
Creature (3)

Instant (3)

A fleshing-out of my earlier posting of the infini-mill deck.The win-con is simple: get Midnight Guard, Ornithopter, Altar of the Brood out in play, maybe a Dakra Mystic to seal the deal. Once you have all these in play you have one simple command:

1: play a Retraction Helix or Banishing Knack on Midnight Guard or Captain of the Mists

2: Tap bounce the Ornithopter or Memnite

3: play the zero cost creature, untap the guard/captain.

4: repeat from step 2 until the opponent's deck is empty.

*If you have a dakra mystic in play, go ahead and force the opponent to draw just in case.

if a piece or two is missing from the combo; the deck should be able to fend for itself fairly well without them them.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Criticisms? Please let me know your opinions in the comments below!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 3 Rares

14 - 3 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 1.21
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