would be Eyes of the Wisent, Snake Pit, Choke, and Tsunami (in increasing order of douchiness). Both Defense Grid and Mana Web are famous ways to prevent counterspells. Dosan the Falling Leaf and Thrun, the Last Troll can do work in your deck, and are searchable with your commander. City of Solitude, Dosan's progenitor, is good too. Heartwood Storyteller is amusing. Leyline of Lifeforce and Grand Abolisher can wreck counterspell strategies. Some people swear by Savage Summoning and friends, but I've never seemed to draw it at the right time. And Seedtime does crazy things, of course :)

October 25, 2015 12:53 p.m.

PartyJ says... #6

Dear players, first of all I would like to salute you who made the efforts to help me dvellop this Captain Sisay build!

ShaommonTayen : I know I will attract a lot of hate. I always tell em to hate the player, not the game ;-)But without kidding, in our playgroup there are decks like blue control/counter. My hands are usually pretty tied as it comes to choices. Hate is evenly spread this way xD

PlattBonnay : I have been doubting and doubtling, but I will give it a second chance in this build. Thanks for the suggestion....

neonburst : Both options I do like, but for Archetype of Endurance I feel that it's too random to find one, as it's not legendary. Other spells I curently run in this build could do the same trick. However running Tooth and Nail seems very interesting. Not sure what to replace it for, so I put it on my maybelist for a next deck revision. Iona, Shield of Emeria is just too sick to play. Speakin' of getting hated

November 8, 2015 10:45 a.m.

PartyJ says... #7

Rinsewind : Thanks for the cool suggestions. Having Gaea's Cradle gives me plenty of options for enough mana. So a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx doesn't add benefits.

Reki, the History of Kamigawa remains a card where I have doubts about. Sometimes I miss it and sometimes I don't. This revision I have added her again; let's see how it goes :-)

Heroes' Podium seems very attractive after some second thoughts. But not sure how to squeeze it in. Do you have any suggestions how to get it in here?

The last combo you mentioned is nice, but I should sacrifice other benefits in order to place it in here. For now I don't feel like I should do this.Thanks for your thoughts!

November 8, 2015 11:14 a.m.

PlattBonnay says... #8

I'm curious about the lack of Seedborn Muse. You can tutor up Yeva, Nature's Herald and have a "build your own" Prophet of Kruphix for your deck.

November 8, 2015 2:03 p.m.

PartyJ says... #9

booman27 : Thank you for your input. I'm not convinced about Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit in my build. Especially since I do not know what to swap it for...

Wesleykuhnke : I agree with your option Sword of Light and Shadow. Found a copy and put it in

enpc : I agree with your concern about Sungrass Prairie. I changed it for a basic Plains instead. The onetime protection I like to play, since I believe there is enough mana in the deck available to keep it ready. Let them use their removal in vain ;-) Mother of Runes is already present for extra protection. Thousand-Year Elixir is really adding something to the deck and has been added. Meanwhile more ramp like Sol Ring has been added.... Thanks for your valuable input. Appreciated!

November 8, 2015 3:18 p.m.

Mindslaver!!! Tutorable with Sisay and an infinite lock with Mistveil Plains. (works just fine multi-player also)

November 8, 2015 4:54 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #11

Ive already voted so feature will have to do!

November 9, 2015 3:21 a.m.

K34 says... #13

My buddy adds Mindslaver to the Mistveil Plains combo to completely lock me out of the game.

November 9, 2015 11:17 a.m.

MetalDivinity says... #14

This deck needs Karametra, God of Harvests like...really bad. It's on curve, and it gives this deck an insane amount of consistency. Also, I'm surprised no one has recommended Canopy Vista or any of your off-color Fetchlands. You need those, brah. For real.

November 9, 2015 4:33 p.m.

PartyJ says... #15

Controller101 : Thanks for the suggestions! I tried Mirari's Wake in the past. But I found it to be too expensive to give it a spot, knowing that Gaea's Cradle can be found easily with my commander. I figured that Birds of Paradise is great for its mana and can act as chump blocker in the end. Thats why I didnt add Land Tax.

potatopotatopotato : The Honden of Cleansing Fire and Honden of Life's Web seem cool. But I don't find them good enough to swap em both for something that is already in here.

November 10, 2015 2:25 a.m.

PartyJ says... #16

ThisIsTheSix : I am pretty confidant that Iona, Shield of Emeria is a super sweet card for many games. But if I am going to play that card in this deck, I am sure that I won't be invited much anymore. That card is just pure evil...

MattDovah : this card you mention Thalia, Guardian of Thraben seems like I could use a copy. Added and thanks!

Casey4321 : Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried Selvala, Explorer Returned, but I felt that my opponent had more profit out of it. Since, I play alot againt control/counter heavy decks. Or am I missing some vital part?
Reki, the History of Kamigawa has been added...

Suggestions so far?

November 10, 2015 2:35 a.m.

PlattBonnay says... #17

Not sure how quick you want this deck to be, but you might be interested in Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper and Hall of the Bandit Lord, they either help you get your commander online faster or help you get your threats out faster after you start tutoring.

November 10, 2015 5:27 a.m.

enpc says... #18

PlattBonnay: Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper is not worth running. Its slow and while you "can" tutor for it, you're much better off just going for Gaea's Cradle.

November 10, 2015 6:04 a.m.

PlattBonnay says... #19

enpc - Sure, once you're tutoring you just go get cradle, but you can only do that once, and cradle doesnt get your commander out a turn sooner on its own (few low drop creatures in the deck). Its a sol land practically made for this deck, but I feel like we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

November 10, 2015 6:30 a.m.

Pedrodamus says... #20

Karametra, God of Harvests seems like a good choice. She has 12 targets in your deck, 13 if you decide to add Canopy Vista. It really depends if you need some type of mana acceleration if you want to add her in your deck.

November 10, 2015 11:54 a.m.

PartyJ says... #21

Daedalus19876 : Thanks for your valuable input. So many of the cards you mentioned are straight forward anti blue. Which is something we agreed to not use on your play group, so I have to manoeuvre around this. What I do like and did add is:

All the others are too situational in my opinion. But I might add a few of those enchantments you mentioned as extra protection in the future. Thanks for helping me with this dilemma.

PlattBonnay : You were curious how this could be running without Seedborn Muse. Well, I wish I had a spot for this card. But it's not tutorable with Sisay and the other options seem not solid enough. But then I wish I had one when I really need it. Damn, choices choices..... I will put it back on my Maybeboard for the next update xD It's like polictics: dont's solve the issue, just push it away for a next time :-)

November 10, 2015 6:11 p.m.

PartyJ says... #22

Meddling__Mage & K34: I once had this combo (Mindslaver & Mistveil Plains) in my deck. But personally I don't like to win a game using an infinite combo. It's just not my kind of game. But this combo is pure madness...

November 10, 2015 6:17 p.m.

enpc says... #23

if you wanted some inspiration for Sisay, this is my girlfriend's Captain Sisay deck: Oh Captain, My Captain. This list is a bit out of date however it still gives a good overview of how the deck functions. While it can win off infinite combo, the deck is more than capable of just going down the beats path very quickly and brutally.

Hopefully it might give you some ideas.

November 10, 2015 7:04 p.m.

infinitemana says... #24

I think the new Ulamog (Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger) is a great way to remove permanents (even indestructible ones) and also quickly closes out the game. Granted, you need 10 mana, but I think he's at least better than the old Ulamog.

November 12, 2015 7:03 a.m.

PartyJ says... #25

PlattBonnay : After a few test runs I decided that Seedborn Muse should be pushed back into the mainboard. Couldn't you warn me earlier :p The land discussion about the legendary lands seems interesting. Having them in your opening hand pays off. Otherwise it seems like a bad card draw. Undecided yet :/

MetalDivinity : Thanks for your suggestion. I an old format I had Karametra, God of Harvests in this deck. But when I scaled down on mana acceleration I took it out. Now I am more into the acceleration again, so it's justified to put it back in. Thanks for the reminder :) Land I will review later on...

ChinoEX : Added Karametra, God of Harvests to my deck. The land options I will review later. Thanks!

infinitemana : The old Ulamog has annihilator, which kicks in really hard. Second, the part which you shuffle it back in the deck is a nice combo with my commander. I don't feel its that much better than the old one for this specific build. Not the mention the option to give it haste if I add the legendary land

November 12, 2015 3:20 p.m.

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