Revenge of the Underworld [Remastered]
SCORE: 128 | 38 COMMENTS | 25664 VIEWS | IN 40 FOLDERS
dragonsandgoblins85 says... #3
Priest of the Blood Rite would be cool in here. You get a 5/5 demon creature w flying. If you destroy him with your devil card then you can bring him back and do it again for another 5/5 demon. If you don't destroy the priest before your next upkeep you'll lose 2 life each upkeep. But he works great, its a great card.
August 29, 2015 11:50 a.m.
the planeswalkers in your deck seem to be pretty random i dont think they are ver good in your deck
also vraskas contempt is just to slow for modern there is better removal
February 27, 2018 1:55 p.m.
EzraTerrestrial says... #6
which planeswalkers do you recommend, lukas96? Angrath is definitely weak and mostly for fun, but I think Chandra does a great deal. The liliana is just to help me get vexing devil out of the graveyard and demigod into it. Im open to any suggestions!
February 27, 2018 2:49 p.m.
i dont think you need any playneswalkers at all. Chandra an liliana are very strong but they dont contribute anything you need to your deck
February 27, 2018 3:18 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #10
The deck looks super evil from a flavour perspective. I'd love to play against this, though I really can't say which deck I'd use. Definitely a +1.
It's not a god, demon or devil, but Kokusho, the Evening Star would fit gameplay-wise. And as it's a spirit, it's a god on Kamigawa.
August 18, 2018 2:31 a.m.
47v3ctorlulz says... #11
I could be wrong but I think Rakdos, Lord of Riots might fit nicely in there
September 3, 2018 1:27 a.m.
Dieciedue1 says... #12
This deck looks like it loses hard to tron. It has good cards to side in, but it seems hard to sideboard out for your good cards. I also think having a more blood moon friendly mana base might help. I'm kind of new to modern, however, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
December 13, 2018 11:06 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #13
How often do you end up landing a Demigod? I love the card, but man, it seems tough to find a good home for it!
Either way, deck looks sweet. Upvoted. Cheers!
EzraTerrestrial says... #1
NativeDman, I figured I'd just Dreadbore or Terminate if it didn't get removed by my opponents, but I might just find a way to reincorporate Butcher of the Horde. I'll have to see once I can playtest it with my friends more. Thanks!
August 28, 2015 11:39 a.m.