This deck is all about casting as many spells as possible, which means conserving mana.
Baral, Chief of Compliance is your best card; even better than your finishers. If you cast good budy
Baral, it's going to put you way ahead in the game. However, you might've noticed there's a huge number of 2-drops in the deck, if it comes between casting
Baral or another 2-drop; cast
The next part of the deck is all about card draw, and getting your spells in the graveyard ASAP. For this there's a large suite of cards that'll do the job.
The most notable are Cathartic Reunion and Tormenting Voice. They put spells into the graveyard, and then refill your hand with even more spells to cast. I wouldn't ever recommending side-boarding these cards because they're way too powerful in this deck.
Next up we've got some removal. I know
Grip of the Roil
doesn't seem like it would be removal, but it's really a 2-for-1 that stalls out the opponent's best creature for a turn and draws you a card. The other mainboard card for removal is
Nahiri's Wrath
which is also a 2-for-1 that kills a creature or planeswalker, and then sends even more of you spells to the all important graveyard.
The final cards i'll being going over are
Enigma Sphinx
, Bedlam Reveler, and
Geralf's Masterpiece
these are your finishers for the deck, and each have their strengths and weaknesses.
Enigma Sphinx
is by far your best finisher; it can grow massive with all the spells in your graveyard, and has evasion to boot. However, it's a 3-drop, which can interfere with a crucial turn of casting spells. If you do have an
Enigma Sphinx
on turn 3, assess your hand and see if it would be put to better use if played on turn four with maybe an Expedite.
The next card is Bedlam Reveler which is the weakest of the three, but comes with some amazing upsides. Firstly, it has prowess which can make it huge if you have one really good turn of casting spells. Beyond that, it's incredibly cheap to cast later-game, and can draw you cards and add spells to your graveyard at the same time.
The final finisher is Geralf's Masterpeice, which has some interesting dynamics in the deck.
Geralf's Masterpiece
is incredibly difficult to get rid of, and can survive just about anything just short of exiling it. He's also incredibly focused on the discard plan, which encourages you to get everything out of your hand ASAP no matter what.