Ive owned this deck for a long time, but for a very long time it took the form of a tempo midrange deck, which is a style i often gravitate to in spite of myself. the intent was to try and actually build mono blue draw go, so i took the deck apart and reconstituted it
so far, the deck has been extremely interesting, but this is meant to be a casual deck,and from what I know, control is highly dependant on the metagame. Im also not entirely sure what goes in the side board. since this is casual, instead of preparing for specific decks, I guess I'll prepare control/ aggro/ midrange, with the default casual deck being midrange.
the spellpierce are there for control mirrors, and I may put more
Inkwell Leviathan
as well, siding out a few
Control Magic
What I'm not sure about is aggro; my plan is usually board wipe, but blue doesn't have very much of that. I'm hoping Nevinyrral's disc will be enough, but I'm not sure it will be.
Frozen AEther
might be good, or if i can find a reasonably efficient lifegain spell, that might make me feel better.
also makes me uneasy in this match up, because 4 life is so huge
update: the deck performed exactly as i expected with one expected turn and one unexpected one. the expected one was that aggro got under the deck and the dismembers ended up killing my ass. The unexpected one was that I didn't have enough card draw; i tapped out late game, foiled some crucial spell of theirs, and didn't have enough gas to keep going. I know it's no force of will, but its still disheartening
To this end, I put
Elixir of Immortality
Drift of Phantasms
in the sideboard as possible anti aggo cards. the elixir is also anti mill, a popular enough strategy in casual that I'm going for it. Drift also tutors for my many three drops, so thats cool.
EDIT 1/31/16:
Sphinx of the Final Word
was printed and its really a bit odd he isn't getting more hype. He has better evasion and protection than frost titan. hes more expensive and less big, but its an overall better control finisher. Two in the main board, and one to side in against control mirrors.
I redid the deck a bit, focusing on more card draw.
Accumulated Knowledge
Compulsive Research
help keep me gassed up where
Fact or Fiction
could be much more inconsistent.
EDIT: I opened a
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
and we're going to try him out