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Casual-Contemporary Suicide Black

Casual* Aggro Mono-Black Suicide Black


Contemporary Suicide Black. Similar theoretically to the historical decks... you play a mix of aggressive creatures and huge threats that hurt you/set you back, mixing in some hand disruption and removal.


Demon of Death's Gate Our main haymaker, you're trying to deploy this as quickly as possible. It works wonderfully with our recursive 1 mana creatures. We can often play this on turn 1 or turn 2 (with the help of Dark Ritual or having multiple 1 mana creatures in hand), this is the kind of card old school suicide black decks wished they had.

Torgaar, Famine Incarnate This is our back up haymaker. While it can't be 100% free like Demon of Death's Gate, it has the upside of setting a life total to 10. This can be very good in the early game and also can be used defensively to set our life total back to 10 in a pinch.

Mogis's Marauder If we don't find a Demon of Death's Gate or Torgaar, Famine Incarnate... this is our other way to win. This card proved itself to be a powerful game ender in Theros-Khans standard back in the day and works well as a 1-2-3 punch with aggressive 1 mana black creatures (The sequence being Turn 1 one drop, Turn 2 two one drops, Turn 3 Mogis's Marauder). Having a way to enable haste for Demon of Death's Gate can be nasty under the right circumstances as well.


Bloodsoaked Champion An excellent aggressive creature with a nice cheap recursion ability, and we are always attacking so the condition is easy to achieve.

Cult Conscript A newcomer and a welcome addition. Since we are often sacrificing creatures and possibly losing them to blockers when attacking, the recursion ability is perfect for the deck.

Gravecrawler A perfect fit, a 2/1 with very cheap recursion when you meet the condition. Dread Wanderer helps with this.

Dread Wanderer While not as efficient as some of the other 2/1s for 1 mana, it helps enable Gravecrawler and still has a recursion ability we can often meet the conditions for.

Evolved Sleeper Black finally gets it's 1 mana super mana sink creature. It doesn't have a recursion ability, but it's still is a 1 mana creature in our primary game plan and it's the best creature to draw when your main game plan gets disrupted. If we start having dead draws, it becomes a good source of card advantage and can turn into a decent threat.


Dark Ritual A suicide black staple and classic card. Fast mana is excellent for an aggressive game plan like this. The faster the better and this does just that. Do this: Play three 1 drops on turn 1. Use this to reach into your big haymakers when things aren't going well. Use this to sink mana into Evolved Sleeper. Pitch this to Unmask when you don't need it. Enough said!

Unmask Another classic suicide black card, clear the way for your game plan to work. You'll often find yourself drawing a card you really don't need (extra copies of Dark Ritual or Demon of Death's Gate you don't need), so pitching something for this effect is fine.

Kaervek's Spite A fun last ditch effort to kill your opponent. ;)

Infernal Grasp Sometimes you need get a creature out of the way to get the kill. This is cheap and unconditional for the measly cost of 2 life, we can bear it if it lets us win.

Castle Locthwain Basically free as a 1 of, card advantage when things aren't going well.


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Revision 3 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Dark Ritual main
-1 Torgaar, Famine Incarnate main
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.52
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