Mad Cow Disease

Pioneer PhocusEnergy


YoungBroRaizel says... #1

Check out my Minotaur Deck, same idea, aggro deck with discard card synergies:Minotaur R/B Budget

Ragemonger, super important card in minotaur decks. Felhide Petrifier, good combo with Neheb, the Worthy first strike all minos ability.

December 21, 2018 10:55 a.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions! Both Petrifier and Ragemonger were on my maybe list, but ultimately ended up falling to that huge issue with cows as a tribe: Almost all the good minotaurs are 3-drops! Both are good cards, but I just didn't feel like I could fit them in well in between Neheb, the Worthy, Rageblood Shaman, and Boros Reckoner, especially with me opting to run Fanatic of Mogis off of Boros Reckoner as my top-end rather than Kragma Warcaller.

December 21, 2018 9:43 p.m.

xenosapien says... #3

This looks nice!

When the new Theros: Beyond Death set releases in January, I´m thinking about building a minotaur deck around one of the new cards:

probably needs some ramp or a way to cheat its manacost, but getting 4 minotaurs onto the battlefield?! YES PLEASE!

December 27, 2019 7:15 a.m.

xenosapien says... #4

why would this site give me the option to include a URL but then edit it out when posting?? stupid.

here you go:

December 27, 2019 7:16 a.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #5

Seeing Deathbellow War Cry was what reminded me to go back and update this deck from Modern to Pioneer actually hahaha. I'm not sure if it's a possibility out of this shell, but a lot will ride on the Minotaurs we actually see in the new set.

December 27, 2019 9:57 a.m.

xenosapien says... #6

yeah I sure hope they release new Minotaur cards - I´m a sucker for weird tribal decks, and it has always annoyed me that Minotaurs don´t get a lot of support.

fingers crossed for THB then! :)

December 27, 2019 10:16 a.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #7

I'm sure they will, they were a big tribe in the original Theros block, with support like Rageblood Shaman , Ragemonger , and Kragma Warcaller , they've just never received the quality low CMC drops that an aggro-centric tribe needs to be legitimately competitive, with all the good minotaurs being 3+ CMC.

December 27, 2019 2:50 p.m.

xenosapien says... #8

funnily enough I happened to receive 4x Oracle of Bones the other day (a seller used them to pad out/protect other cards i bought).

that thing would indeed be awesome, if it weren't 5cmc... sad :(

but maybe running 1 copy to fetch with Deathbellow War Cry is worth thinking about?

December 29, 2019 12:46 p.m.

xenosapien says... #9

ah I meant 4CMC, dangit ^^

December 29, 2019 12:47 p.m.

magwaaf says... #10

whoa whoa whoa... no deathbellow war cry?

February 27, 2020 5:10 p.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #12

The problem with Deathbellow War Cry is that it's almost impossible to ever drop if you haven't completely built your deck around it, so it doesn't really slot into this more mid-range, synergy-focused list. As an 8-mana card in a deck with no ramp, you'd pretty much only ever get it down in a mana-flooded game where you happen not to die by turn 8. You could definitely add it as a one-of, but to truly incorporate it you'd really need to make a deck completely centered around the goal of hitting it and winning off of it, like SaffronOlive's list here.

March 10, 2020 11:56 a.m.

magwaaf says... #13

4 duress 4 fatal push in the main

February 2, 2021 4:28 p.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #14

Thanks for the suggestion! Fatal Push is a little too expensive for this budget list, but if it continues to drop in price it's definitely a target to find a place for. Duress is a dead card against creature-heavy strategies, so I have it in the sideboard to swap in for Fiery Temper against spell-based strategies.

February 3, 2021 11:31 a.m.

9-lives says... #15

Maybe you should have some black cards that give you the ability to use your graveyard for all of those discarded cards?

February 3, 2021 11:49 a.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #16

That's definitely something I've been thinking about, but I haven't found much that really fits well into this list so far, as most of the good graveyard-interacting cards in the format seem to be far outside of our price range, IE Kolaghan's Command . I've got Call of the Death-Dweller in the sideboard, and if it performs well I might move it into the main deck. I also considered Claim / Fame , but it and similar cards usually miss our impactful 3-drops. There are a few other options out there like The Cauldron of Eternity , Nighthowler , or Palace Siege in our budget, but they don't seem particularly good in our strategy. If you have any specific recommendations, definitely let me know, because a few graveyard payoffs would definitely make this deck significantly stronger!

February 3, 2021 4:14 p.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #18

Thanks for the suggestions! Lurrus is an interesting thought, but falls outside of our price range, and wouldn't work as a companion for us since he blocks off 3-drops (and therefor almost all of our good minotaur), and his ability also misses 3-drops, leaving us with the same downside as Claim / Fame . Blood Beckoning I've seriously considered a few times (and I believe is the best option of the hand revival spells), and might be a good choice in place of Thrill of Possibility if I find I'm not having trouble triggering discard effects. I think Call of the Death-Dweller is the most attractive revival card for this list, as it can hit our 3 drops, powers them up, and puts them on the battlefield instead of the hand, and this conversation makes me think it should possibly take Collective Defiance 's mainboard slot. I'll have to playtest with both, as CD is very versatile with it's multiple effects, and its wheel effect is incredibly powerful with Glint-Horn Buccaneer or Bag of Holding . CODD definitely seems like the better choice against lists with significant removal though, so I imagine which one takes a mainboard slot will come down to how prevalent removal vs creatures are in the meta.

February 3, 2021 5:34 p.m.

9-lives says... #19

Well, with cards like Blood Beckoning you are basicallly paying only 1 extra mana for putting on the battlefield a whatever mana card. And, yes, Call of the Death-Dweller is probably your best option. Facing deathtouch is such a problem unless you have removal, hexproof, first strike, double strike, or indestructible, all of which are somewhat rare to come across. Unfortunately, now with new rulings, WotC says that deathtouch doesn't resolve first, but rather the creature with deathtouch receives damage from opponents simultaneously.

February 3, 2021 5:53 p.m.

PhocusEnergy says... #20

Luckily deathtouch is even better than usual in this deck because we have 7 first-strike creatures ( Burning-Fist Minotaur and Neheb, the Worthy ), and Neheb also gives the rest of our minotaurs first strike. Plus, if we put both the deathtouch and the menace counters on any of our creatures (especially the first strikers) then our opponents would have to double-block our creature to boot. You know, the more I post comments like this, the more I think CODD might be the better mainboard option despite Collective Defiance 's versatility.

February 3, 2021 9:09 p.m.

HobbyMan5000 says... #21


September 15, 2021 12:49 p.m.

Excalibur478 says... #22


June 18, 2022 7:38 p.m.

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