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Modern MrKnify

SCORE: 30 | 104 COMMENTS | 10092 VIEWS | IN 15 FOLDERS

MrKnify says... #1

@Fal1entrixt3r I'me getting more Mind Grind and some Breaking / Entering to put in, i've re-added the Pilfered Plans but i'm keen for the Archaeomancer as i can bounce him with Disperse so taking him out will make room for other cards and make having Disperse moot, adding more Far / Away or Cyclonic Rift more advantageous. I hate waiting for cards lol, on the other hand it is exciting just need more Jace, Memory Adept now.

October 9, 2013 10:32 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

I honestly say you should chuck the red. Red has no mill function, so it does not help you in the slightest. And because of the loss of lands because of the rotation, you have a better chance at a dual colour than a tri-colour.

Hero's Downfall should replace Magma Jet , or even just use Doom Blade . Counterflux should be replaced for Psychic Strike s.

You should definitely run a play-set of Thoughtseize , it's expensive because it works, it's like a one mana "Counter Target spell before it's played" card. It will really help against G/W aggro, as you won't be able to deal much against a Witchstalker once it hits the field, and a Voice of Resurgence will be really difficult to properly control. It also works against anything that can't be countered and can potentially destroy the opponents game plan when they decide to keep a hand low on land because the have a few Elvish Mystic s and/or Sylvan Caryatid s in there.

Run more planeswalkers, against the mirror you can't really do too much, and because of Hero's Downfall and Dreadbore you'll find that they'll get destroyed much more often. I would run 2 Jace, Memory Adept s and 2 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver .

I would suggest taking out a bunch of your creatures. Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker and Duskmantle Guildmage should be removed, they aren't really worth your while. Lazav, Dimir Mastermind should be sideboarded, as only a select few decks are going to have those beastly creatures, and we have a lot of hydras in standard now, making Lazav, Dimir Mastermind quite useless. Wight of Precinct Six has the same issue, as it will only work against certain decks, so sideboard that for now to. Instead, put in AEtherling as that is probably your greatest control creature staple, as once it's on the field it is really hard to get rid of, and can do massive damage really quickly.

I also don't like Mind Grind as it is mainly a luck factor to it and you want to save most of that mana to counter spells. So I would remove it and Diabolic Tutor for more Breaking / Entering . Diabolic Tutor should be removed because you don't have to worry about getting a card right away, as you can just control your opponents board while you mill them out. Tutors are mainly for combo decks, where they NEED a certain card out as soon as possible to win the game.

October 9, 2013 11:51 p.m.

dbmario89 says... #3

October 10, 2013 12:28 a.m.

MrKnify says... #4

@Femme_Fatale I agree with most, I'm running the Magma Jet for its scry adding damage as a +. I'm in the process of dumping Counterflux as if I have no red... no counter, Dissolve would work better in its place. getting another Jace, Memory Adept would rock, but at this time i'm not willing to spend so much for single cards.. I am however adding more Mind Grind as I just love that card, an additional Consuming Aberration has been added. and the Duskmantle Guildmage is just to fun to lose at this time although another one would be better.

I'm focusing on this deck right now more then my others, and I've been toying with dropping red for green as I have some very nice blue/green cards but I really do not want to alter my focus.

With a switch from red to green I gain ramp, and If built well I can add more defenders that will add onto the milling with Doorkeeper its just a thought at this time, but I do have the cards for the conversion... that would also allow Putrefy .

October 11, 2013 6:50 p.m.

MrKnify says... #5



October 11, 2013 9:25 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #6

Hero's Downfall > Devour Flesh , unless of course your waiting for the cards to come in. And you have 6 Pilfered Plans , cut that down to 3. Then I would add 2 Breaking / Entering s to make a total of 3 and the final Psychic Strike to make a full play-set.

October 11, 2013 11:52 p.m.

MrKnify says... #7

@Femme_Fatale Hero's Downfall is not in the budget this time. Will be looking for next. Pilfered Plans error has been repaired. Breaking is on its way and Psychic Strike has been implemented :)

at this moment play testing it beats out my bant deck, and thats a good sign, unfortunately my Return of the Bant is a bit weak still trying to fix that one. but priority's are for this deck atm.

October 13, 2013 12:40 p.m.

you should run Aqueous Form , gives you more mill from Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker . Grisly Spectacle could also work here.

October 13, 2013 1:40 p.m.

MrKnify says... #9

@bantam1234 as great as those cards are, they just don't fit very well, Grisly Spectacle even though it mills, its cost is too high. With Aqueous Form I have enough bounce Far Disperse that it will be mostly unnecessary.

October 13, 2013 2:16 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #10

I dont know if you have them or not but maybe swap out the guildgates for Temple of Deceit 's at least they allow you to dig your library a tadPlus one though .I prefer U/B mill though so i am partial.

October 14, 2013 10:57 p.m.

MrKnify says... #11

@Quadsimotto that been the hardest card for me to get, I have managed to get 2 ov every other one ((ravenica and 2013)) Temple of Deceit and the other Theros lands are eluding me.

October 14, 2013 11 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #12

Really liking this! I feel like Disperse could be Hero's Downfall or Doom Blade , and I don't like mirko. Nice deck over all, +1!

October 17, 2013 9:31 p.m.

MrKnify says... #13

@buffy yeah, I'd dump Virko for more Aberrations if I had them.... or maybe a Clone or two.... I have those..... might have to disband my bant deck....


October 21, 2013 6:19 p.m.

MrKnify says... #14

@buffy the +1 did not register. :(

October 22, 2013 7:34 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #15

What! Huh, sorry. Should be done now.

Hmm, yeah. I don't think mirko is worth is.

October 22, 2013 8:29 p.m.

MrKnify says... #16

@buffy yeah I may just dump him for 2 more Omenspeaker until I can get 2 more Consuming Aberration

October 22, 2013 8:35 p.m.

add Mindcrank

October 24, 2013 6:27 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #18

Awesome card but that is not standard legal

October 24, 2013 7:06 a.m.

I would drop the Read the Bones , 3 Pilfered Plans should be enough draw. With Milling and running under 10 creatures it's not good to sac your own life. Plus it's Mill 2 Draw 2.

I personally don't like Lazav, Dimir Mastermind I'd side him if anything. Breaking is a 2 CMC 8 Mill card, why not run 4? Best since Glimpse the Unthinkable .

I tried Duskmantle Guildmage he's some what of a mana sink. I'd run 3 Aberration's and another Jace in his stead. I'd also side Disperse and main 4x Dissolve . I prefer counter to bounce, and I like scry. Yes it's one more mana,

I'd also drop an Omenspeaker and pick up a Far / Away .

October 26, 2013 12:02 p.m.

MrKnify says... #20

nice. whats not to like about Lazav, Dimir Mastermind you mill their creatures or yours goto graveyard and you make him what you want.

The Duskmantle Guildmage is there for his 1st ability... works great with Jace.

October 26, 2013 12:08 p.m.

Yeah, I know it does. I tried it, when it hits it's great. But your running 1 Jace, and 2 Guildmages. How often is that combo going to run based on draw statistics? That's the point I am making. Not that it doesn't work. If that is the combo you are trying to ride, then ride it.

What's not to like is this. The limited use. That's why I don't run any Nightveil Specter or Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker . Most of the time Mirko is going to be blocking, so his ability will do me no good. Nightveil I could see having fun with, but it's more of a control card. Only running one, and not being able to bank on if there will be a creature good enough. Again, I'd side him in against an Esper Deck and hope I can copy their win card. I'd rather run another Aberration. That way every time I cast a spell, your milling for each one on the board.

October 26, 2013 12:28 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #22

What's your main 2 win cons here?

October 29, 2013 4:40 p.m.

MrKnify says... #23

@DimirPlagueLord I only have 2 guildmages, and 1 jace.

@DimirQueen Mill, and mill(with a side of death by creatures.)

October 29, 2013 6:11 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #24

Nice. How's the guildmage working for you? How does it stand up against aggro?

October 29, 2013 11:16 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #25

Also, must say I LOVE Omenspeaker . Like, a lot.

October 29, 2013 11:17 p.m.

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