
Creature (1)

Hey all here with my absolute favorite commander around, the cheek slapper, Mr Cheatyface, the big boy himself Maelstrom Wanderer !!!

WHY WOULD YOU PLAY THIS DECK? Side Note This deck is High Power and Optimized 7.5-8.5 strength It is already tuned you don't need to change anything

You love crushing 3 opponents at the same time

You love cheating big things into play for free

You love over running your opponent with creatures

You love randomness with a splash of chaos

This deck has been my work in progress over the last 5 years and it can be very very fast and explosive. The main objective isn't always to get maelstrom out as fast as you can but it sure is hella fun by turn 3-5. Mulligan until you get a piece of ramp or playable hand. Always throw away the large creature in your hand for smaller spells during a mulligan (duhhh). Maelstrom Wanderer is a 7/5 so I usually kill one opponent with commander damage alone (21) and have the rest of the team going after someone else. Don't forget if someone counterspells him who cares you still get your two spells for free and recast him the following turn. Never hold back your creatures, they should always be tapped sideways except for the little ones :)...


Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty is a dumb 3/1 creature that we will most likely never attack with, BUTTTT with 4 T's, If you have him out and cascade with maelstrom you now get 3 cascades. If any of those 3 cascades are 6 CMC or higher you get an additional cascade. Do we see what's going on here?? He is an auto include with this deck.

Nacatl War-Pride Absolute blow out - creating enough tokens that your opponents creatures need to block each one of these and letting the rest of your board slide through. Imagine cascading into Nacatl and then into Pathbreaker Ibex now all of your tokens are 10/10s with trample.

Bribery I love this card, I either use it to get a crazy creature I can attack with haste while our commander is out or I cast it asap to play their Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite to wipe all their mana ramp creatures.


Food Chain + Maelstrom Wanderer if you don't know what this is it's nonsense. Recast the wanderer multiple times by sacrificing additional creatures that come into play from his cascades to give yourself the win or an into the future 2077 board state while your opponents are left in 2012. Warning scoops will occur

Maelstrom Wanderer + Pathbreaker Ibex I mean he gives all of your creatures haste wtf that's insane - pump your team +7+7 and trample to win or eliminate the biggest threat against your board state.

Dream Halls This works for everyone at the table but our commander costs the most, discard a farseek and cast your General

Karlach, Fury of Avernus gives all of your creatures first strike. We also have Combat Celebrant for additional attacks and if you have them both out at the same time just take minimum 3 combat steps. We also have at least three cards other than our commander for haste Temur Ascendancy + Rhythm of the Wild + Urabrask the Hidden so give any threat haste.


Destiny Spinner + Rhythm of the Wild + Thryx, the Sudden Storm Thryx is usually a flash before my turn or maelstrom cascades into him so if they do counter any spell it will be Thryx. He's helped with lowering mana costs and counter magic. I've also used him to flash in prior to my turn to smack a nasty planeswalker my opponent has on the board.

Just added Delighted Halfling and took out Llanowar Elves


Imprisoned in the Moon + Song of the Dryads we added these "Scoop" cards to get rid of nasty commanders until they're able to remove the enchantment. We call them scoop cards because most of the time when you remove their commander they will scoop since their whole deck is based on it. See ya back at the gulag!

Thieving Skydiver I need more manaaaaaaaaaa, I want yours!

Oko, Thief of Crowns We swapped this card in for Beast Within we would rather take out a nasty commander and make him a 3/3 so he stops reigning terror on the board. With beast within he just goes back to the command zone and comes back into play now we need another way to remove him again.

Cyclonic Rift we already know why this card is in here.

Anger of the Gods Have this puppy hit the board before your commander to give yourself open season.

Abrade Kill their mana ramp creature or remove their sol ring. Obvious inclusion.

Hull Breach we know why this is here - there is always an enchantment & artifact we need to get rid of.

Force of Vigor I can't tell you the number of times this has come in handy to stop some insane turns without requiring me to spend mana. AUTO INCLUDE


Sylvan Library Most ppl play this card wrong, you always draw two additional cards unless you don't have the life to spend on it. It also acts as a stack piece right before you cast maelstrom. Leave Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant on top to throw him down on the board. :)

Greater Good

Consecrated Sphinx - Yes your opponents will hate you after this and make you the arch enemy so be prepared.

Rashmi, Eternities Crafter Either we cast a free spell or we draw the card. Love it.

Temur Ascendancy - If our commander keeps getting removed this truly helps with haste because we want majority of our creatures to attack the turn they come in.

UPDATES 3.7.23

Added Birds of Paradise and took out Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath I initially had him in for ramp and land drops but when you play him and you don't have any more lands to drop it becomes pointless til later in the game. Turn 1 Birds to get out our 3 drops is a much better play. Now if you cascade into the bird, it feels bad haha.

Took out Kodama of the East Tree Also something that needed to come off a cascade otherwise it sat in your hand. To spend mana to cast him the turn after maelstrom wanderer is also a feels bad play.

UPDATES 3.24.23

Added Kira, Great Glass-Spinner and took out Asceticism Don't underestimate Asceticism it is so powerful, but we truly don't have any spells that target our own creatures so protecting them on the board will be better with a 3 drop rather than a 5 drop. Board wipes obviously hurt, but trying to make this build better is always a challenge.

Added Anger of the Gods back in and removed Blasphemous Act placing the smaller creatures into exile is better then letting them recur them from the graveyard.

Added Cryptic Command and took out Sleep this is a test. I'm worried about the three in the casting cost but even if we cascade into it we can tap all opponents creatures, bounce a threat, or draw a card. Will update about this card later.

Added Homeward Path and took out Temple of the False God don't touch my creatures fool!

Updates 4.7.23

Added Nature's Lore & Three Visits - Took out Gruul Signet & Izzet Signet due to my artifacts being turned off or removed. Mana ramp will stay without land destruction but we cannot always guarantee our artifacts to stay on the board.

Also Cryptic Command is way better than Sleep it was a great add.

Updates 1.26.24 Replaced Anger of the Gods and replaced it with Eternal Witness - Anger wasn't doing enough for me, but it is always great to get rid of pesky tokens. Replaced Coalition Relic with Ancestral Vision Replaced Migration Path with Sleep - I started with sleep and it seems I've ended with it also. It is an underrated card against your opponents board. Replaced Aether Gale with Glen Elendra Archmage - Aether gale was replaced by sleep, but Glen Elendra can stop a lot of board wipes or targeted removal on our side. Replaced Rashmi, Eternities Crafter with Replaced Brainstorm with an additional land Replaced Combat Celebrant with an additional land - he died so fast all the time due to having 1 toughness - at least Karlach, Fury of Avernus does very well.


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95% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 7 months
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.44
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elk 3/3 G, Emblem Dack Fayden, Food, Koma's Coil 3/3 U, Treasure, Wurm 6/6 G
Folders deck, infinites, to play
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